The Return of Tyler Redwood

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The Return of Tyler Redwood

By: Fave writes Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 69 views: 116

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Tyler Redwood is out to get vengeance on those who killed his parents and at the same time find the lady who saved him. What happens after finding Katerine and making his intentions of getting married to her, but her parents want her to marry a richer guy?

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69 chapters
Chapter 1
“You've got one last chance,” Tyler growled, fisting his hand in the man's face. “Who are you working for?”The man whose name was Edgar just smiled, showcasing blood-painted teeth. “I'll never tell you!”Incensed, Tyler reared his fist back and slammed it into Edgar's face. His head snapped backward and a fresh spray of blood spurted from his nostrils.Edgar was the man who set fire to his house 8 years ago and the elusive son of a bitch he had been chasing for the past few years. When he finally found out where Edgar was, Tyler didn't waste time rooting him out.Tyler drew out a knife from his boot, stalking toward the man. “You're testing my already thin patience, Edgar. Answer me correctly or I'm going to make your life a living hell. Who did it?”Edgar threw his head back and laughed like Tyler just told the funniest joke. “You can't do shit! You're just a fucking orphan.”8 years ago, he was…but not anymore.Tyler drove his boot into Edgar's groin, watching him writhe like a bug
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Chapter 2
Katerina couldn't believe what she was hearing, blinking rapidly to make sure it wasn't a fluke, even looking around for the camera. Dylan was the first to recover. “I'm sorry, what?”Katerina's eyes were fixed on the gorgeous stranger with the mysterious tattoos running down his arms and his jet-black hair that appeared blue when it caught the sunlight, to think that Mark was handsome in the face of this man was laughable.This stranger had rugged looks that were born out of severe circumstances but his eyes…his eyes were kind. Fixing those gorgeous blue eyes on Dylan, peeling them off Katerina momentarily he finally replied. “I said you don't have to beg this man here. I'll do it, I'll marry her…and I'll do it for free, I don't want any money.”Hearing those words for the second time still felt quite strange.“And who are you?” Katerina spoke up, much to everyone's surprise. “My name is Tyler.” He stretched out his hand which Dylan shook nervously. “Tyler Redwood.”Dylan took a st
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Chapter 3
The party was in full swing, guests mingling about as they talked within themselves, groups of interest formed with people of interest gathering their heads about how they discussed their topic of interest.Katerina's mother, Rose stood by the fireplace around her siblings, listening to them prattle on about their latest accomplishments. “That Corvette is one in a million, I heard not even the Prince managed to get one in his garage…” Her sister, Grace huffed, puffing her shoulders up in pride.Garret refused to be bested. “I think my uncut diamonds are also a good gift in itself.”“Not as much as the Corvette, you know how much Mom loves classic cars,” Grace said..The wine glass in Rose’s hand shook slightly as she brought it up to drink but they noticed, latching their beady eyes on her. .“What?” She was forced to ask, growing uncomfortable under their stare.“Where's your daughter?” Garret asked. “I thought you said she would be here.”“With her husband.” Grace chipped in. It was
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Chapter 4
Katerina could only stare at her mother in disbelief, sliding a look at Mark. The asshole puffed out his chest, a smug look on his handsome face as he pretended to be busy with his phone.Men like him have no character or substance, which is why they rely on their money to do most of the talking, swaying people's minds, but not hers.Tyler stood rigid beside her, probably waiting to hear the worst… that she would dump him and run to Mark, never in a million years has she met someone like Tyler though. Underneath his scary exterior which has most people flinching away from fear, he's the sweetest man she knows.He's soft, patient, and kind but most of all…he saw her for who she truly was, underneath the multitude of scars that graced her body.With an apologetic look, Katerina pulled away slipping her hand into Tyler's. “I'm sorry but I won't do it.” She announced, flooring the entire room. Her mother's gasp was the loudest of them all. “Katerina, are you thinking about what you're sa
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Chapter 5
See, don't care.” His careless remarks only fanned the flames. “You little…” Mark squeaked out. “Pretending to be tight and flexing your muscles doesn't make you the Big Bad Wolf. When my lawyers slam you with a lawsuit the size of Manhattan then you'd know-”“Oh, shut your trap!” He snapped. “I'm pretty sure I didn't do any lasting damage- which sucks- but on the bright side, you'll heal faster unless you want another go at…” Tyler caressed his knuckles, egging him on.Mark shrank back but a glance in Katerina's direction and he took one step forward even though his arm throbbed wildly. Thankfully, Elizabeth Petrova stepped in before things could get any worse, stamping her cane on the floor. “Will you both stop it!” She scolded like they were a pair of kids whose hands had been caught in the candy jar. “This is no way to settle an issue.”“With all due respect ma'am, I don't see any issues here.” Tyler rumbled. “Katerina is my wife and I won't stand idly by while a man is trying to
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Chapter 6
Tyler pulls the intercom closer to him, running his tongue over his teeth. “Shelby, I'm so sorry for the disturbance but I need some information. Any chance you can help me out with that?” he asked Holding his breath for a positive response, Tyler looks out the window as he hears a rustle over the phone line…Shelby was his secretary turned friend who had been working for him for over five years. She's one of the best people he knew in tech and if there's anyone who could dig up information about anybody, it'd be her.“Sure, of course, I can. Just tell me who it is.” She responds after a minute.Tyler carried out some research and he found out that Herbal Rise Company was owned by the McLarens.But that was the official record. The unofficial record went back years and it required a lot of investigation to uncover. Four families came together to create Herbal Rise but only one family serves as a representative.“Herbert McLaren,” Tyler told her. “He's the CEO of Herbal Rise and I want
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Chapter 7
“Mr Redwood?” Davis's voice came through the speaker, loud and clear. “Tyler Redwood?” A pause before he answered. “Yes, that's me.”“Oh, wow.” It dawned on the COO who he was talking to. “I'm so sorry for the delay. I'll be down in a minute.”“Thank you.” Tyler spun to face Mark and Becky who had identical answers on their faces. “He'll be here soon.” He told them.“That is such a big lie.” Becky snorted, covering her mouth with her hand. “Mr. Adams is one of the top men in this company, rest assured he won't leave his fancy office for someone like you. No offense or anything, but you look more of a beggar than a businessman and I believe the former.” she saidThe front door opened as she was talking and a short man dressed finely in a suit strolled in like he owned the building, from his posture and demeanor, it was clear that the man had money.It all clicked when Mark wrapped his arms around the man. ”Uncle, I thought you'd never show.” Mark beamed.Tyler rolled his eyes at the fa
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Chapter 8
Adams's office was nothing less than he expected, state of the art technology and decor..“Apologies for the delay. I had no idea you were waiting out there.” Davis apologized once again, clearing the clutter on his desk to make space.Tyler easily waved off the statement, having forgotten about it. “It's fine. I'm here for something important.”“Please…get on with it.” Davis urged, steepling his fingers in front of him while he trained his gaze on Tyler. “Something tells me you didn't come for a social call.”Tyler's lips spread in a brief smile before he launched into the order of the day. “I have a proposal for you. One that I think would benefit both you and me.”Davis's eyes sparked with interest. “I’m all ears, please.” he said“I've gone through your portfolio and the drugs you make, I have to commend your efforts but I'm thinking of something bigger. Have you ever thought about casting your net wider?”Davis shook his head. “Not really. I don't see why, considering that we're t
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Chapter 9
Shoulders high with success, Tyler went straight to Katerina with the good news.She was currently staying with her Mom at the family house, much to his displeasure but she begged and pleaded saying she needed to spend some time with her mother.The security guards let him in once he lowered his car window and he pulled up to the mansion. Striding confidently inside, he spie Katerina relaxing on one of the lounge chairs, sunglasses over her eyes to shield them from the sun.“Katerina…” he breathed, blown away by her beauty. “It's me, my love.” At the sound of his voice, she perked up flinging the glasses off her face, and jumped straight into his hands. “Tyler!”Showering her with lots of kisses, Tyler's heart grew lighter by just having her in his arms. “Oh, how much I've missed you!”Cupping her face in his hands, he lowered his head to plant a soft kiss on her lips. Katerina was hungry for more than he thought, deepening the kiss until he almost forgot they were in her family hous
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Chapter 10
After a couple of minutes, when Mark had been taken away the group began to disperse and Katerina made her way to Tyler. “Hey…” he brought her closer, kissing the top of her head.Elizabeth set to work, irritated when her house was in disarray. With an order, she informed the maids to sweep every inch of the room very well and tidy it up.As she was about to leave, she stopped and turned to look at Tyler. “Thank you …for keeping Katerina and the rest of us safe. There's no telling what that madman would have done if he had managed to subside you.”He offered her a curt nod, accepting her thanks. “Of course, I'd do anything to keep her safe.” Elizabeth wrapped her shawl securely around her frail body as she hobbled away.Soon enough, it was just the two of them. “I was so scared that they were gonna hurt you!” Katerina burst out.“But they didn't, look at me… I'm fine.” He waved towards his body. Katerina's eyes latched on to the bruises on his knuckles, bringing his hand close so she
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