Chapter 12

Robin & Sarah pov

Sarah sat beside Robin on the couch having dinner when the evening news broadcast came up.

(News anchor on TV)

“News update: Life for Life Hospital shutdown reaches three months”

News anchor continues

“It's been three months since the biggest hospital in the city got abruptly shut down leaving many questions unanswered . The facility's closure was sparked by the tragic death of Racheal Mikaelson niece of notorious businessman Pedro Mikaelsons”

Sarah's expression turns grave, her interest piqued

News Anchor (continued)

“Racheal Mikaelson passed away shortly after undergoing surgery, prompting allegations of medical negligence and triggering a thorough investigation. Authorities have remained tight-lipped about the findings, fueling speculation and public concern."

Robin leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Do you think Ronald Anderson's disappearance is connected to Racheal’s death? because, why would he just disappear except he was involved in a way”

Sarah's gaze remained fixed on the screen.

"I intend to find out."

News Anchor (continued)

"The hospital's shutdown has left hundreds without access to medical care, and many are demanding answers. Pedro Mikaelson has released a statement, calling for transparency and accountability."

(A graphic displaying “ Pedro Mikaelsons Statement" appears on screen)

News Anchor (continued)

"As the investigation continues, the community remains eager for resolution. We will provide updates as more information becomes available."

The news broadcast transitioned to a commercial break. Sarah turned to Robin.

Here's the text with correct punctuation and formatting:

"This could be bigger than we thought."

"Are you sure you don't have a hand in this?" she questioned him suspiciously.

"What the fuck do you mean by that statement?" Robin shot back, dropping the food on the table to stare properly at her. "For fuck's sake, Myres was my friend, so I'd definitely visit him at the hospital. Are you that dumb not to grasp that?"

Sarah got pissed, turned off the TV, stood up, and pointed straight at Robin. "Did you just call me dumb and senseless, you betrayer, cheater, and liar? Did you just call yourself his friend?" she asked, laughing at him mockingly. "A friend who sleeps with his best friend's wife confidently? If that's the definition of a friend, you certainly are not one."

The anger on Robin's face was palpable, his hands clenched into fists as he looked at Sarah viciously. "Don't you dare talk rudely to me. We got in this together, and we will remain together."

"You're nothing but a monster," Sarah spat.

"And you, my lady, are a beauty," Robin replied, grinning from ear to ear, his voice dripping with malice. He walked to Sarah, caressed her cheeks, and his lips crushed into hers. She bit his lip, drawing blood, but Robin deepened the kiss as he lifted her onto the sofa.

"Wasn't this the exact reason you left that low-life husband of yours? Because I could satisfy you, uh? Isn't it?" Robin whispered.

Sarah could only moan silently, without replying, and Robin knew that was how she liked it. He definitely knew everything about Sarah.

The two had been high school sweethearts, but due to circumstances, they separated. Fate brought them together again, only it was too late – it was Sarah's wedding day. The look on both their faces couldn't be explained; lost feelings began to emerge, and there was nothing either of them could do about it.

Sarah's eyes never left Robin's as she asked, "What do you know about Racheal Mikaelson's death?"

Robin's expression turned guarded. "Only what's been reported. Medical negligence, investigation ongoing."

Sarah's gaze persisted. "You're hiding something."

Robin sighed, his shoulders relaxing. "I know Pedro Mikaelson. We've...done business together."

Sarah's eyebrows arched. "What kind of business?" Everyone knows how dangerous the Mikaelsons are, yet you did business together

Robin hesitated before responding, "Let's just say Pedro's influence extends far beyond his business empire."

The air thickened with unspoken secrets.

Sarah's thoughts turned to the news report. "I need to find out more about Racheal's death."

Robin shaked his head in disapproval, the Mikaelsons are dangerous according to you, getting involved will only put you in a difficult situation, so mind your little business and stay as far away as you can get.

Sarah's determination hardened. "I won't back down."

As they sat in silence, the shadows outside seemed to grow longer, hinting at the darkness lurking beneath the surface.

Suddenly, Robin's phone rang, shrill in the silence. He answered, his expression changing from calm to alert.

"What is it?" Robin listened intently before responding, "I'll handle it."

He hung up, his eyes locked on Sarah. “A call from an unknown number, I dear Pedro Mikaelsons wants to meet with us."

Sarah's heart skipped a beat. "Why?"

Robin's smile was laced with malice. "Looks like we're invited to a game of cat and mouse, you are curious right?”

The darkness outside seemed to seep in, as Sarah realized she was in deeper than she thought.

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