The Return of the Legendary Student
The Return of the Legendary Student
Author: Mac Nicholas 🖊️

The hungry and thirsty customers at the Blackwood Diner sat at different corners, making orders, and consuming the food and drink served to them.

Liam Robinson was one of the waiters, a twenty-three-year-old College Student in Boston, who had dreams of becoming a medical Doctor someday and struggled to achieve his dreams.

Liam was an orphan who grew up in a foster home all through his life, and knew nothing about his identity. He managed to secure a scholarship in one of the prestigious Colleges in Boston and had to deal with the ridicule and callous demeanor he received from fellow students who bullied him and even some of his lecturers who felt he didn’t deserve to be in Hilton College.

Clad in his waiter uniform, and with tiny sweatballs running down his face, he carried the cup of black coffee on the tray and walked toward table 22.

“This is the last order.” He whispered to himself amidst the anticipation that made him forget about his exhaustion.

“Here is your cup of coffee, Ma’am.” Liam placed the cup of coffee on the table in front of the old lady dressed in a blue cloche hat and white flowery gown.

“Oh, thank you so much, Liam.” The old lady chuckled with a graceful smile on her face, and then she grabbed the cup from the saucer and stirred the black coffee.

Liam felt a bit surprised that the old lady knew his name as he had never seen her before, but on second thought, he remembered that his name was tagged on his white shirt.

“Enjoy your coffee.”

“Oh, wait.” She gestured to Liam as soon as he turned around to leave, and then she dropped the coffee back on the saucer without tasting it.

“Is there a problem, Ma’am? Do you need any other thing?”

“Oh, no. There is no problem, but there will be if you don't do something about it.” The old lady said calmly and with a neutral expression on her face.

Holding onto the tray in his right hand, Liam wondered what she meant by those words, but it was clear from her countenance that she wasn't done talking.

“There is a storm coming, Liam. And the balance of the two worlds rests on a threshold. Your fate has been sealed, and the encounters of tonight will open the pathway to your true destiny.”

Liam stared at the strange lady with a lot of thoughts running through his mind. Her words sank deep into his mind, but they made absolutely no sense.

“Okay. I will keep that in mind.” Liam feigned a smile, and then he turned around and started walking away.

“What the hell?” He whispered to himself while he sauntered through the aisle of the restaurant, and when he was greatly disturbed by the words of the old lady, he turned around to look at her.

“Where did she go?” He scoured through the corners of the dining hall, looking for the lady who suddenly disappeared.

“This is strange.” He returned his gaze to the table, and he could see that her cup of coffee was still there, with a heavy sigh, he decided to forget about her and move on with his life.

He walked straight to the Manager’s office after returning the tray with a bright smile plastered across his face.

“Aha. Just the man I wanted to see. Come, Liam.” Mr. Valden gestured to Liam who quickly walked up to him without getting rid of his smile.

He stood in front of his desk and clasped his hands behind him.

“I know what you are here for.” Mr. Valdez reached into his drawer and pulled out an envelope which he handed over to Liam.

“Thank you, Sir.” Liam pulled out the cash in the brown envelope and counted it at once. Suddenly, his smile started to disappear, and a gloom appeared.

“Mr. Valdez?”

“Mm-hmm?” The middle-aged man mumbled without lifting his face.

Liam looked at the dollar notes one more time before saying the words that bore his feelings.

“My wage. It’s not complete. It’s supposed to be four hundred dollars, but I am seeing...” He counted the hundred-dollar notes again just to be sure.

“Three hundred dollars.”

“That’s correct.” Mr. Valdez lifted his face and affirmed his words with a nod.


“No buts, Liam. You know the rules. You broke a plate, and we had to take it from your salary. You should be happy you are getting that.”

“A hundred dollars for just a plate?” Liam huffed some air in so much surprise, staring at the man who had a smirk on his face.

“You should be grateful for what you got, Liam. Now, if you don't mind, I was doing something before you came in, and I would like to get back to it.” Mr. Valdez returned his gaze to the screen of his laptop, ignoring Liam who almost felt like crying.

The greedy Manager had chosen the very wrong time to slash his pay again, and he was devastated about it, especially with the fact that there was nothing he could do.

Taking in a deep breath, and giving in to his fate, Liam exhaled sharply, and then he walked out of the office and changed into his second-hand black suit with a pair of black sneakers.

He left the restaurant and walked down the street with a smile he managed to put up at the last minute. He walked into the jewelry store and hurried to the counter.

“Liam! You are here.”

“Yes, Mr. Coleman. I hope the necklace is still here. I have the remaining money.” Liam pulled out the envelope from his pocket and dropped it on the counter.

“Just a second.” The Salesman went into a room behind him and returned a few seconds later with a red jewelry box.

“She must be special.” Mr. Coleman placed the box on the table.

“Can I?” Liam extended his hands slowly toward the box.

“Go ahead. It’s all yours.” Mr. Coleman picked up the envelope and counted all the money inside.

“Three hundred dollars. That would be a total of five hundred and fifty dollars. It’s complete.” He nodded in satisfaction.

Liam picked up the box and opened it at once. The sight of the silver necklace with a lovely pendant made him forget that he had just spent his entire wage on it.

“Thank you, Mr. Coleman.” He walked out of the store and boarded a taxi which took him to Hilton’s College where the end of the year party was held.

He climbed up the stairs to the hall with the box in his hands, and with each step he took, the sound of disco music increased from the hall.

Liam managed to get across some of the College students dancing in the hall, looking around with so much eagerness.

Suddenly, his eyes caught sight of a scenario right in front of him, and he gasped in shock.

“Pamela?” He blinked his eyes to be sure his eyes weren't deceiving him as he looked at his girlfriend kissing another man.

Standing right there with his mouth agape and his heart throbbing frantically against his chest, Liam couldn't believe the sight before him.

He had been dating Pamela Winston since they got into college, and even though she was clearly out of his league because of how hot she was, he did everything he could to please her which included financing her extravagant lifestyle through his sweat and pockets.

It was their fourth anniversary, and he bought her that expensive necklace to surprise her but ended up being dumbfounded.

“Who is that fellow?” Liam whispered to himself, and with an ascending rage, he quickly walked up to Pamela and dragged her away from the man whose arms were wrapped around her waist with his lips locked in with hers.

“What the hell, Liam? What did you do that for?” Pamela flared with so much annoyance as soon as she saw that it was Liam who dragged her away from her new lover.

Liam huffed in disbelief as he looked at his girlfriend who seemed very upset by what he did.

He turned to look at the man whom she had been kissing, and that was when he felt more heartbroken than he already was.

That was no other person than Larry Prescott, the spoilt rich kid who bullied everyone in school because his father was the richest billionaire in Boston City.

“Pamela? Liam turned to look at his girlfriend with a pitiable countenance, but she was devoid of any form of remorse as she rolled her eyes at him in disdain.

“Well, I guess it’s high time you found out. I am sick and tired of playing silly games with you.” Pamela blurted with an icy tone, and then she flung the strands of hair on her face to the back of her head and walked over to Larry who stood flashy and tall with his long curly black hair.

“There would be no need to make any introductions.” Pamela grabbed Larry’s hands, chuckling in excitement.

“Larry and I have been dating for a year now.”


“Oh, yes, Liam. What? Did you expect me to remain with a broke boy like you?” Pamela scoffed without getting rid of the smirk on her face.

“Bu…But you said you loved me.” Liam stuttered eventually, and Pamela sniggered at him, together with Larry who seemed to be enjoying the show.

“Well, maybe I did. But right now, I am happy with Larry. He makes me so happy and provides all the things I want.” Pamela placed her right hand on Larry’s chest and kissed him on his right cheek just to taunt Liam whose jaw dropped at once.

“Liam, Liam, Liam. You should be happy that I am taking this burden away from you. Pamela here is too sophisticated to be with you. Look at her, do you think she deserves to be with a pauper like you? Someone who is on a scholarship.” Larry said with a smirk on his face.

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