Acquiring a Company

"Who shamelessly ruined my good deeds?" Mr. Chen shouted as he returned to his senses.

"Guards, bring him down!" But Mr. Chen was taken aback as he noticed all of his guards lying on the floor.

In the next moment, his vision blurred, and a man appeared suddenly before him. Within moments, he found himself flying and felt a sharp pain in his chest as he was kicked hard by a man whose origin he did not know. Mr. Chen fell to the ground heavily, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" Mr. Chen screamed in fear, crawling backwards.

The man did not answer but checked on Alexa, holding her pulse and realizing she had just passed out from a fierce battle with drugs. He breathed a sigh of relief knowing he arrived in time, he smiled, and whispered, 'Just rest; I'll take care of everything.' He then took off his clothes and covered Alexa, revealing his muscular body. Mr. Chen, feeling intense fear, swallowed hard, noticing the man's hidden strength.

"Who are you?!" Mr. Chen screamed in fear. The man turned and walked slowly towards Mr. Chen, saying, "It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is I will end your evil deeds."

Mr. Chen's eyes widened as he saw the man's cold face and felt as if he was facing the God of Death. Suddenly, he felt excruciating pain in his right hand, realizing the man had crushed it.

"Ah!" Mr. Chen screamed in pain. Not content, the man stepped on his left hand, saying coldly, "These two dirty hands must be cut off as payment for touching my wife."

Mr. Chen rolled in agony, begging, "Boss, have mercy, please don't hurt me. I made a mistake; I don't know whom I harmed." He pleaded, losing control from the drug's influence.

The man grinned coldly and asked indifferently, "Mercy? Did you show mercy when you raped the innocent women you victimized?"

"Did you show mercy to the families of those who committed suicide because of you?"

"Did you show mercy to those you took advantage of just because of your power?"

"Now I will make sure you would rather die than live in this world."

Mr. Chen was consumed with extreme fear, and a foul liquid trickled down his pants as he lost consciousness, unable to bear the pressure and frightening aura exuded by the man.

The man clenched his fist before taking out his phone and making a call. After a few minutes, police entered the scene and cleared the area, also taking Mr. Chen and putting him in the car.

The head of security approached cautiously and asked, "Are you Mr. Crownguard?"

Max nodded nonchalantly, the police chief feeling the intimidating aura from the man and trembling as he reported, "Sir, we will take care of this person. We will ensure that he pays for all the crimes he has committed."

"Make it hard for him in prison, make sure he would rather die than continue living in this world. Watch him closely, make sure he does not die."

"Give him the 7 rules of hell."

The police chief shivered upon hearing this. 'These are the punishments given to enemies captured during wartime,' he whispered to himself.

"Yes, sir!" was the chief's assured response.

The man in front of him was no ordinary person, as stated by his superior. He was instructed to comply with all the man's orders and be cautious of his actions.

Initially, he thought the man might come from a wealthy family, but upon hearing the 7 rules of hell, he realized that the man's background was not simple. He deduced that only someone with high military rank could enforce such a code.

Following the orders of his superior to obey everything the man said, he guessed that the man in front of him must have had a high military position in the past. However, he could not fully grasp this due to the man's youthful appearance.

Max carried Alexa and left the scene, taking her to the hospital to rid her body of the remaining drugs. After a few minutes, Alexa's parents arrived at the hospital. Upon entering, Max's mother-in-law immediately berated Max, "You worthless son-in-law, if anything happens to my daughter, I will never forgive you!"

"Alexa is just resting, she's fine now," Max replied softly.

Her mother-in-law glared at him and said, "I really don't know what my dad was thinking when he chose trash like you to be our son-in-law."

"If you had a decent job, maybe Alexa wouldn't have gone to Chable Star to get a contract."

"This wouldn't have happened to her," her mother-in-law shouted furiously.

"Alicia, even if Max had a job, you might forget that Alexa's dream is to star in the show that Chable Star is producing, so she kept the contract from Max," answered Blaine Collins, Alexa's father.

Alicia felt embarrassed but still insisted that it was Max's fault for what happened to Alexa.

"What show, Dad? The Hollywood film?" Max curiously asked.

"You're right. Alexa has wanted to star in a Hollywood film for a long time, so she submitted her clip to Chable Star, but who would have known that the shameless Mr. Chen really lives up to his shameful reputation?" Blaine angrily replied.

Max nodded and left the ward, excusing himself to buy some fruits for Alexa. Before he could step out, his mother added a quick sermon. Max, accustomed to his mother-in-law's ways, left the hospital with his phone in hand and revisited the information from Chable Star Entertainment.

'Chable Star seems to be drowning in debt, yet they appear respectable to outsiders,' he murmured as he read through the details.

Chable Star Entertainment was once a leading entertainment company in the city of San Fernando. However, over time, it found itself buried in debt due to the owner's serious illness and lack of oversight within the company. This negligence allowed Mr. Chen to wreak havoc, potentially leading to the closure of Chable Star. It could be auctioned off anytime soon if such mismanagement persisted, halting production altogether.

Finally, Max finalized his plan and dialed a number, receiving a prompt answer. "Mr. Crownguard, what are your orders?" a respectful voice came from the other end.

"Leon, prepare to appoint someone capable of leading," Max promptly responded.

"What kind of leadership?" the other party inquired.

"Someone who can handle talents or artists and has experience in the entertainment industry," Max answered again.

"Mr. Crownguard, are you considering starting an entertainment industry?" came the curious question.

"I plan to acquire a struggling company," Max calmly revealed.

The man pondered for a moment before replying, "No problem, I know someone with the skills to develop the struggling company."

Max smiled and cheerfully said, "That's good to hear. In that case, help me acquire this company and arrange a contract for my wife as soon as possible."

"No problem, Mr. Crownguard. But which company are you planning to acquire?" the man inquired again.

With a joyous smile, Max replied smoothly, "I want to acquire Chable Star Entertainment."

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