Billionaire In Disguise

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Billionaire In Disguise

By: Jaycee Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 15 views: 93

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Miguel's hand crept to his face in shock. "Did you just slap me?" he asked Annabelle. Shock was written all over his face. Nothing like this had ever happened. Annabelle folded her arms across her chest and stared back at him without any sign of remorse. "I would do it again if you don't learn to accept your place," she told him coldly. "My... place?" Miguel said. He would be angry that she hit him in the face, but at that point he hadn't fully understood what was happening. Just then, Mrs. Adolfo stepped forward to stand in front of him, just beside her daughter, Annabelle. "Enough of your ranting," she said to  Miguel. "Ranting is all you can do. While your mates are out there making money, you are ignorant of everything else."

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15 chapters
Chapter 1
Miguel hurriedly paid the cab driver, eager to move away from the cab and walk into his house. He always tried to avoid coming home early to prove to his in-laws that he was capable of handling the job they gave him at their company.But today was different. He had forgotten his file, so he had to come back at 5:00 PM instead of the usual 8:00 PM. Turning the doorknob and walking into the house, Miguel was surprised at what he saw and froze at the doorstep. "What's going on here?" he asked aloud, seeing his in-laws gathered around with some highly honored guests in a circle and his wife taking a ring from a man dressed expensively in a suit. No one answered him, not even to explain why his wife was taking another man's ring.He repeated his question, more loudly this time, "What is going on here?"Shocked, he rushed towards the man on his knees, who was about to place a ring on Annabelle's finger, and pushed him to the floor. At that moment, Annabelle turned to him furiously and
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Chapter 2
"Why are you acting surprised, what did you think the ring was for?" she said, rolling her eyes at Miguel who was still standing there.At that moment, Miguel was pained deep in his heart. He never thought the woman who claimed to love him against all odds would be embarrassed by him to the point of wanting to get divorced and marry another man just for money. "You can't do this to me, to our marriage," he said sternly, trying to get her to reconsider.Leonard finally spoke as he stepped forward from where he stood behind Annabelle all the while. "Have some sense of shame and just leave, Miguel...” “Whatever your surname is, nobody knows anyway,” he said to Miguel.“Maybe if you had concentrated more on making money first, you would have been able to keep someone like Annabelle," he chuckled, then added, "Actually, you're not even deserving to be called a man. What kind of man does something as shameless as living with his in-laws?"At that point, Miguel fumed in rage and threw a
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Chapter 3
Miguel walked into his family estate after paying the cab driver. As he walked through the corridor, tense and drenched in humility, he reflected on his attempt to win Anabelle's true love and how he had failed."You should have been patient for just five more minutes for me to get that call, Annabelle," he thought to himself. "You would have been my queen." But then he considered, "You have proven to be a gold digger anyway and would never stay with me if I should become poor again."Just as he finished thinking, he walked into his father's chamber, pushing the door knob lightly. The moment he entered, the man in the brown suit with grey hair who sat behind a desk doing paperwork raised his head. They both froze. There was silence as Mr. Grayson slowly stood up from his desk, spotting a son he had not seen in a year.Mr. Grayson’s heart was bruised when he saw the clothes his son was in. Not that the clothes were torn or dirty. The clothes were neat and decent, but not up to 20%
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Chapter 4
Miguel sighed as he stared at the Adolfo Mansion.Today was the day he was supposed to be here to sign the divorce papers."Let's get this over and done with," Miguel breathed out.He was still pained about having to divorce Annabelle, but he knew it was her choice and he was grateful that he was lucky enough to see who she really was before he got back his wealth.Just as he walked into the sitting room, he saw Annabelle sitting on one of the couches with her new fiancé, Leonard."Look who is here," Annabelle said, as she looked at Miguel with disgust.Leonard turned towards the entrance as well. He huffed at the sight of Miguel.Miguel obviously looked like he was not in his best mood, so Leonard believed he was looking that way because he was sad about losing Annabelle to him.Before Miguel even had a chance to sit, Annabelle sneered, "So, you wore the same clothes you left here with last night?""I shouldn't be surprised, considering you're so poor that the only things you had wer
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Chapter 5
The officer turned to Miguel. "Sir, we need to check your belongings now."“Do you even know who the Adolfos are, if you stole anything from them then you will be in great trouble,” one of the officers said sternly. Miguel was standing there without a word. He knew within himself that he hadn’t stolen anything. Besides, what was in that mansion that he couldn't have with just a snap of his fingers? He was incredibly rich and only stupidity would make someone think he’d want to steal from a middle class family like the Adolfos.Miguel nodded, understanding that resisting would only make things worse. He opened his suitcase, showing the officers his clothes and personal items. “As you can see, these are my clothes,” Miguel said as he opened it fully, so the officers could see that nothing except clothes were inside his suitcase.“We can’t take your word for it, Mr...”“We have to search your suitcase ourselves right now. Pray we find nothing incriminating, or else you’ll have to com
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Chapter 6
ASTRA TECHNOLOGIES Mr. Adolfo and his daughter, Annabelle, stepped into the grand structure of Astra Enterprises. As they entered the elevator and the doors shut, Annabelle turned to her father. "Father, since the CEO of Astra Enterprises is putting up 60% of the business shares for sale, don't you think taking just 15% would be a wrong choice for us?"Mr. Adolfo looked at his daughter thoughtfully, considering her point."Yes," he replied, "Astra Enterprises is a significant name in the business world. Taking advantage of these shares could not only yield us a high profit but also elevate our third-level company to new heights. Since Astra is a second-level company, acquiring these shares would put our company on the forefront."Annabelle's excitement grew as she pressed on, "So, does that mean you've agreed to request a double share, making it 30%?"Mr. Adolfo sighed deeply as the elevator came to a halt. He turned to Annabelle, his expression serious. "That would be impossible.
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Chapter 7
Annabelle's mouth hung open at Mr. Kelvin's introduction of Miguel. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Turning to Mr. Kelvin, she asked, with disgust in her voice, "What is this man doing here in your office?" She pointed at Miguel disdainfully. Mr. Kelvin looked shocked at her reaction, realizing she had no idea about Miguel's business in his office.Annabelle's anger grew, and she repeated, "What is this *thing* doing in your office?"Mr. Kelvin, maintaining his composure, warned her, "If I were you, I would take back those words you just used on this young man."Annabelle frowned and turned to Miguel angrily. She pointed at his face, now standing close to him, and spoke with anger."So, you're stalking me now, trying to find a way to get me back?" she spat, chuckling bitterly as she looked him up and down with a disgusted expression. She added, "Stay away from me because I'd never come back to a poor man like you."Miguel, with his hands in his pockets, looked directly
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Chapter 8
Mr. Adolfo and his daughter, Anabelle, were seated in the living room of the Adolfo mansion discussing the company."The company is losing more and more investors every day," Mr. Adolfo sighed as he looked at the papers in front of him."No one is investing in the company anymore, and the few investors we have are pulling out," he said, running his hand through his hair in frustration.Turning to Anabelle, Mr. Adolfo continued his complaints."If this goes on, the company is going to go bankrupt.""We can't let that happen, Father," Anabelle said in fear as she looked at him. "The company is the only thing we have. If we lose it, we are going to become poor.""We need new partnerships and investors, or else the company will crumble," Mr. Adolfo said as he took the glass of wine on the table and emptied it into his mouth."What are we going to do now, Dad?" Anabelle continued to complain, her mind racing with thoughts.Ring, ring, ring.Her train of thought was interrupted by the ringi
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Chapter 9
ACE TechnologiesAnnabelle walked into the grand structure of ACE Technologies with her head held high as she headed directly to the topmost floor where the meeting room was situated.Annabelle felt confident and excited about finally getting the chance to present her pitch before the prestigious corporation."Alright, Annabelle. It's showtime. Go show them what you've got."Annabelle muttered to herself as she pushed open the double doors of the meeting room and walked in. She was met by both men and women alike, all dressed in expensive designer suits and seated around the table, waiting patiently for her arrival."Ms. Adolfo, thank you for coming. We've been looking forward to hearing your proposal," one of the men spoke politely as he stood up from his seat and held out a hand toward Annabelle.Annabelle quickly took the man's hand and shook it softly."Thank you, Mr...." Annabelle hesitated, trying to get the gentleman's name."Davis, Mr. Davis," the man spoke, and Annabelle smil
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Chapter 10
Annabelle smiled, although it didn't quite reach her eyes. She was still confused and shocked how Miguel, the ex-husband she belittled and humiliated was there seated and posing as the CEO of ACE Technologies. Annabelle, refused to believe what she was seeing. Annabelle internally convinced herself that Miguel had just found a way to get the others to help him pose as the owner of the company to get her to come back to him. "Heaven knows what he's done or said to them to get them to play along, but it doesn't matter, as I already know the truth and will not be deceived into believing any lies," Annabelle thought to herself as she went ahead with the meeting, pitching her new business ideas to the men and women. She walked to the front of the room as she took her place at the front of the table once more. With confidence Annabelle clicked a button on the remote and the first slide of her presentation appeared on the screen behind her. "Thank you all for your time today. I'm here
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