Chapter Nine

The morning air was still cool when Ryan's phone buzzed.

Groggy and annoyed, he answered it to hear Jane’s voice on the other end.

"I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to pick you up as promised. I’ve got an emergency meeting out of state," she said, her tone brisk.

"What about your driver? Can’t he come and pick me up?” He asked, his irritation seeping into his voice.

"No,” she responded sharply.

"You will have to find your own way to my house.”

Before he could protest, she hung up.

A few moments later, his phone pinged again—this time, it was a text with the address and some money for transport.

He stared at the credit alert, his annoyance growing.

"She is such a rude asshole,” he muttered, pocketing his phone.

Even though they had agreed to keep things strictly business, he had hoped she would show a bit of common courtesy. Instead, it felt like she was going out of her way to make things difficult.

“I guess that is what I will have to deal with for the next three years,” he sighed
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