The Heir

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The Heir

By: Big Fave Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 29 views: 111

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After a brutal clash with his mafia family, Chase Wilder fled to a distant country, seeking refuge and a new beginning, but fate had other plans. He crossed paths with the influential Bernard family, who mistreated him, and yet, he found himself bound to them through marriage to Raven. However, when false accusations of infidelity tore them apart, Chase was handed over to Zara, the second sister, who surprisingly became his ally in his restaurant venture. Just as he started to rebuild his life, his past caught up with him. Wembley, his childhood friend and loyal companion, was tracked down, forcing Chase to confront his mafia heritage and return to his rightful place. Will Chase embrace his destiny or fight to create a new path?

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29 chapters
“Mother.” Chase called with a wide grin as he hurriedly made his way to where his mother in-law, Katherine sat.“Mother? Haven't I asked you to stop addressing me with that title?” She asked, a large scowl on her face. “Pardon me ma'am.” “Good.” Pulling an envelope to herself, she emptied it of its content and then began to flip through the documents one after the other.When she was done, she propped herself up and with her gaze fixed on Chase who still wore his smile, she said, “Henceforth, you will be working in the Tech Firm.” “But… I have no idea about how it operates, I haven't worked there before. Moreover, I'm better off in the sales department. Is my boss's review that bad…” “Shut your mouth. I remember telling you vividly not to give any response whenever I make a decision concerning you.” She spat out with disgust. Tossing the documents in his face, she said, “Sign the papers and submit them in the HR office. Your new portfolio and ID card will be assigned to you.” Ha
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On seeing the caller ID, Chase let out a loud hiss and then pushed his phone back into his pocket and with a large scowl on his face, he returned to his office. On arrival, he went straight to his desk only to see a lot of files scattered all over. A few minutes went by, still he didn't make a move, he was just staring at his files with his hands resting on his hips. After what seemed like forever, he turned towards his colleagues who were getting prepared to sign off for the day and with his usual smile, he asked, “Uh… are these assigned to me?” “Yeah. I think you should meet with the head so he would explain things to you.” Sara replied. Patting his shoulder, she gave him a warm smile and then sashayed out of the room. “For real?” He groaned, tossing his head to the side, he dug his hands into his pocket and then let out a low sigh, frustration gnawing on him. Not wanting to meet up with Daniel, he flopped on his seat and began to go through the files one after the other. Fortu
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Rubbing his chin, Chase shook his head before saying, “Nothing.”“Nothing? And you expect me to believe you?” Wembley asked, his gestures showing disbelief. “It's up to you to believe me or not.” He replied as he grabbed his briefcase. Just as he was about to leave, he pressed his weight back to his seat and with his gaze fixed on Wembley, he asked, “Do you have any idea on how I can fix a data breach?” “Yes, why?” “I have a week to rectify the issue in the tech firm. I don't want you to do it yourself, teach me instead because I'm definitely going to prove my worth before my in-laws.” “I see… first it was a HR office, then accounting, sales and now tech? You must have learnt a lot of things within three years, thanks to grandpa Bernard.” Wembley said with a mocking tone. “Are you going to help me or not? I don't want to lose my job.” “Fine. Just get ready to come with me by the time you are done proving your worth.” “I will find another person.” He scoffed and with that, he gr
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Bernard's 4th Family Reunion…Chase was moving around the hall, trying to serve all the guests at the same time. Before he could finish handling one, Raven would call out to him, making him bump into people in his haste to meet up with her unending requests. “Instead of moving around the whole place, why don't you serve only us?” Kirsten asked, peering at Chase as he re-filled her glass. “I'm sorry, I have other duties to handle.” He replied with a smile and a little bow. Meanwhile, Raven who was sitting directly opposite him was seething with anger. Her friends have kept bugging her to make Chase serve them because they wanted to make fun of him. Pursing his lips, “I will take my leave now.” He said. “No, sit with us.” Raven said, making him halt as he slowly turned in her direction with a raised brow. “I…” he tried to talk but the glare she sent his way sent the rest of his words back into his mouth. Lowering himself on the closet chair, he tried to calm his raging breath but
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At first, Chase wanted to go back on his words, he continued reviewing his actions in his head while Raven and his friends kept pressuring him to fulfill his words. “What's the website?” He asked and at once the banter ceased. No one said a word as they were all staring blankly at him..When he didn't get the needed response, he browsed the website on his phone and while they were still watching him in awe, he made the purchase. “I already made the purchase. The courier will bring in the ring before the party folds up.” He said, showing them the screen of his phone. Laughing nervously, Raven said, “I think you are trying to pull our legs here. You can barely afford a car but you are buying a ring worth a million dollars.” Her tone was dripping with mockery. Kirsten, Prisca and Diane couldn't say a word to him, all they could do was to stare with their mouths wide agape. They were still in a state of shock as they were trying to comprehend what had just happened. Seeing their reac
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After leaving the bathroom, Chase returned to the table and after apologizing profusely to them, he took his seat. “We have just thirty minutes left for the party to round off, are you certain that the courier will be here before then.” Prisca asked, setting the stage for a new backlash. “Yes, it will be here in twenty minutes even.” He replied with a smile as he stared at his watch. After a brief silence, Kirsten clasped her hand and then leaned towards him, staring intently at him, “While we are waiting, why don't you tell us about your family” she said. “There's nothing interesting about his family.” Raven scoffed. “Then let him entertain us.” Kirsten retorted and the rest of them readily agreed with it. Pursing his lips, Chase dug his hand into his hair and after a brief silence, he cleared his throat, to get their attention and in preparation to speak. “My father was laid off from his work a few months after my birth and my mom was just a worker at a local day care whose e
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Rubbing his palms together in glee, Chase reached out of his cutlery and immediately began to dice the meat in his plate. After eating for a while, he took a sip from his glass of water before shifting his gaze to Wembley who had his glass to his lips, glaring angrily at him. “I did nothing wrong so I'm not going to apologize.” He said, starting up a conversation. “Are you comfortable with your current lifestyle?” Wembley asked, leaning towards him. He was tired and frustrated from repeating the same thing several times. “Yes, why? Aren't you comfortable with yours? Don't ever think of committing suicide because if you do, I will personally dice your body into tiny pieces.” He said, pun intended but Wembley wasn't buying it. Grabbing his cutlery, he started to fill his mouth with food, trying to forget all that was happening but it was impossible. Chase on the other part had resumed eating. He was glad that Wembley hadn't pushed in with his request for him to return home. “Sinc
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Standing in front of room 184 was Chase. He had his head bent to the ground as he contemplated on whether he should go in or not. Having spent four months with Raven with no dates or even a friendly conversation, he was skeptical about the whole thing. His instincts kept bugging him but at this point, he didn't know whether he should leave or not. After several minutes of standing in front of the room, he grabbed the handle and then pushed the door in only to be greeted with an empty room. “Raven.” He called, looking around but there was no sign of a human in the room. “I knew it was room 284.” He muttered as he walked towards the door. Grabbing the handle, he tried to pull it open but he couldn't. Wondering what the issue was, he did it the second time but it was the same result. Suddenly, he heard footsteps and he swirled around only to see a lady who was half naked walking up to him. “What are you doing here?” He asked, his eyes bulging with fear as she closed the distance be
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Now standing outside the hotel, Chase exhaled and with a hand tucked into his pockets, he made his way towards the road to flag down a taxi. “Where are you heading?” Zara asked, appearing in front of him. He didn't see her coming so he was a bit startled seeing her standing in front of him. “What are you doing here?” He asked, taking in her features. This was the second time he was seeing her after he got married to Raven. “I came to speak to my husband to be… is that a crime?” She didn't allow him to give a response before tossing her car key towards him. “Can you drive?” She asked. “Yeah.” “Gray Honda Civic.” For more than five minutes Chase remained where he was not making any effort to move his feet. He had his gaze fixed on her as he tried to wrap his head around what was happening. “Fine, if you are not driving, I will.” Zara said, trying to snatch the key from him but he didn't let her. Holding her arm, he pulled her to himself, “Why are you doing this?” His voice was
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Getting home after spending the whole day outside with Wembley, Chase was greeted with a strong odor of burning food that he flew into the house to find out what was happening. Getting to the kitchen, he pushed the door open, only for smoke to welcome him in and he began to cough. Relieved that it wasn't the house that was burning as he had thought earlier, he proceeded into the kitchen and then pushed the windows open before proceeding to open the door so that the smoke would get out. About half an hour later, he snapped his head upwards, he had just remembered Zara who was now living with him. Facepalming himself, he began to look around the house, searching for her since she wasn't in the kitchen.When he got to the rooms, he started checking them one after the other until he started hearing sobbing sounds emanating from one of the rooms.With a speed he never knew he possessed, he reached out for the door handle and then pushed it in, revealing the coiled-up figure of Zara at
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