chapter two

Jason’s ears rang as his vision blurred, not from the slap, but from the realization that everything he had believed about their relationship had been a lie. He had been used—nothing more than a convenient source of money.

Linda turned back to Ethan, completely ignoring Jason as if he were invisible. Jason stood there, the laughter and whispers of the crowd echoing in his ears, his world crashing down around him.

Jason stood there, feeling the heaviness of Linda’s cruel words. His heart pounded, every beat hammering in the reality of what was happening. Just minutes ago, he was certain he could fix things between them, but now, with Ethan’s arm wrapped possessively around Linda’s waist, it felt like the ground beneath him was slipping away.

A part of him wished he could do something at the very least but he knew it was just a waste of time. He was a nobody compared to Ethan whose father could have his life out into misery with a single snap of his fingers.

Linda turned to him with a condescending smile, playing the role of the innocent girl caught in a misunderstanding. Her voice, dripping with fake sympathy, barely hid the venom behind her words.

"Jason," she began softly, like she was talking to a child, "I don’t know why you keep doing this to yourself. You really need to stop chasing after me." Her eyes flickered to Ethan, who smirked. "I have a boyfriend now. You don’t stand a chance."

Jason felt his blood run cold. "What?" His voice was sharp, filled with disbelief. "You never told me we were done. You’ve been stringing me along, making me think we still had something going on. What have I been to you all this while?" he asked with a croaking voice

Linda sighed dramatically, shaking her head as if she were tired of the conversation. "I didn’t string you along. You just couldn’t take a hint. Ethan’s been my boyfriend for months. I’ve moved on, and it’s about time you did too."

Jason’s chest tightened as her words sank in. His hands curled into fists at his sides, his mind racing between the betrayal, the lies, and now, the public humiliation. He couldn’t let her get away with this—not after everything he had sacrificed, all the effort he had put in just to make her happy.

Ethan, watching with a wide grin, took a step forward. "Man, don’t make this harder than it already is. You really thought someone like Linda would stay with you forever?" He chuckled, the sound grating in Jason’s ears. "Face it, you’re not in the same league. Linda belongs with someone who can give her everything she deserves." He gestured around with a wave of his hand. "Everyone here knows it."

The crowd, watching silently, began whispering among themselves. Jason could hear their comments, each one like a blade to his heart

"Can’t he see she’s way out of his league?"

"He’s just embarrassing himself now."

"What a creep. She’s with Ethan, and he still won’t leave her alone."

Jason could feel his skin burn with shame, but he wasn’t going to let them turn him into a laughingstock without a fight. His gaze locked on Ethan, fury bubbling beneath the surface.

"You think your money makes you better than me?" Jason snarled, stepping forward, his voice rising. "You’re just hiding behind it, thinking you can walk all over people. You don’t even care about her. You just want to show off."

Ethan raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by Jason’s outburst. "Oh, you think this is about money?" His smirk widened. "No, it’s about knowing your place. And right now, your place is way beneath me. And as for the money, It is not my fault I was born rich." he said sliding on top of the car with Linda between his thigh

Without warning, Ethan stepped closer and spat directly at Jason’s feet, the crowd gasping in shock at the blatant display of disrespect. Jason’s face twisted in fury. His body tensed, his vision narrowing as anger consumed him. He could no longer hear the whispers or see the onlookers—all that existed was the overwhelming need to wipe that smirk off Ethan’s face.

Before anyone could react, Jason’s fist shot out, connecting squarely with Ethan’s jaw. The impact sent Ethan stumbling backward, his hand shooting to his face in surprise. The crowd erupted into gasps and murmurs, some shocked by Jason’s sudden aggression, others secretly cheering him on.

But Jason had barely a moment to savor the brief victory before Ethan’s bodyguards, two large men dressed in black, rushed forward. In an instant, they grabbed Jason by the arms, holding him in place as he struggled to break free.

Ethan, recovering quickly, straightened up and touched his lip, finding a small drop of blood. His expression darkened, and his eyes blazed with anger. "You really shouldn’t have done that," he hissed. He motioned to his bodyguards. "Hold him still."

Jason’s heart pounded, but he refused to back down, glaring defiantly at Ethan. "You deserve it," he spat. "You both do."

Ethan chuckled, though there was no humor in it now. He approached Jason, his steps slow and deliberate, like a predator savoring its prey. "You’re a fool, Jason. A broke, pathetic fool."

With a swift motion, Ethan landed a hard punch to Jason’s stomach. Jason doubled over in pain, gasping for air, but the guards held him upright, refusing to let him collapse. Ethan’s foot swung out, kicking Jason’s legs from under him. He fell to his knees, barely able to stay upright as Ethan towered over him, his foot pressing down on Jason’s shoulder, forcing him lower.

"You see?" Ethan said, raising his voice so the crowd could hear. "This is where you belong—on your knees, in the dirt."

The crowd was silent, watching as Jason was pushed further down, his face pressed against the ground. Some whispered among themselves, others looked away, unwilling to meet his gaze.

Jason groaned, struggling to lift his head, but the weight of Ethan’s foot on his back was too much. The pain radiated through his body, but worse than that was the shame. The complete and utter humiliation of being so publicly crushed.

And yet, through the haze of pain and humiliation, a single thought pierced through: I won’t stay down. Not forever.

Just as Ethan prepared to deliver another blow, a voice from the crowd broke through the tension. "What’s going on here?"

Jason’s heart skipped a beat. The crowd parted slightly, revealing a figure walking toward them with an air of authority. Ethan hesitated, his grin faltering, as a professor stepped into view, her eyes sharp with disapproval.

Jason’s breath caught in his throat. This could change everything.

The professor’s gaze swept over the scene—Jason on his knees, Ethan’s foot on his back, the bodyguards looming behind them. Her eyes narrowed, and her voice was cold and cutting as she addressed Ethan.

"Get your foot off him, now."

For a moment, everything seemed to hang in the balance. Ethan looked down at Jason, his expression unreadable, before slowly removing his foot. The bodyguards let go of Jason, and he crumpled to the ground, gasping for air.

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