The Heir of Wesley Returns

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The Heir of Wesley Returns

By: Perry will Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 87 views: 220

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After been scorned and treated with so much humiliation by his foster parents, they are unaware that he is the heir to the Wesley cooperation and has acquired so much super powers and while Adrian is ready to take revenge on those that hurt him and look down on his, he grows his cultivation but in the process, encounters more obstacles than he had imagined

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87 chapters
Chapter 1
After battling with his life at the hospital for days, he was finally discharged from the hospital. At noon, Adrian rode the bus back home, he was covered in bruises, his face etched with pain and fatigue while he thought about the last few days that he had been at the hospital. The bus finally came to a halt at the bus stop and he knew that he had to continue the rest of his journey back home on foot.As he walked closer to his family estate, he could feel the weight of his family's disapproval bearing down on him, but Adrian chose to be positive knowing that today was his birthday. He stepped into the large living room and could feel the air of excitement that lingered around, his Mother and father both gathered around his brother while a cake was placed on the table as they celebrated his birthday.They were all filled with excitement and although Adrian and Finn shared the same birthday, it did not matter to them where He had been for days now, for all they could care, he might
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Chapter 2
Seeing Adrian attempting to snatch the ring, Finn immediately pulled away he was enjoying seeing Adrain in such a situation and could not help but taunt him. but just then, the door flung open with Darcy the eldest daughter of the family stepping in to meet the scene that was about to unfold.“What is going on here?” Darcy asked while her eyes scanned around the room and could feel the weight of their anger. This was the first time she had seen Adrian in such a situation and it made her more curious.“Darcy good thing that you are back, after everything that I did for Adrian, took in such a freak even when no one else wanted him, the least that he could do was show a tiny bit of appreciation and yet he dares argue with me and even went as far as fighting over a worthless ring with your brother Finn”Mrs. Eleanor went ahead to explain her side of the story so bitterly and after listening to her mother speak, Darcy turned to Adrian.“Adrian that is totally wrong of you to act in such a
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Chapter 3
Although Adrian had been with the smith for years now, they were not aware of his magical abilities which was the main reason he was able to survive such a terrible car accident and even recovered so quickly. He could vividly recall when he chose to embark on this path which had made them regard him as a freak and treated him so worse like he was not human and did not deserve to even exist.Adrian was finally able to grab his clothes and while he did, but after searching for a while, he realized that there was a particular item that he was unable to find yet, it was an old doll which he guessed was likely back inside the house and without his presence there to subdue the evil spirit, it was definitely going to give the family a scare that they might be forced to leave the house.Covered in stench and smelly like a beggar, Adrian thought of where he should go next when suddenly there was a loud sound from the sky. There was a fleet of helicopters in the sky as it hovered in the sky, it
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Chapter 4
After the emotional moment between both brother and sister, Freya finally pulled away from him as she sniffed through her nose and it felt like she was only perceiving the stenches of garbage now. She had been so excited to reunite with him all this while that she had failed to take note of how dirty and unkempt he looked.“Why do you smell of garbage, has the Smith family been treating you off wrongly?” She inquired but he barely had to put a smile on his face, Adrain did not want to retaliate against the Smith family but he knew that telling her every single detail about what he had been through there was going to make her more furious.Over the last eighteen years that he lived there, he had constantly been reminded of the fact that he was an adopted child and was only permitted to eat the leftovers after their meals, at first Adrain was not so happy about this because he wanted to be loved the same way Finn was loved, but after he started his spiritual cultivation trying to reach
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Chapter 5
After flying for a while, they were finally arriving at the luxurious city villa. The Wesley family’s mansion is located in the villa area at the center of the city not to mention that it is the most elite neighborhood in the entire city. Adrian stared down from the helicopter and was indeed amazed by the beautiful scenery, environment for him, this was indeed the most beautiful place that he had ever been to not to mention the fact that it was heavily guarded, housing the city’s most affluent people which was why the smith family desired so much to live there because they knew that if that was ever possible, then they would finally become members of the elites of the city. “Adrian, before we get over to the mansion, I think that I need to explain to you everything that you need to know about the Wesley family. First, there is Grandpa Hallow, you have nothing to worry about because he is very kind and treats you like family. But then the family is large and very complicated, we have
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Chapter 6
Sarah seeing the silence that befalled the large living room and the sharp gaze that everyone had on her, did not realize her mistake, with a deep frown on her face and her mouth pouted out, she still went ahead to speak. “There is no way that he is going to make use of that room. We all know how much that room means to Kelvin and his puppet and you are just going to take it away from him, there is no way that I am going to allow that to happen, there are more rooms in this estate, so you should go ahead and find another room for him, because he is not having that!” She wrapped both her hands together as she insisted, her words were firm and for her, she did not care about the disdainful glare that lingered around her. “Will you shut up your mouth!” Theo’s deep voice roared, no doubt that he was furious at the words that his daughter had just spoken. “Don't you have respect for the Elders of this family, how can you speak so carelessly in front of everyone, your brother Adrian just
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Chapter 7
Adrian and his sister strode over to the garden. It was a large and beautiful garden and with just the both of them, the scenery felt more peaceful. “Freya, thank you for standing up for me today” When he expressed himself, he was indeed grateful because Adrian had grown up alone and learned to stand up for himself because there was never anyone who did that for him, but with Freya, he felt her love for him so sincere. “Why are you thanking me? We are family and not to forget the fact that I am your older sister, I will always have your back even if it means against the world. Adrian I am going to be with you until you learn to stand firmly on your own '' when she expressed those words, she gently ruffled her hand through his hair and at that moment, Adrian was deeply moved, because he never imagined that he could feel this kind of love towards a family member. They both began to chat, but it was just a light conversation about how beautiful the garden was. “This garden belongs to g
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Chapter 8
Even though Freya had arrived at the scene, it did not stop Mrs. Smith from speaking so loudly against Adrian, it felt like she wanted Freya who just arrived at the scene to comprehend what was going on. “You worthless human, after everything that I did for you, this is how you pay me and now you have the gut to step your foot into the Wesley estate, what for, so that you can you can inflict them with your bad luck the same way that you tried to ruin my family, I am never going to let that happen, not under my watch!” “And I am saying this to you that is enough else I am going to be forced to ask you to leave here” “Are you being delusional, who are you to think that you can ask me to leave, rather it is you who does not deserve to be here and will have to leave right now” Mrs. Smith was becoming more and more furious that it was so difficult for her to endure it, she raised her hand to smack him, but Adrian immediately stopped her before it got to his face. This only made Freya mo
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Chapter 9
Mr. Daniel and his daughter Freya were extremely shocked by the woman’s behavior as they both stared at each other in utmost dismay, Daniel couldn't recall the last time that he met a woman that was this foolish. But Adrian on the other hand was not angry about the things that he said because she was used to it, what he was more angry at was the fact that she dared slander him in front of his family whom he hadn't seen in years, and as he stood there watching her belittle him, he could recall those times when she would tell his teachers and classmates at school that he was a bad kid and that gave him a bad impression at school. “Mother shut up! Haven't you had enough, isn't it enough that you chased me out of your home in the middle of the night?” Adrian roared at the top of his voice, and just then, he could hear another voice that simultaneously yelled out the same time as he did and Mrs. Smith was indeed surprised by this sudden reaction. “Shut up! How dare you, you know I was so
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Chapter 10
Kelvin seeing that Sarah was down and in a bad mood after being scolded by the family decided to take her outside on a walk hoping that would calm her down and she would finally lighten her mood.But even as they walked around the large estate, Sarah still had a deep frown on her face while she went ahead to complain. “I can't believe that Uncle Daniel and Freya would be so biased for Adrian who they just met over you, how could they expect you to give up your room which you have used for years over some smelly guy from the trash, who is so unfair and I am so angry at the way that they treat you over you”“It is fine Sarah, I don't mind being treated unfairly and besides he is the son and the heir to the corporation, what do you expect?” Kelvin responded with a smile on his face, but beneath that smile, there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.“I do not approve of him becoming the heir to the corporation, you have worked so hard for years and sacrificed everything for this family,
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