The Enigmatic Son-in-law

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The Enigmatic Son-in-law

By: Wordsmith Wanderer Updated just nowBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 41 views: 126

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Maximus Crownguard hails from an unknown origin shrouded in mystery, known to be of humble beginnings as the son-in-law of a second-rate family. "Ma, where is Alexa?" he asked as he walked into the living room. The woman glared at Max and replied sharply, "Where else do you think my daughter would go other than work?" ------ Feeling a strange sense of foreboding, he nervously opened the message, but all it said was, "[Help]." He looked at his mother-in-law and coldly said, "Ma, where is Alexa?" as he exuded a deadly aura. The old woman didn't know why she felt a sense of danger when she saw the cold look in Maximus' eyes, so she blurted out without realizing, "She's at Chable Star Entertainment, she signed a contract with Mr. Chen." ------ "Who are you?!" Mr. Chen screamed in fear. The man turned and walked slowly towards Mr. Chen, saying, "It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is I will end your evil deeds." Mr. Chen's eyes widened as he saw the man's cold face and felt as if he was facing the God of Death. Suddenly, he felt excruciating pain in his right hand, realizing the man had crushed it. ------ "No problem, Mr. Crownguard. But which company are you planning to acquire?" the man inquired again. With a joyous smile, Max replied smoothly, "I want to acquire Chable Star Entertainment."

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  • Axl B. Chan


    nice story ......

    2024-08-23 09:02:29
Latest Chapter
41 chapters
"Mr. Chen, maybe we can already discuss the contract quickly," a nervous voice of a woman said while sitting on the couch.Mr. Chen smiled and poured a glass of red wine before pushing it towards the woman in front of him."Ms. Collins, no need to rush, you can have a drink first to show your sincerity.""Mr. Chen, I don't drink, there are still things I need to attend to in the company.""Alright, just finish this glass and I'll sign the contract right away, one glass won't get you drunk, right?" He politely said with a sinister grin.The woman took a deep breath and hesitantly reached for the glass of wine. "Okay," she said as she took a sip from the glass of red wine.Mr. Chen cheerfully watched the woman enjoy her drink of red wine, then clapped his hands in delight. "Excellent, excellent," he said while glancing at his Rolex."Mr. Chen, I've finished the glass, maybe we can discuss the contract now." Before the woman could finish her sentence, she felt dizzy and weak. She saw Mr.
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Acquiring a Company
"Who shamelessly ruined my good deeds?" Mr. Chen shouted as he returned to his senses."Guards, bring him down!" But Mr. Chen was taken aback as he noticed all of his guards lying on the floor.In the next moment, his vision blurred, and a man appeared suddenly before him. Within moments, he found himself flying and felt a sharp pain in his chest as he was kicked hard by a man whose origin he did not know. Mr. Chen fell to the ground heavily, coughing up a mouthful of blood."Who are you? What are you doing?" Mr. Chen screamed in fear, crawling backwards.The man did not answer but checked on Alexa, holding her pulse and realizing she had just passed out from a fierce battle with drugs. He breathed a sigh of relief knowing he arrived in time, he smiled, and whispered, 'Just rest; I'll take care of everything.' He then took off his clothes and covered Alexa, revealing his muscular body. Mr. Chen, feeling intense fear, swallowed hard, noticing the man's hidden strength."Who are you?!"
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Sleeping Together
After buying fruits, Max returned to the hospital and found Alexa awake. "Darling, please rest for a while," Max said as he handed the fruits to Alexa.Alexa looked at Max shyly, unsure of what to do. As Max approached, she suddenly buried her face in his chest, "Husband, I'm sorry for not telling you that I went to Chable Star.""Thank you for coming on time," Alexa said embarrassedly, blushing and still nestled in Max's chest.Max caressed Alexa's head and said in a comforting tone, "It's okay, what's important is that you're safe." Alexa lifted her head, guilt evident in her eyes. Max felt a strange sensation in Alexa's gaze, so he just sighed and remained silent."Oh, by the way, what happened to that shameless Mr. Chen?" Alexa asked angrily as she recalled."Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What hurts?" Alexa asked in quick succession, concerned that Mr. Chen might have done something to his husband.Max smiled and gently said, "Love, calm down, I'm okay. When I arrived, I was with
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Greetings to the General!
"My husband, amazing!" Alexa exclaimed happily after reading the contents of the email."Why?" Max pretended to ask in surprise."Just now, Ms. Duran, the new manager of Chable Star, emailed me, saying I should go to her office on Monday to continue signing the contract,""Oh right, tomorrow is Friday, the last day of my shoot for the commercial," Alexa said cheerfully, unable to contain her excitement."I told you, didn't I—" before Max could finish what he was going to say, Alexa hugged him and suddenly kissed him, widening Max's eyes in unexpected shock. It was the first time his wife had hugged and kissed him, and he felt an adrenaline rush through his body, causing warmth to spread.In that moment, Alexa realized she couldn't control herself and impulsively kissed her husband, blushing and feeling her face heat up as she withdrew her lips from Max's, but before she could move away a few inches, Max laid her down on the bed.Both Alexa and Max's heartbeats quickened as this was th
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Sir, there's a problem
"On your feet," Max said in a calm voice, and immediately both stood up straight."Alice, which member of the group is in the city?" Max asked while he was sitting in the chairman's chair."Sir! as far as I know, it's only Margarette and Brad who are here in the city" Alice replied with a firm tone, standing upright.Alice Coven, former comrade of Max and current secretary of Leon.Max sighed before smiling and said, "The three of us are no longer in the army, so for now, we're just ordinary friends.""So drop the honorific," he added.The two looked at each other before casually sitting down on a couch, appearing as if they had become different people.“Why did you ask who among the members is in the city?” Leon asked casually."I'm planning to acquire a pharmaceutical company; I need them to manage the company" Max casually replied.Max looked at Alice and said, "Give me the addresses of Marga and Brad, and tell them that I will pay them a visit this week.""Got it, Max," Alice said
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Margarette Crowel
"Sir, there's a problem," she said, handing the card back to Max; her hands were shaking.The woman with thick lips laughed loudly. "Newbie, newbie. Didn't you ever think that he might actually be able to pay for the bag?" she asked with a grin.The newbie ignored the woman with thick lips and apologized to Max, saying, "Sir, I'm sorry, I made a mistake.""What happened?" Max calmly inquired."It's likely that the payment wasn't successful," interjected the woman with thick lips with a grin.The newbie shook his head and said, "No, the transaction was successful but..." hesitating to continue.The woman with thick lips paused upon hearing what the newbie said before she spoke, "But what?"The newbie looked apologetically at Max before reluctantly saying, "Sir, I'm sorry, I accidentally pressed an extra zero.""Instead of 20 million, it became 200 million."Everyone who heard was stunned, including the woman with thick lips, who couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Impossible!" she
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You are so unlucky
In a popular western restaurant, three armed men entered, the leader with a bulky body wielding a Jatimatic SMG."Hold up, everyone get down on the floor!" shouted the group leader while pointing the gun at everyone.As everyone dropped to the floor, the leader signaled to take the valuable belongings and money from each person dining there.The two men acted quickly with annoying smiles, going one by one to collect items from each individual. One man noticed the entrance to the kitchen and made his way inside.Bang!The man who had just entered was kicked out and crashed onto a table, unable to stand due to the force of the kick and the painful fall."Did you know it's dinner time? Why did you cause commotion here?," he said."You're causing inconvenience to those who are eating."A man emerged from the hallway and approached everyone, wearing an apron that identified him as the cook of the restaurantHe calmly walked out, putting both hands in his pockets as if he hadn't seen the gu
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Your bag is Fake
When Max arrived home at seven in the evening, he saw his wife dressed beautifully as if she was about to go somewhere, "Where are you off to, dear?" Max asked."Our high school class monitor messaged me, we have a reunion at the Phoenix Grand Hotel," Alexa replied as she approached Max.'The Phoenix Grand Hotel? As far as I know, it's under the Crownguard Group,' Max thought.Seeing the items Max was carrying, Alexa, curious, asked, "Honey, what's that?"Max smiled and said, "I didn't give you much when we got married," then he took out the Swan Pearl bag and handed it to his wife.Alex's eyes lit up with joy as she looked at the beautiful bag her husband handed her, feeling warmth in her heart, she hugged Max and thanked him, "Thank you, my love.""Hey, my good son-in-law, you even know the right time to come home," Alicia, his mother-in-law, shouted before scolding Max. But before she could reprimand Max, Max took out another bag and gave it to Alicia, "Mom, this is for you," he ca
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Danica laughed before glaring at Max and angrily said, "Fake? You, who looks like a security guard, if this is fake, are you saying that your wife's bag is real? Then pointed to Alexa."Max just shrugged and said nothing. There was no need for Max to explain himself as he was the one who purchased the original bag.Seeing Max quiet demeanor, Danica thought that the bag held by Alexa was indeed fake. Irritated, she pointed at Max and said, "If you can't prove what you're saying, perhaps you should just stay quiet?" She widened her eyes before continuing in a frustrated tone, "You stinky security guard!""My bag may be an imitation, but it seems to be better made than yours," Alexa calmly remarked as she compared the two bags.Danica chuckled with irritation, saying, "You're the one who said that the bag you're carrying is an imitation. How did your bag end up better than mine?" With a smug grin, she said as she raised the bag in front of Alexa.Alexa remained silent, shrugging indiffer
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Mysterious Chairman
Upon entering the private room, one could see that some classmates had already gathered there. The scene with Danica trying to win over Ramil could also be observed.As soon as the group entered, a man dressed in a red Armani suit approached and greeted them, "Class monitor, you still look beautiful as ever." The man then glanced up and down at Shantal with a sly look before continuing, "Not only beautiful, but your body has also become more sexier," as he licked his lips and looked at Shantal's chest."You're flattering me too much, young master White," Shantal calmly replied, seemingly accustomed to the man's behavior.The group began to walk inside, but as they took a step, the man blocked their path. "Oops, class monitor, you may enter and sit down, but I haven't seen these two beauties for a long time," he said, looking at Alexa and Vivian with desire."Robert White, is this a class reunion or a club that allows you to block the girls you like?" Vivian coldly responded."Your tem
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