Chapter Two

With a calm demeanour, Ryan asked Lancelot, "What is wrong?"

But before Lancelot could explain what was happening to Ryan, two police officers walked in.

They scanned the bar before locking eyes with Lancelot and asking, "We were told Mr. Ryan Reyes is here. Where is he?"

Slowly, Lancelot's eyes drifted towards Ryan.

"There he is," he muttered.

Even though Ryan was curious about why the police were interested in him, he kept his cool.

As the officers strode towards him, their gazes were locked on him.

Reaching his front, the one that asked Lancelot of his whereabouts, who seemed to be the boss, brought out his police identification card.

"I'm Captain Frank Bowers, and this is Sergeant Alex Miguel. You are being accused of assault and attempted murder in connection with an altercation involving a Mr. Chad," the officer said.

Ryan chuckled, remaining calm. "When was this report made?"

"Just some hours ago," Captain Frank replied.

As Lancelot started to explain that Ryder had been at his stall the whole time and had only just left a few minutes ago, Ryan interrupted him with a quick smile.

"Don’t worry, I get what is going on," he said calmly.

He knew exactly what was happening. Chad and his crew had set him up.

A few days ago, Ryan had a heated argument with Chad, the gang leader, and two of his guys when they tried to harass a customer at the market.

On top of that, Chad was the police commander's cousin, which made it clear this was payback for the humiliation Ryan had caused him and his gang that day.

Immediately Captain Frank told Ryder that he would be needed at the station for questioning; he rose up, already expecting it with a faint smile.

Then Rose, who had been silent and observant out of the puzzle of what was happening, intervened.

She rose up. "Officer, I believe you know who I am. I am not trying to compromise the investigation or whatsoever because of my personality, but I believe there is a misconception here. He is not the type to do such a thing, and like you heard his colleague at the market say—"

Already knowing what she was about to say, he placed his hands on her shoulders with a smile plastering his face, but genuine this time.

"With what you just did, you are already trying to manipulate and compromise the investigation." He chuckled.

"Let me follow them to the station to clear myself off the false allegations. I'll be good." He assured her.

Concern clouded her face as she tried to speak, but he gently placed a finger on her lips, reassuring her not to worry.

She nodded in agreement.

"Let’s go," he said to the officers.

"What station are you taking him to? I need to be there," she asked urgently, grabbing her purse from the table.

After asking the officers for a moment, which they allowed, he walked over to her.

"It’s just questioning, not an arrest," he said with a small laugh, raising his wrist to show her he wasn't in handcuffs.

"Don't come to the station because of me. I will know if you do; trust me. And if you eventually do, that will be the end of your friendship, I promise you."

He chuckled. "I'm sorry for not being there for you today on your special day, but I promise to be at the party to make up for it this weekend."

As they locked eyes, with her eyes filling with tears, he walked out of the bar with the officers holding him by each arm.

Some patrons whispered, while others looked on with mockery.

That’s how life had been on Benjamin’s Street since he started his business there—caught between enemies and friends.

When they reached the police station, he was taken to an interrogation room where two officers were already waiting.

“A small-time trader pretending to be a killer,” one of them sneered.

Ryder chuckled, finding it amusing how quickly they were revealing their bias. “Isn’t this supposed to be an interrogation to determine if I’m guilty or not, or has that already been decided?”

They didn’t even bother to introduce themselves.

“You’ve got some nerves still denying your guilt. Do you think we are idiots who don’t know our job? Should we tell you the years we’ve been on this force before you realise we are not rookies?” the other officer said.

Ryan scoffed. “You mean the years you’ve spent engaging in corruption and other shady practices to get ahead?”

The officer suddenly grabbed him by the collar, his face twisted in anger.

Despite this, Ryan remained calm, his expression unreadable.

The other officer did not even try to stop his colleague.

"How dare you say such despicable things about us?! Have you been yearning to live the rest of your life in jail?!" The temperamental officer spat out.

The reserved officer chuckled. “His wish is about to come true. No need to waste any more time on this scumbag.”

The temperamental officer pulled back, and Ryan did the same, straightening his clothes with a smile that clearly surprised them.

The reserved officer then slid a paper and pen towards me. “Write a statement saying you’re guilty of the accusations from Mr. Chad, that you’re sorry and remorseful, and beg for his forgiveness.”

Without a word, Ryan took the falsified document, read it, and realised the corruption at play through the content of the document, causing him to scoff.

He picked up the pen, pretended to consider complying, and then, with a sly grin, looked up at the officers.

Raising his eyebrows in mockery as his smile turned into a smirk, he said, “How can I admit to something I’m not guilty of?”

The officer's composed facade cracked, his face contorting with rage.

"You think this is a joke, scumbag?" he growled.

He stormed across the room, each step echoing ominously.

In a flash, he grabbed Ryder's collar, slamming him against the wall. "You will write exactly what I said, got it? You don't have a choice here. You don't f*cking have any."

Ryder met the officer's glare, unflinching.

"Officer," he said, enunciating each word deliberately, "I. Will. Not."

As the cop continued his threats, spittle flying from his mouth, Ryder remained cool as ice. "Back off, man. You are going to regret this."

Fury flashed in the officer's eyes.

He cocked his fist back, but before he could strike, Ryder sprang into action. In a blur of movement, he twisted the officer's arm and swept his legs out from under him. The officer hit the floor with a thud.

The second officer lunged, but Ryder was ready and ducked. A quick sidestep, a well-placed elbow, and the officer joined his partner on the ground.

Standing over the groaning officers, Ryder sneered. "So this is how your corrupt institution works, huh? Twisting investigations and framing innocents for what they know nothing about?"

The door burst open as more officers flooded in.

They pinned Ryder to the wall, rough hands gripping his arms, and they pinned him against the wall.

"You're in for it now, punk," one of them growled, tightening his grip on Ryder's arm.

As they hauled him away, he couldn't help but grin.

His mind raced, plotting his next move. The corruption ran deep, but he, Ryan Reyes, would rip it out by the roots.

Something had to change, and he would make damn sure it did.

"Time to take down this fucked-up system," he muttered under his breath.

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