
Liam was speechless, he couldn't believe what was happening as it was happening fast. Standing there at a corner of the hall amidst the loud music and the crowd that was dancing and drinking to mark the end of the year, Liam felt tears trickling down his cheeks.

“Oh, no. Poor thing. Don’t cry.” Larry placed his right hand on Liam’s shoulder, pretending to care about him.

“Get your filthy hands off me!” Liam hit Larry’s hand off his shoulder, fuming with so much annoyance.

“You think you can do whatever you like because you are rich! How dare you try to steal my girlfriend from me?” Liam voiced out angrily, and then he turned to look at Pamela whose eyes fired shots of displeasure at him.

“Pam love? Please, tell me this is a joke. Look, I got you this.” Liam quickly opened the box and pulled out the necklace

“I have been saving up for this, and I just finished completing the payment. It's perfect.” Liam tried to wear it on Pamela.

“Get that cheap thing away from me!” Pamela grabbed the necklace angrily from Liam, and flung it on the ground, causing him to gasp in more shock.

“I have told you, Liam! I am done with this rubbish you call a relationship! It’s over between us! O-V-E-R! Over!”

“You can't say that, Pam, we can't be over.” Liam tried to move closer to Pamela, but Larry got in his way and pushed him backward.

“You heard the lady, errand boy. It’s over, beat it!”

Liam tried to push harder, but Larry was stronger than he was, and he was just a lean young man with no balanced diet.

“Don’t push it, Liam. It’s over, you lost Pamela. She is all mine now.”

“Lies! I won't let you have her! You can't do as you please just because you have some cash to throw around!” Liam persisted with an angry face, and Larry sniggered at him.

“Very well, then. Do whatever you want, ask her if she wants you.” Larry slowly moved out of the way and gestured to Pamela who was still holding onto his hand.

“Go on, ask her. She is right here.” Larry said with a confident smile on his face.

Liam looked at Pamela, and even though he had so much uncertainty, he still held onto the tiny flicker of hope that lingered in his heart.

“Pamela? Are you breaking up with me? Are you going to choose this womanizer over me?” He asked with a shaky tone, looking at Pamela whom he could barely recognize.

Pamela sighed heavily, and then she looked at Larry who gave her a sign to go ahead with what she was about to say before she returned her gaze to Liam.

“Thank you, Liam, for all the things you did even though I didn’t beg you to. But it was fun while it lasted. I am with Larry now, and I think you should move on.” Palmela was cold.

“You heard her, Errand boy. It’s over. Don't worry, the next time you come to my apartment to wash and clear my thrash, I will add some extra cash for you. I am sure that will be enough to wipe your tears away.” Larry ridiculed Liam who grunted in annoyance.

“You!” Liam moved to grab Larry, but a heavy hand held him on his jacket from the back.

“Not so fast. What do you think you were about to do?”

Liam turned around to see the person holding onto his jacket, and he recognized Dan Ferguson, Larry’s right-hand man who was more like his bodyguard.

He struggled to free himself from his grip, but Dan held onto him tightly, sniggering as he watched him struggle with futility.

“Get this scumbag away from here.,” Larry said to Dan who nodded in response.

“Gladly.” Dan dragged Liam away from the spot while he struggled to free himself from his tight grip.

“Let me go!”

Dan ignored Liam and continued dragging him through the crowd until he got to the stage where the DJ was stationed.

“Stay here!” Dan pushed Liam to the ground, and then he grabbed the microphone from the DJ.

“Everyone! Over here! Errand boy here just got ditched!” Dan announced, and the attention of everyone in the hall was drawn to Liam who sat on the floor with his head bowed.

“No,” Liam whispered as he covered his face to avoid being captured by the cameras as flashes from the phones of some of the students shined at him.

“Look at him! Such a loser!”

“I wonder what Pamela saw in someone like him. He doesn't even dress properly with his cheap clothes and old shoes.”

“Errand boy! Look at me! Say hi to the camera!”

Liam couldn’t lift his face to look at the crowd who seemed like they had been waiting for the right opportunity to torment him.

“Let me have that.” Larry grabbed the microphone from Dan as soon as he walked over to Liam who was surrounded by the taunting crowd while he held onto Pamela’s waist with his left hand.

“Listen everyone!” Larry spoke into the microphone, and the hall suddenly went silent as the DJ was forced to turn down the volume of the music.

“Pamela and I are officially dating, and we will be going to my lake house for the Christmas break to spend quality time together,” Larry announced, and then he gently dragged Pamela closer to him and kissed her passionately.

“Aww! They look cute together!”

“She is so lucky!”

The remarks from some of the female students in the hall forced Liam to lift his face slowly, and when he saw the heartrending sight he couldn't stand it.

“I can't bear this humiliation. He has to pay for this!” Liam gave in to his rage and stood up to grab Larry on his jacket.

“You moron!” Liam pushed Larry to the ground, and sat on him, throwing punches at him.

“Get away from him!” Pamela tried to drag Liam away from Larry, but her efforts were fruitless.

Larry would have had his face smashed if not for the timely intervention of Dan who quickly dragged Liam away from him, and carried him to the balcony.

“Come, baby. Get up..” Pamela helped Larry who managed to stand up, and then he grunted in intense rage before he hurried to the balcony.

Seeing that the drama in the hall had ended, the DJ increased the volume of the music, and everyone continued dancing.

Dan hurled Liam to the floor, and before he could get a hold of himself, he threw two heavy punches at him, causing him to bleed from his nose.

“I have always wanted to do that! That's for embarrassing me in front of everyone in the classroom!” Dan sniggered, standing over Liam who was grunting in pain.

“You! You will pay for this!” Larry said with a hoarse tone as soon as he got to the balcony. He walked toward Liam and spat on him, releasing the bloody saliva from his mouth on his face.

“Get him up!” Larry said to Dan who gladly pulled Liam up with both hands, holding him on the collar of his bloody white shirt

Liam’s vision became very blurry, and he struggled to catch his breath as a result of the heavy punches he received from Dan’s muscular fists.

“You made the worst mistake of your life laying your wretched hands on me! You are dead!” Larry pulled off his jacket and handed it over to Pamela who walked in a few seconds after him.

“You embarrassed me in front of everyone, and now you will pay for it!” Larry loosened his tie before he unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up.

“This is for your foolishness!” Larry threw a punch at Liam who staggered, but Dan held onto him from the back, stopping him from falling.

Liam looked at Pamela who stood there at a spot, enjoying the show, he couldn't believe she could do such a thing to him.

Larry continued throwing punches at Liam while Dave held onto him, preventing him from falling.

His face was swollen with bruises all over, and his eyes began to shut as blood flowed from his nostrils and mouth.

“You should have left when I asked you to, but you chose to be stubborn,” Larry continued punching Liam until he was completely sapped.

Larry grabbed Liam by his shirt and then dragged him to the rail, and pressed him against the metal.

“By the time I am done with you, you will wish you never existed!” Larry continued punching him hard on the face with his left hand holding him tightly on the shirt.

Liam felt his weight pressing down the shaky rail, and he grabbed onto Larry’s jacket firmly with both hands, pulling him to get balanced.

“Let go of me, you fool!” Larry pushed Liam forcefully on his chest, and his weight pulled off the rail from its hinges.

Liam lost his balance and fell off the balcony, holding onto Larry’s hand while he dangled in the air.

“Please. Help, me.” He pleaded with a weak voice, but Larry only saw an opportunity to get rid of him.

“Your existence has no relevance to the world. You are worthless.” Larry said with a cold tone, and he kicked Liam hard on his chest with a strong force.

Liam felt vitality leaving him as he fell from the twenty-foot height, and before he could land on the hard floor, he gave up the ghost. His body made a heavy thud on the floor, and his blood splattered all over the place with his eyes wide open.

“Let’s get out of here,” Larry said to his partners, and they quickly returned to the party, and acted like nothing had happeneed.

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