Ethan Smith: The Lost Heir

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Ethan Smith: The Lost Heir

By: Desired OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 75

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Ethan Smith, the useless son-in-law of Steve's family. He faced so much humiliation from Steve's family and even friends of his wife, Ava.  Unknown to them, Ethan Smith is the lost heir of Emerald Group. With this new discovery, Ethan swore to make his enemies bow at his feet. But first, he has to protect everything he holds dear to his heart. Will he succeed in protecting everything including his new identity?

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    2024-10-10 07:01:49
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9 chapters
Chapter 1
“Don't let your filthy hand touch me.” A feminine voice could be heard from the sitting room of the villa. “Mother, please I need some dollars to start up a little business”.“Shut your twerp you trash” the disdain in her eyes was evident as she looked at the figure kneeling in front of her.“But mother”.“Don't ever call me mother, I can never be the mother to such an unfortunate trash like you”. The woman, Kate sneered interrupting the man before her.“Wow, look who we have here, my loser brother-in-law, begging?”. a familiar voice spoke behind him. “ What else do you want from us?”Ethan bowed his head in shame. He couldn't meet the gazes of the people before him. One was his mother-in-law, Kate Steve and the other was her son, James Steve.“Mum, you sounded so serious on the phone”. The newcomer stopped in her words and snorted.Ethan was full of regrets. He had made the wrong decision coming to meet his mother-in-law for help. Ever since he graduated from the University three ye
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Chapter 2
At Steve's Villa in Nova City. It was beaming with lights. That night was Susie's engagement dinner party and the dining table was filled with few guests.“How long will it take that fool to serve the food?” Susie snared through gritted teeth. “I think you should give him a little time”. Ava broke in with a distasteful stare.Susie let out a sigh and looked at her mum. She was disappointed at mother's neutral attitude towards the situation. She didn't hide her disappointment.“Honey, just give him a few minutes”.A calm voice beside her said, it was the first time he spoke since they got here.Susie turned to face her fiancé, Lucas Fred. He is the CEO of Ember Tech. She was happy she's finally marrying someone richer than her father. “I swear, I would crush this good- for- nothing man with my fist”. Mrs Kate's face was red and flushed. She couldn't bear it again.“Mum, I’m sure he will be out soon. He is cooking without extra helping hands”. Ava tried to plead on her husband's behalf
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Chapter 3
“ He's of no use to this family, he couldn't even help your brother. Lucas was kind enough to help close the case. What did that loser do? Today, he decided to ruin your sister's day”.Ethan heaved a sigh of dismay and regret as he walked into the dining room, “Ava, I'm going out for fresh air”.“I'll go with you,” Ava said quickly.Ethan cuts in, “ just stay here, don't worry about me. I just need time alone”.James laughed behind him, “Bingo, have you eaten? Or do you intend to go out and beg for food? Don't do anything to tarnish our family’s name. Here, I have a dollar go buy something to eat!”“Let me add another dollar, you'll need water to enjoy your meal”. A voice beside James added, Brandon. He's a good friend of James.They produced a dollar note each from their pockets and threw it at Ethan's foot simultaneously.“ Hey loser, get new clothes too. You stink”. Lucas threw his black card at Ethan's foot.“ I bet he doesn't know what a black card is, he's so daft”. Susie smirk
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Chapter 4
“This can't be happening, when the accident occurred, did I hit my head? I might be hallucinating”. Ethan said and rose up with a confused expression. “How can I be the young master of a family I know nothing about? Is this some kind of prank or what? Let me tell you, I have no money, my wife has no money again and your hypnosis will not work on me”“ You did not hit your head, nor is anyone trying to hypnotise you here, young master”. Leo said with a hint of laughter in his voice. “Please, sit down let me explain everything to you”.Ethan had no intention of sitting down, he had heard enough. Everything was baffling him and he just needed answers.“ Like I said earlier, I am the butler of the most powerful and famous family in Nova City, the Smith family. Which is your family, young master. If only we knew things would go wrong soon…” Leo paused.Ethan felt like he was a child listening to his grandfather read Bedtime stories to him. Beyond that,he could pure hatred in Leo's eyes.Le
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Chapter 5
His brain couldn't process what was going on. Was he dreaming or could it be fate playing tricks on him? Whatever the case, it didn't matter to him.Now it could give his wife the life she deserves. No one would bully or insult them again, he remembered his wife's words and smiled.She's such an angel!Ethan took a cab and headed home, but first he needed to buy a new phone. So he told the cab driver to drop him off at Nice Phone Company.When he got to his destination,he stepped out and walked towards the entrance. The air felt different. He couldn't believe how his life had turned around for good.As he approached the door of the company, the security guard looked at him in confusion, wondering what a useless man like him was doing there.The security guard was ready to throw Ethan out at any moment if he turned out to be a burglar, this was because Ethan still wore his worn out jeans and dirty shirt. The security guard kept a special eye on Ethan, like that would be this lucky day
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Chapter 6
“He's about to call his gang members”“Give up already, you fool!”“He’s such a loser”Other customers made ugly comments, but Ethan still pleaded with the manager for his phone. The manager obliged.Ethan brought out the card Leo gave him and dialled the number. He gave the phone back to the manager after the call.Few minutes later, a convoy of exotic cars parked in front of the store and an elderly man came in with men in black suits.“ What's happening here, young master?” Leo asked.When they heard the words “young master”,everyone present was shocked. Young master? Who is this shabbily dressed young master?Ethan explained everything to Leo, who took the card and swiped it again, this time it signalled a green light, indicating the transaction was successful. Everyone watching was totally shocked.People took out their phones to video as things were becoming interesting, but the men in suits stepped in, videos and pictures of Ethan's back were taken.The manager immediately beca
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Chapter 7
Ava knew whatever profits they'd make would never get to her. That's if they're lucky enough to get through the first stage. “Who is confident enough to get us a mega project with Emerald Group?” Kate asked.James laughed, “Hahaha, mum this is a very funny question” “Are you dumb? This is very important to us and you're laughing about it”. Susie replied with anger evident in her voice.“Enough!” Kate shouted furiously, her face flushed with anger, “none of you is confident about getting a mega deal with Emerald Group. I want it as my 50th birthday gift”.They exchanged nervous glances, waiting for her next announcement.“Listen to me, whoever is able to get a deal with Emerald Group will get 20% of the profit as investment for his/her little business”.Everyone's jaw dropped to the floor, they never expected such an offer. The offer was juicy but no one was confident about getting a deal with Emerald Group.Kate had always told them to source for investments from other places. Accor
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Chapter 8
James smiled, “ is that all? I feel sorry for you Ethan, are you sure you really want to do this? Alright, I'll take the bet”.“That's not all”, Ethan said as he got a sheet of paper and wrote down everything He gave it to James,” sign here”.James collected the paper, read it out to the hearing of everyone, and he signed. Ethan also signed.“Now, we have binded the bet”. Ethan knew James would want to break their promise after he might have lost with the help of his sister and mother.James smiled coyly as he scratched his head, staring at his mother who was silent throughout their bet.Kate was more concerned about the deal with Emerald Group, her reputation was at stake. If they decide to bet with their lives she doesn't care.Ava was more startled by the entire event, did Ethan plan all this before asking her to take the task? She had even signalled him to stop but he simply ignored her.When everything was settled, Kate turned to Ava and smiled, “Ava, you have just two days to a
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Chapter 9
He quickly rushed to Ethan, he slapped him on his left cheek, “you had the guts to walk in here, I'll treat you like the criminal that you are”.“You're making a huge mistake” Ethan said coldly, as he dialled Leo's number.“Hello, young master.” Leo said cheerfully, he was hoping to hear everything went well.“I'm at the bank but some dimwits are accusing me of theft, denying me access to the manager, call the manager and tell him to come out in two minutes if he still wants to keep his job” Ethan said with an air of authority as he hung up the call.“Who do you think you're calling, huh? Jasper sneered at Ethan making a call.“We'll see when he comes,” Ethan shrugged as he looked at his wristwatch.“ You're so foolish, you've been caught red-handed and you're still acting innocent” the security guard said as he raised his baton to hit Ethan.“How dare you?” A scolding voice came immediately, the security guard's hand hung in the air.“ You must be the manager, you came out on time.
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