The Enigmatic Son-in-law
The Enigmatic Son-in-law
Author: Wordsmith Wanderer

"Mr. Chen, maybe we can already discuss the contract quickly," a nervous voice of a woman said while sitting on the couch.

Mr. Chen smiled and poured a glass of red wine before pushing it towards the woman in front of him.

"Ms. Collins, no need to rush, you can have a drink first to show your sincerity."

"Mr. Chen, I don't drink, there are still things I need to attend to in the company."

"Alright, just finish this glass and I'll sign the contract right away, one glass won't get you drunk, right?" He politely said with a sinister grin.

The woman took a deep breath and hesitantly reached for the glass of wine. "Okay," she said as she took a sip from the glass of red wine.

Mr. Chen cheerfully watched the woman enjoy her drink of red wine, then clapped his hands in delight. "Excellent, excellent," he said while glancing at his Rolex.

"Mr. Chen, I've finished the glass, maybe we can discuss the contract now." Before the woman could finish her sentence, she felt dizzy and weak. She saw Mr. Chen unfastening his belt with a menacing look. Panicking, the woman discreetly grabbed her phone and sent a message to her husband.

Mr. Chen took his time and slowly watched the woman struggle with the effects of the drug. "Let's see how long you can handle the drug's effects."

"Well, no matter what happens, the top beauty of San Fernando will be my plaything tonight," he said with a loud laugh.




"Maximus Crownguard, my good son-in-law, you are finally home," sarcastically remarked a middle-aged woman.

Maximus had just returned from the market to buy ingredients for dinner. He looked around and noticed that his wife, Alexa, was nowhere to be found.

"Ma, where is Alexa?" he asked as he walked into the living room.

The woman glared at Max and replied sharply, "Where else do you think my daughter would go other than work?"

Max checked his old watch and said, "But Alexa should have been home by now, it's been half an hour since she got off work." He glanced outside and noticed that his wife's car was still not there.

"Well, I have no idea, maybe she's up to something else," the woman said hesitantly, hinting at something hidden.

Max sensed that his mother-in-law was keeping something from him, but he didn't press further. He went to the kitchen to start cooking when his phone vibrated. He picked it up and received a message from his wife.

Feeling a strange sense of foreboding, he nervously opened the message, but all it said was, "[Help]."

He looked at his mother-in-law and coldly said, "Ma, where is Alexa?" as he exuded a deadly aura.

The old woman didn't know why she felt a sense of danger when she saw the cold look in Maximus' eyes, so she blurted out without realizing, "She's at Chable Star Entertainment, she signed a contract with Mr. Chen."

"Alexa said not to tell you so you wouldn't worry," she nervously added, sounding a bit out of sorts.

Maximus immediately left the house with a determined look, dialed a number, and gave quick instructions.

"Leon, I need information on Chable Star Entertainment, including Mr. Chen," he said.

There was no response from the other end as Max hung up and called a taxi to head to the mentioned location.

Alicia Nicole, his mother-in-law, regained her composure and noticed that Maximus was gone. "Where are you going? Who will cook for dinner?" she angrily shouted, trying to catch up with Maximus, but she couldn't stop him as he boarded the taxi and left.

While on the way, Max received a message containing information about Chable Star and its current manager, known as Mr. Chen. The message indicated that Mr. Chen, the current manager of Chable Star, has a bad reputation. He took advantage of every artist he could talk to before signing a contract. It was also mentioned that some people had committed suicide and lost their sanity because of his actions, but the victims did not receive justice due to Mr. Chen's reputation and power, which silenced them.

Max clenched his hand in anger and worry, and the taxi driver sensed his strong intent to kill, so he drove faster without asking questions.

"Hurry up," Max said calmly.

The driver nodded and accelerated the vehicle.




In Mr. Chen's office at Chable Star Entertainment, one could see the eager face of a chubby man as he gazed at the weakening Alexa. He glanced at his watch and said, "I never thought you'd be this strong, it's been twenty minutes since the drug took effect."

Alexa continued to struggle on the couch, fighting the effects of the drug. Her beautiful curves were visible as her clothes clung to her sweaty body. Her face was flushed, and her alluring appearance only heightened Mr. Chen's desire.

Mr. Chen could no longer contain his desire, so he grabbed Alexa, taking her hands and lifting her chin. Despite being under the influence of the drug, Alexa resisted fiercely, not making it easy for Mr. Chen.

"Get away from me, you beast!" Alexa angrily muttered in a weak voice.

Mr. Chen was delighted to see Alexa's strong and defiant attitude. "This is what I like, a fighter. We'll have a lot of fun tonight."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you enjoy yourself and won't forget this night," Mr. Chen said excitedly as he eagerly kissed Alexa.

Alexa was terrified as the shameless man tried to take advantage of her innocence. She had only recently married her husband in an arranged marriage, and they were still developing their relationship. Despite accepting Maximus as her husband, she vowed to give herself only to him someday when they start a family.

Alexa cried and continued to resist, but as time passed, she grew weaker. She regretted not telling her husband about Mr. Chen, knowing his reputation wasn't good. She just couldn't fathom how she ended up drugged.

'Max, my husband, please help me,' she prayed, hoping he would appear and rescue her.

'I promise, once I get out of this, I'll sleep next to you,' she whispered to herself, feeling sorry for nearly losing consciousness, afraid of losing her virginity to someone else other than her husband.

As Mr. Chen was about to kiss her, Alexa didn't know where her strength came from. She forcefully pushed Mr. Chen away, hitting his sensitive area.

"Arrgghh!!" Mr. Chen screamed loudly, rolling in pain. Alexa tried to stand up and leave, but she was too weak. She fell back onto the couch, struggling to get up.

Mr. Chen got angry, quickly got up from the pain, and forcefully lifted Alexa back onto the couch, pulling her hair. "You damn bitch! Acting innocent when you will soon be enjoying being with me just like the other women I've been with"

Alexa's fear and anger were evident as she faced Mr. Chen, her hair in disarray and sweating profusely, trying hard to stay conscious. She felt disgusted as Mr. Chen spoke to her while holding her hair. "You'll pay for this, you animal!" Alexa angrily said, spitting on Mr. Chen's face.

Mr. Chen, unfazed, licked off the spit from Alexa and felt more desire. "Such sweet saliva," Mr. Chen said and licked his lips. He stood up, took out another pill, and swallowed it, feeling his body heat up even more, acting crazed. "Now, no one can disturb us. My guards outside are strict, we can go on until morning here," he laughed loudly, thinking about how pleasurable the woman in front of him would be.

Mr. Chen rushed in and tore off his upper garment, Alexa was helpless and just closed her eyes as tears fell, 'Max, I'm sorry.'


The office door suddenly swung open with great force, Mr. Chen looked over to see who the crazy person was ruining his happiness, and Alexa also glanced at the door, relieved before finally losing consciousness.

Mr. Chen was immediately chilled to the bone as he felt the strong intention to kill emanating from the person who had broken the door of his office.

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