Chapter 8

James smiled, “ is that all? I feel sorry for you Ethan, are you sure you really want to do this? Alright, I'll take the bet”.

“That's not all”, Ethan said as he got a sheet of paper and wrote down everything

 He gave it to James,” sign here”.

James collected the paper, read it out to the hearing of everyone, and he signed. Ethan also signed.

“Now, we have binded the bet”. Ethan knew James would want to break their promise after he might have lost with the help of his sister and mother.

James smiled coyly as he scratched his head, staring at his mother who was silent throughout their bet.

Kate was more concerned about the deal with Emerald Group, her reputation was at stake. If they decide to bet with their lives she doesn't care.

Ava was more startled by the entire event, did Ethan plan all this before asking her to take the task? She had even signalled him to stop but he simply ignored her.

When everything was settled, Kate turned to Ava and smiled, “Ava, you have just two days to accomplish this mission. The third day, we'll gather here to know the outcome of your mission. That's the end of tonight's meeting.

“Excuse me mum”, Ethan said, please, let's put your offer into writing. It's just something to hold you to your words”.

Everyone stared at Ethan in utter surprise, is he really okay?.

“Okay, let's do it now”. Kate agreed to the surprise of everyone. She was willing to do anything to rise up the social rank.


When they got to their quarters, they sat down in silence staring at each other for a few minutes.

“I know you have a lot to say”. Ethan said, breaking the silence.

“Really?” Ava exclaimed in awe,  “what did you do? Did you hypnotise me? Why did I accept this?” Her  voice breaking.

Ethan moved close to her, placed his hand on hers and said confidently,  “darling, I believe in you, you will get this deal. Do not underestimate your abilities”.

With teary eyes, Ava looked at him “ Ethan, what if I fail? My business is not doing fine to even cater for us if we eventually get thrown out of here”.

Ethan smiled, “Ava, you'll get it, do not bother yourself and go to bed. Tomorrow, you'll have to draft out designs and do some writing as well. I'll help you with everything”.

She nodded and went to the bedroom, since they were given the boy's quarter they've never shared the same bed. Ethan slept on the couch in the sitting room every night.

Lying down, Ethan found it difficult to fall asleep. Everything that happened today was a real shock, he was even scared of sleeping. He might wake up to discover he was dreaming.

He walked to the bedroom, opened the door and watched Ava sleeping, then he said, “Ava, I will make your family respect you. Nobody will ever ridicule you again. I am a different man now. You'll know the truth in due time”.


The next morning after breakfast, Ethan sent a text to Leo stating he will be heading to the bank and the company document should be brought to the bank as well.He was not ready to be seen in the office yet

Ethan got to Pulse Bank a few minutes later. He walked nonchalantly to the entrance of the bank. The security guard who was stationed at the entrance saw Ethan walking towards the entrance and frowned. 

From his poor outfit, he looked like a beggar. He shrugged his shoulders, at the end of the month he'll still get paid,so he'll do nothing but watch Ethan to ensure he doesn't cause any problems inside the banking hall.

When Ethan got to the entrance, he greeted the security guard with a smile. The man just nodded in response to the greeting. He scanned Ethan to make sure he wasn't carrying any arms before granting him access into the bank. 

Ethan smiled at the security guard before entering the bank. The security guard turned to stare as Ethan walked leisurely into the bank. He simply shook his head in pity.

Ethan was looking at the signs on the doorposts, when someone touched him. He turned to see his college mate, Jasper.

“ Hey Ethan, you must be the new janitor”. Jasper raised his brows as he stared at Ethan.

“Janitor?”  Ethan scoffed, “ I'm here to see the bank manager”. He smiled as he looked at Jasper.

Jasper sneered as he looked at Ethan, his face filled with disgust, “manager? In your wildest dream, who are you to see the manager of Pulse Bank?”

He looked at Ethan head to toe, “you want to see him dressed like this? The manager only gives audience to elite clients”.

“Please, if you work here. I'll appreciate it if you can take me to the manager's office”. Ethan said smiling.

“Ethan, the useless son-in-law of Steve's family, damn! You're really daring, you wish to see the manager. Do you think the manager will see you?” Jasper laughed.

Ethan smiled, “ what makes you think he will not see me?”

“If you're not the new janitor, are you here to see if I'm doing well?” Jasper said with pride as he turned 360, “I'm doing well as you can see. Please leave before I call security on you”

Jasper sneered and said mockingly, “you're still trash and you'll never rise to the level of seeing the manager of Pulse Bank, go back home and continue your duties as a useless husband. I feel for that beautiful lady”.

Ethan laughed, “Lead me to the manager now, if you wish to keep your job.” He said authoritatively.

“Hahaha”, Jasper laughed out loud, “ that was so real, for a moment I fell for it. You should consider acting, maybe you'll be useful there”.

“Is that so?” Ethan's mouth curled up into a smirk as he stared at Jasper. “I gave you an opportunity but you're blinded by your stupidity, you just dug your own grave”.

“Really? An opportunity? I gave you an opportunity to leave but you decided to act foolish” Jasper said as he signalled the security guard to come.

The security guard who manned the entrance, came in immediately. “ I knew you're here to cause trouble”.

Ethan looked at him as he pulled out his phone, the black card fell out.

“Thief!” Jasper screamed as he picked up the card, “ you're the black card thief”.

Jasper quickly called for more security guards, he just caught the black card criminal. Recently, they've recorded a high increase in missing black cards, so Ethan was the one behind it.

This revelation made everyone in the bank shocked. They thought the news they've been hearing were just people seeking public attention.

“He had the guts to come to the bank”.

“That banker is a smart person”.

“Finally, the theft will end”.

People made comments which made Ethan smile, he was unmoved by their words.

The security guard noticed the attention of everyone was now on Ethan, he decided to play the hero for public admiration.

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