chapter three

Jason lay on the ground, his chest heaving as he struggled to regain his breath. Every muscle in his body was in pain, but worse was the humiliation. The crowd still stand looking at the drama, though their murmurs had died down. He could feel their eyes on him, judging, mocking, pitying him. Ethan stood nearby, his face smug, confident in his victory.

As Jason attempted to push himself off the ground, his arms trembled beneath him. He managed to get one knee up, but his body felt weak, too battered to move quickly. His head throbbed, and the weight of his failure pressed harder on him than Ethan’s foot ever had.

Before he could fully stand, the sharp sound of heels clicking against the pavement filled the air. The crowd parted once more, this time revealing a figure of power and authority: Mr. Reynolds, the director of the school. He was impeccably dressed in a crisp suit, his hair neatly combed back, and his expression severe. The professor who had come to Jason’s rescue straightened immediately, stepping back to let the director take charge.

Jason froze. He knew Reynolds by reputation alone—the man was cold, calculating, and always favored the wealthiest and most influential students. The fact that Ethan’s father was one of the school’s top donors didn’t bode well for him.

Reynolds’ eyes scanned the scene, first landing on Ethan, who smiled innocently, then on Jason, still hunched over on the ground. His gaze was as hard as stone when it fell on Jason, and Jason’s heart sank further. There would be no justice here. Not for him.

“What is the meaning of this?” Reynolds’ voice boomed, cutting through the silence like a knife. His eyes darted between the professor and the crowd, then settled on Ethan, whose expression softened into one of feigned regret.

“It’s really unfortunate, Mr. Reynolds,” Ethan began, his voice dripping with false sincerity. “Jason here attacked me. I didn’t want to fight, but he threw the first punch.”

Jason’s blood boiled at the blatant lie. “That’s not what happened!” he spat, struggling to stand fully. “You’ve been tormenting me for weeks, and I finally—”

Reynolds raised a hand, silencing him. “Enough, Mr. Walker.”

Jason looked around thinking one of the students was going to stand up for him but non of them said a word. It was like they all haven't witnessed the humiliation, the beating and the way Ethan had disregarded him. It was just like the didn't exist.

Jason’s mouth snapped shut, his fists clenching at his sides. He wanted to scream, to make Reynolds see the truth, but he knew it was useless. The director had already made up his mind.

“I’ve seen this sort of behavior from you before,” Reynolds said, his voice dripping with disapproval. “You’re always involved in some kind of trouble, aren’t you? And now, attacking one of our top students, someone whose family has done so much for this institution. I won’t tolerate it.”

Jason’s heart sank. It wasn’t fair. It had never been fair. “I didn’t—”

“Enough.” Reynolds' voice was sharp, final. “You’ll be suspended for a month, effective immediately.”

Jason’s eyes widened in disbelief. “Suspended? But he—”

“I’ve heard enough excuses, Mr. Walker. You’re lucky I’m not expelling you on the spot.”

The professor, who had initially intervened, opened her mouth to say something, but one look from Reynolds made her stop. She quickly averted her eyes, offering no further defense for Jason.

Ethan watched the exchange with a smug grin, the glint of victory in his eyes. Linda, standing beside him, gave Jason a pitying look, as though she was somehow the victim in all this. Jason felt his chest tighten, but there was nothing he could do.

“I’ll be speaking with your parents, of course,” Reynolds continued, turning to walk away. “Now, get off the premises. You’re no longer welcome here.”

Jason stood frozen, the words echoing in his mind. His parents... his father would never forgive him for this. He’d already been on thin ice, struggling to keep up with the high expectations placed on him. This suspension was going to ruin everything.

As Reynolds walked away, Ethan stepped forward, leaning down close to Jason’s ear. “Tough break, Walker,” he whispered, a malicious grin on his lips. “Guess you’re not as important as you thought.”

Jason’s vision blurred with anger and frustration, but he couldn’t act on it. Not now. His fists trembled at his sides as he watched Ethan stroll away, hand in hand with Linda.

The crowd began to disperse, muttering among themselves as the spectacle came to an end. Jason stood alone in the center of the courtyard, his mind spinning with a mixture of fury, embarrassment, and despair.

He had lost everything.

As he walked toward the gates of the school, each step felt heavier than the last. He could hear the whispers of the other students, see the judgment in their eyes. They all saw him as a failure, as someone who had stepped out of line and been crushed under the weight of it. He was nothing to them.

The gates of the school loomed ahead, cold and unwelcoming. Jason hesitated for a moment, looking back at the campus that had once felt like his second home. Now, it was just another place that had rejected him.

With a heavy sigh, he pushed through the gates and left the school grounds. The world outside felt different, colder, lonelier. He didn’t know where to go. His parents would be furious, and he had no friends left to turn to. Everyone had sided with Ethan. Everyone had chosen to believe the lie.

Jason wandered aimlessly for what felt like hours, his mind clouded with thoughts of revenge, shame, and despair. He had lost Linda. He had lost his place at school. He had lost everything he had worked for.

Jason’s aimless walk took him far beyond the familiar roads around the school. His feet carried him without purpose, just a need to escape. The weight of his suspension clung to him like a heavy fog, clouding his thoughts. The further he wandered, the more desperate he became, each step leaving him more isolated than the last.

He knew he couldn’t go home, not yet. His father’s rage would be unbearable, the disappointment even worse. But where could he go? Ethan’s lie had stripped him of everything—his reputation, his friends, even his dignity.

The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the pavement. Jason barely noticed, his mind still replaying the scene over and over—the smug look on Ethan’s face, the pity in Linda’s eyes, Reynolds’ cold indifference. How could it all have gone so wrong?

Suddenly, a sleek black car pulled up alongside him, its tinted windows gleaming in the fading light. Jason’s heart skipped a beat. " Who could this be?" he asked seeing the tinted glasses

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