Chapter 4

The car hummed again, almost as if sending signals to the men standing before me, their heads bowed. 

“Mr. Jordan, please, you have to come with us.” 

I observed them closely as they stood in two neat lines, one opposite the other, leaving a narrow space between.

Or did Mikky send his men to kidnap me? No, this can’t be. Mikky's car is flashy, but this... this is way too luxurious for him. 

The sleek white Rolls-Royce, the polished interior—it didn’t match his obnoxious flaunting of wealth. He’s rich, sure, but not like this.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, my voice firmer this time, though a knot tightened in my chest, and my body still ached from the earlier ordeal.

 I wasn’t in the mood for more trouble.

The man in front, the one who had greeted me so respectfully, looked down at his feet, pretending he hadn’t heard the question. Another man, standing just behind him, shifted uncomfortably.

"Mr. Jordan," the first man began again, "it's best if you just come with us. We’ll explain everything once we get there."

"Get where?" I narrowed my eyes. "No. I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what this is about. Who are you?"

The men exchanged quick glances, their silent exchange saying more than words could. 

They were hiding something, and my patience was wearing thin.

“I’m not asking again,” I said, taking a step back from the car. My body still ached from the beating earlier, but adrenaline was kicking in. “You either tell me who you are, or I’m walking.”

That polite smile from earlier faltered, replaced with a look of quiet desperation. 

The leader, or whoever he was, sighed heavily. “I’m afraid that’s not an option.”

Before I could react, the two men flanking him moved. It happened so fast that I barely had time to register what was going on. 

Their hands were on me, firm but oddly gentle as if they were trying not to hurt me. 

Instinct kicked in, and I fought back. I shoved one of them off me and threw a punch at the other. It connected with his jaw, and he stumbled backward, clutching his face. But the strange thing was—he didn’t hit me back. 

Neither of them did. It was like they were scared to fight me.

“Stop it, Mr. Jordan!” one of them pleaded as he dodged another punch. “We don’t want to hurt you!”

“Then let me go!” I snarled, swinging wildly. I didn’t care if they weren’t fighting back—I wasn’t about to let these strangers drag me into a car against my will.

The first man, the one in charge, stepped forward quickly, pulling something from his jacket. Before I could even process what it was, I felt the rough bite of rope being wrapped around my wrists. 

“What the hell—” I started, but the rope was yanked tight, and my hands were bound.

Panic surged through me. I kicked at one of them, but they continued to pull me toward the car. I thrashed and my heart raced, but it was futile. 

They were stronger than they appeared.

“Who the hell sent you? Why are you doing this?” I snapped.

He looked away, refusing to answer, he signaled, the driver who started the engine, and the car lurched forward. 

I sat there, helpless, the world outside blurring as we sped away from the school, away from everything I knew.

After a while, the car pulled up to a sprawling mansion, and my eyes widened at the sight before me. 

It was like something out of a movie. 

The driveway seemed to go on forever, flanked by neatly trimmed hedges and shiny marble statues that sparkled in the light of fancy street lamps. 

The mansion itself was massive, its walls a pristine white, reflecting the light from crystal chandeliers hanging inside. Every window glistened, and the grand double doors at the entrance were framed by towering pillars of polished stone.

The place reeked of wealth, the kind that made you feel small just by standing near it.

I was dragged out of the car, my legs still unsteady from the ride. As I looked around, I noticed the security detail. Escaping from a place like this would be difficult. However, I began to devise an escape plan.

There were at least a dozen bodyguards stationed around the house, all dressed in black suits with earpieces in their ears. Their gazes were sharp and alert. They stood like statues—impassive, immovable, and intimidating.

I tried to process what was happening. This wasn’t a simple abduction. Whoever owned this place had the kind of money that could buy silence, power, and anything in between. But why me? 

My heart raced as I was escorted up the marble steps toward the front door. My mind raced faster. 

Who had I offended? Was it Mikky?

 No, this was too extravagant even for him. Besides, he was too busy humiliating me back at school. 

Or did Mikky’s father know about my confrontation with Mikky and now wants me to pay? But no, that didn’t seem right either. 

The opulence and grandeur of the place before me were far beyond anything the Cokers owned. 

I’d been to their mansion enough times, forced by Mikky to run his errands, and even their entire estate couldn’t compare to the luxury of this garage alone. 

The polished marble floors, the expensive cars lined up—it was a world far above Mikky’s.

My heart was pounding as I struggled to make sense of it all. This wasn’t some petty revenge from Mikky. No, this was something much bigger.

I hadn’t crossed paths with anyone who lived in a place like this. 

I glanced down at my clothes—still torn from the earlier fight—and it hit me. I had nothing of value. Nothing is worth all this effort. Why go through the trouble of bringing me here? I couldn’t make sense of it.

The doors swung open before I even got close, unveiling a lavish foyer. The floor was a shiny black-and-white checkered marble that led into a spacious area with grand staircases gracefully rising on both sides. 

Above me, a massive crystal chandelier sparkled like the sun, sending reflections dancing around the room like diamonds scattered on the walls. 

Gold accents shone from every nook, and pricey artwork adorned the walls—pieces I didn’t recognize but could tell were worth more than anything I’d ever owned.

It was a completely different world—so opulent it felt almost overwhelming.

‘Why? Why was I here?’ The thought never left me.

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