The Return of the Legendary Student

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The Return of the Legendary Student

By: Mac Nicholas 🖊️ Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 21 views: 32

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EXCERPT: With a clutched fist and a strong determination, he basked in the sensation of his quest for vendetta and growled inwardly. “They will pay for what they did to me, all of them!” His voice was resonate, as he moved across the swords that lay waste on the floor. Liam Robinson had only one intention, which was to make his college girlfriend happy, he did everything within his power just to make sure that he made her happy, but when the most famous and rich college student approached her, she wasted no time in running into his arms. Pained by the sorrow of the betrayal, Liam attempted to fight for his lover, but that only had one fatal consequence which was his untimely demise. Waking up several hours later, he found himself in a strange land, filled with unimaginably strange creatures, and reborn in another body. Now he has only one mission, which is to seek requital over his assailants and to make them suffer for all the things they did to him. With the aid of his newly acquired Amulet that wielded so much power beyond imagination and his new identity, he is set to seek requital on all those who assailed him, and climb up to the peak of his strength, unlocking the full potential of the supreme relic. Find out how the lowly college student with an unknown identity transcends into the world of impossibilities and moves into adventures that lead to so many revelations and discoveries.

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21 chapters
The hungry and thirsty customers at the Blackwood Diner sat at different corners, making orders, and consuming the food and drink served to them. Liam Robinson was one of the waiters, a twenty-three-year-old College Student in Boston, who had dreams of becoming a medical Doctor someday and struggled to achieve his dreams. Liam was an orphan who grew up in a foster home all through his life, and knew nothing about his identity. He managed to secure a scholarship in one of the prestigious Colleges in Boston and had to deal with the ridicule and callous demeanor he received from fellow students who bullied him and even some of his lecturers who felt he didn’t deserve to be in Hilton College. Clad in his waiter uniform, and with tiny sweatballs running down his face, he carried the cup of black coffee on the tray and walked toward table 22. “This is the last order.” He whispered to himself amidst the anticipation that made him forget about his exhaustion. “Here is your cup of c
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Liam was speechless, he couldn't believe what was happening as it was happening fast. Standing there at a corner of the hall amidst the loud music and the crowd that was dancing and drinking to mark the end of the year, Liam felt tears trickling down his cheeks. “Oh, no. Poor thing. Don’t cry.” Larry placed his right hand on Liam’s shoulder, pretending to care about him. “Get your filthy hands off me!” Liam hit Larry’s hand off his shoulder, fuming with so much annoyance. “You think you can do whatever you like because you are rich! How dare you try to steal my girlfriend from me?” Liam voiced out angrily, and then he turned to look at Pamela whose eyes fired shots of displeasure at him. “Pam love? Please, tell me this is a joke. Look, I got you this.” Liam quickly opened the box and pulled out the necklace“I have been saving up for this, and I just finished completing the payment. It's perfect.” Liam tried to wear it on Pamela. “Get that cheap thing away from me!” Pamela
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“Emrys! Wake up!” “Emrys! Wake up!” Liam heard the loud whispers, but he wasn't sure if he was supposed to open his eyes or not. “Emrys! It’s time! Wake up!” The whisper returned, and this time, it was louder, causing Liam to attempt to open his eyes almost immediately, but it felt as though he couldn't control his body. Suddenly, the memories of the encounter of the previous night surged into his mind, and he grunted in pain, shaking his head as he saw flashing images of his body plummeting from the tall building until he crashed to the ground and blacked out silently. He gasped! His eyes opened widely, and he blinked severally, panting at the tension that he felt all over him. “Where am I?” His mind questioned as he saw the bright stars that looked like they could be reached with a single jump, and the color of the atmosphere was glittery like nothing he had ever seen before. “Is this…heaven?” He struggled with the uncertainty that nestled in his mind as he looked arou
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Island of Aeaea
Brina smiled gracefully, pleased that Liam had shown interest in the quest. Her eyes brightened up with its glow, and she took two steps closer to Liam who stood still with his eyes staring at her. “The Island of Aeaea is located at the end of the ancient forest, far beyond the cursed mountains where the trolls lived. Circe chooses to live alone with her maidens where no mortal dares to trespass on.” “Oh. That sounds far. How do I get there? Do you have a car or maybe a horse?” Liam inquired anxiously, causing Brina to chuckle instantly. “There are no cars here, Emrys. And the horses you speak of have all gone into hiding after the darkness that came upon the forest.” “Oh,” Liam mumbled in a little disappointment, and then he sighed heavily. “Worry not, Warlord. I know just the perfect means to get you there in no time.” Brina said, igniting the sparkle of hope that was almost lost. “You might want to step back a bit.” She warned, but Liam stood still, his mind harboring
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Circe the Enchantress
The maidens dropped the baskets in their hands and quickly ran inside while Liam stood still at a spot, staring at the entrance of the cave. Shortly after, the maidens returned, but this time around, they were not alone. With them was the most beautiful woman Liam had ever seen in his life, and looking at her made his jaw drop. “She is a goddess!” Liam thought to himself as he couldn’t stop admiring the Enchantress. She had sunny hair that dazzled just like gold, cascading from her head down to her shoulders, and continuing until a few inches to her waist. Her eyes shun brightly like the sun, and her nose pointed straight like an arrow. She was dressed in a white robe that revealed part of her ravishing skin and with her feet bare just like the maidens. Her curvaceous body stood fitted in her apparel, and she had lovely beads on her waist that glittered like diamonds. “My love!” She gasped as soon as she saw Liam, and getting down from the step in front of the entrance to th
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Liam’s heart sunk deep into his stomach as he remembered the words that the guardian said to him. He stared at the apple, and all he could see was an entrapping poison, even though the fruit seemed really tasty and its red color made his mouth watery. “No, my love. I think I will pass.” “Are you rejecting this from me? This is a token of my love for you, look, it's an apple, a symbol of the passion that we share.” Circe persisted, pushing the apple closer until it touched Liam’s lips. “Go on, have a bit.” She persisted with a smile that soon faded, looking like she was about to get angry if he refused to eat from the apple. Liam stared at her for a while, and he could even see that the rest of the maidens standing at several corners had their eyes on him, waiting to see if he was going to reject a gift from their Mistress. “Everyone is watching, my love. Are you going to lead me to a ridicule?” Circe smirked at Liam, her eyes dazzling but in am impending rage. “Alright. Ju
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Liam stared at Brina for a while, his mind filled with thoughts that forced him to want to ask a lot of questions. “She stabbed me with this, and it penetrated my skin, but I didn't see any blood.” He showed the golden dagger to Brina who chuckled with her hands clasped together in front of her. “With the Amulet with you, you are invincible, and no weapon can be able to kill you. You now have some of the immortal abilities of Lord Phaunos, and you will get the rest when you come to full mastery and control of the Amulet.” Liam stared at the dagger for a while before turning his gaze to the Amulet, particularly the green pearl which dazzled, and with every hum it made, Liam felt an electric energy, surging into him. It also felt like he could feel the power of the pearl. “If I am invincible just like Lord Phaunos, why then did this dagger pierce through my skin?” Liam lifted the golden dagger higher than it was with so much inquisition on his face. “That is no ordinary dagger
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“Focus,” Brina called him back from his drift, and he unclenched his fists before he continued ascending the stairs with his eyes scouring the corners of the building as he went up. “Wait, hold on.” Liam was forced to stop as soon as an occurrence came to his mind, and he thought about it for a few seconds before he voiced out. “How am I supposed to get into the school? I will need to pay my fees, and even probably get to write an application before getting in.” “You worry too much, Emrys. All of that has been taken care of. All you need to do is to go in there and make sure that you come out as a college student just like you were.” Brina assured with a firm tone, clearing some of the uncertainties that Liam had in his mind. “I really hope this is a good idea.” Liam sighed heavily before he continued walking through the corridor that led to the Dean’s office. He continued through the path for a while until he arrived at the brown door by his right with the label of Dean’s o
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Liam stood frozen while he watched the car move toward him at a moderate speed. He had several thoughts running through his mind as he looked at Pamela kissing Larry on the cheek while the car moved toward him. Dan was seated in the backseat of the car, going through his phone with full attention. “Emrys…” Brina called out to him, but he stood firm almost in the middle of the road looking at the people who were responsible for his death as they approached from a distance, looking as though nothing had happened. “Emrys? I think you should leave the way.” Brina called out to Liam again, but his anger had engulfed him, almost keeping him stagnant in a place. Soon, the car got really close to him, but he was still standing while Larry was more focused on the public show of affection he was displaying with Pamela who eventually looked through the windshield to see that someone was standing in front of them. “Larry! Watch out!” Pamela gasped, hitting Larry on the left shoulder to
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Lord Emrys
Liam continued looking at the three companions as they got into the car and zoomed off at once without turning around to look at him. It was obvious that he had succeeded in making them really nervous, something that no one in the school had been able to do. “How do you feel? Relieved?” Brina’s voice called Liam back to reality, causing him to sigh heavily in an attempt to get rid of some of the anger that was still surging through his veins. “No, I am not. I will be when I eventually make them pay.” “I am sure you will make them pay in due time. For now, can we focus on going to the sta…What was it you called it again?” “Parking lot…” “Yes! The parking lot. Go to the parking lot, someone is there waiting for you.” Liam sighed again, and then he turned around slowly and started to walk toward the parking lot, struggling to get rid of the anger that engulfed him entirely. He got to the parking lot in less than five minutes, and then he scoured the entire place in anticipa
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