Chapter 6

I stood there, numb, as the weight of his words sank in. This was real. I wasn’t just some mistake or outsider—they were saying I belonged to this family, a family that seemed like something out of a dream. 

How was this even possible?

 My mind was reeling, desperately searching for some explanation. 

But before I could speak, my grandfather’s eyes sparkled with an excitement that seemed to have been bottled up for years.

He motioned for me to sit, his voice taking on a serious tone. “There’s so much you need to know, Jordan.” 

I hesitated, my heart pounding, but finally, I sat down. He leaned forward, hands clasped tightly, his gaze never leaving mine. “You’re not just inheriting a name. The Langston family isn’t just wealthy; we’re an empire. We are the Langston Consortium.”

“Langston Consortium?” I repeated, my voice barely a whisper as the enormity of what he was saying began to sink in.

“Yes,” he nodded firmly, his expression intense. “The Langston Consortium isn’t just any business; it’s one of the most powerful conglomerates in the world.”

As an accountancy student, I knew that a consortium was a large group of businesses that came together under one umbrella, pooling resources and influence to control multiple sectors. But the name Langston Consortium didn’t ring any bells.

My grandfather continued, his words spilling out with fervor. “Langston Consortium is affiliated with over seventy of the top companies in this country.”

Seventy companies?

 I had done my research on the top companies in the country, but I had never come across the name Langston Consortium. 

I knew of Coker Enterprises—Mikky’s father’s company—which was one of the top corporations around I knew of, worth nearly a billion dollars. Curiosity had led me to dig into its background once, but this… this was something else entirely.

Cole handed me a thick document.

“That’s the comprehensive list of the companies under the Langston Consortium,” my grandfather said with a note of pride in his voice.

I flipped through the document, my hands trembling. 

“And we don’t just have partnerships—Langston owns over 90% of the shares in every single one of those businesses.”

I sat there, stunned, trying to grasp the sheer size and power of what he was describing. This wasn’t just wealth; this was a legacy. The Langston Consortium wasn’t just a company—it was a machine that ran nearly everything.

Grandfather’s voice grew more animated as he continued. “Langston Consortium has its roots in Langston Industries, one of the leading energy companies in the world. We dominate the energy sector, from renewable resources to oil and gas.”

I listened, wide-eyed, as he detailed each sector. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing—Langston Industries had a staggering net worth of nearly $30 trillion. I gasped, my mind racing to comprehend that figure.

“Then there’s Langston Real Estate,” he went on, “which holds some of the most valuable properties in every major city across the country.”

“Wait, Coker Enterprises?” I nearly shouted, my shock evident.

 It was Mikky’s father’s company.

“Yes, Coker Enterprises,” he confirmed, his eyes narrowing as he gauged my reaction. “They were among our first partners. And as I mentioned, we own 70% of their shares.”

I swallowed hard. 

The realization that Mikky’s father wasn’t as untouchable as he seemed sent a surge of satisfaction through me. Suddenly, Mikky’s arrogance felt small and hollow.

“We’ve also invested in Orion Pharmaceuticals,” my grandfather went on, “a company that’s revolutionizing the healthcare industry, and Crestline Holdings, our financial arm, which manages billions in assets across both the private and public sectors.”

I flipped through the document again, each page revealing another shock. My grandfather was just summarizing, but the scale of it all was staggering.

This wasn’t just an empire—it was a force that shaped entire industries. And the fact that over seventy other companies were affiliated with Langston, all ranked among the top 100 businesses globally, only made the scope of it even more overwhelming.

My grandfather leaned closer, his voice lowering as if to emphasize the gravity of what he was about to say.

 “Jordan, this is more than just money. This is power. The Langston Consortium shapes industries and, in turn, shapes the lives of millions of people. You’ll be stepping into a role that will put you in control of the direction of our country’s economy, technology, energy—everything.”

I could barely breathe. 

This was far beyond anything I had ever imagined. My entire life had been spent scraping by, watching my grandmother work herself to the bone just to make ends meet.

 And now, here I was, sitting in front of a man who was telling me that my life was about to change in ways I could barely comprehend.

“Langston Consortium isn’t just ranked at the top,” he continued, his voice steady and resolute. “It is the top. There’s no competition. Every major decision, every market shift, every influential move—it all passes through our hands. And soon, it will be through yours.”

My heart raced as I looked into his eyes. 

There was no arrogance in his voice, no sense of boasting—only the cold, hard reality of power. I wondered how someone this powerful, meek and humble. 

This was my legacy, my inheritance, and it terrified me. I wasn’t ready for this. How could I be?

“This is your legacy. You belong here, Jordan.”

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