The System of Power is Money

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The System of Power is Money

By: Moana Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 93 views: 526

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When Ethan, a long-time employee at a renowned company, was fired on charges of theft and embezzlement, his life fell apart. Intending to ask for a raise, Ethan instead received a dismissal letter. His misfortune continued when he got a call that his mother was in critical condition and then caught his girlfriend cheating with his own boss. Publicly humiliated, Ethan felt his life hit rock bottom. In his state of chaos, a meteor suddenly fell right next to him, unnoticed by anyone else. From the meteor, Ethan's phone emitted a mysterious system that allowed him to get whatever he wanted by completing missions. Each mission completed not only brought him money but also power that transformed his life.

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93 chapters
Chapter 1
"Mr. Manager, I want to talk to you about a raise for me." Ethan mustered the courage to speak with one of the powerful people in his office. Working for almost 3 years at this renowned office made Ethan proud. However, the salary he received was not commensurate with his hard work during this time.Richard, who was typing on the computer, looked up in disbelief at Ethan standing before him. Richard then leaned back in his big chair, sighing while looking dismissively at Ethan. "Did I not hear you correctly, Ethan? You want a raise?"Ethan nodded, although hesitant he still had to express his desire. "Yes, Mr. Manager, I have considered this. I have been working here for almost 3 years, but until now, my salary has remained the same since I started working." Ethan paused for a moment, taking a long breath and releasing it slowly."Even some of my colleagues have been promoted, while I'm still stuck here. As a consideration, I want a raise," Ethan continued.Richard smiled dismissive
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Chapter 2
Ethan left his office feeling devastated. His mind was scattered, making it impossible for him to distinguish between right and wrong."What should I do?!" Ethan asked himself in frustration."Darn it! Why does this have to happen? Why him?! I never even imagined he'd stoop so low as to blame me like this."Ethan ran his hands through his hair in frustration. He had been foolish to trust that jerk.He then sat down by the side of the road, letting the sounds of passing vehicles dominate his ears.Beep! Beep!For a while, Ethan just daydreamed, until he felt his phone vibrating and ringing in his pants pocket.He took out his phone, looking at the name of the person causing it to ring."Amelia?" Ethan raised an eyebrow, looking at his phone.Ethan then walked a little further ahead, trying to find a quieter spot where he could hear his sister's words clearly.He answered the call from his sister, trying not to sound suspicious."Hello, Brother Ethan.""Hello, Amel, what's up? Why are y
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Chapter 3
At this moment, Ethan glared sharply at Milena and Mr. Manager. He couldn't believe they would stoop so low.Mr. Manager smirked, confirming Ethan's accusations."If that's true, then what? What can you do about it?"Hearing Mr. Manager's words, Ethan exploded. Without hesitation, Ethan started punching Mr. Manager repeatedly.Milena screamed as she watched, until a few people came and tried to stop Ethan."Remember, Mr. Manager! I won't stay silent. I'll come back for revenge."Ethan now walked home, his mind wandering aimlessly. His heart and mind were in turmoil.Ethan felt utterly destroyed, betrayed by his friend and lover."What could have led to all of this happening? Have I committed a grave sin for God to punish me like this?" Ethan monologued to himself.Ethan rubbed his face in frustration, trying to calm himself and make sense of everything going wrong within him.But it all seemed futile. Ethan still felt overwhelmed by fear.Ethan tried to reflect on his past experiences
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Chapter 4
Ethan sighed, trying to contain his anger which was currently boiling inside him.If only he had known earlier, maybe it wouldn't feel this painful. And it truly hurt Ethan's heart, as if he wanted to let it out right now.His stomach, unable to be ignored any longer, suddenly stared at the wrapped rice he was holding. He really couldn't contain his hunger any longer.Without further thought, Ethan simply grabbed the wrapped rice from the trash can."To hell with everything. As long as this stomach feels full, that's more than enough."Ethan then took the rice package away from the trash can in the narrow alley.The man brought it to another corner of the alley.Ethan then devoured the found rice package eagerly. He truly resembled a jungle man who had just found his prey.It couldn't be explained how hungry he felt right now.Ring! Ethan then stopped devouring his food. He then reached into his pocket to grab his vibrating phone."A message from Miss Narsih."Ethan murmured, then he
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Chapter 5
Damn! I can't even see clearly right now. Why did this intense dizziness suddenly hit my head? What's happened? Why does it hurt so much?" Ethan tries to steady his vision. At least he needs clear sight to achieve his goal, even though his body feels weightless due to the overwhelming pain in his head. "I can't endure feeling like this forever. Only by taking this pain relief medicine will it subside. I'm absolutely sure of that." Ethan then grips his head. With heavy footsteps, he walks step by step, each one appearing deliberate. Not forgetting, he reaches for his old, now lifeless phone that no longer shines like before. If asked how his phone ended up there, while he was unconscious, Ethan could feel how his phone, which he placed in his right pocket, should have been pressed against him. However, the reality is the opposite. The phone lies there, seemingly out of his pocket for who knows how long. The thought arises that some energy intentionally placed his old phone close
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Chapter 6
Ethan held onto his old phone, which still displayed a message about receiving a substantial amount of money. "Where's an ATM around here? I've been walking and still can't find it. Is it difficult to find an ATM on this street?" Ethan muttered to himself. His brow furrowed as he reexamined each building in the corner of the city where he was staying. However, his wanderings had now become meaningless. Everything was ruined due to his excessive trust in everything, including the man who had clearly led him astray. "Enough of those thoughts, Ethan! Everything has happened, and I can't redo it to make it right again." Ethan closed his eyes for a while, attempting to reconcile with and continually make peace with all the demands for justice. "Calm down, Ethan. Not everything you want will go as you wish. Everything unfolds according to God's plan. You should always remember that God's plan is the best plan." Ethan reassured himself. He didn't want his thoughts to drift away again. Alt
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Chapter 7
Part 07Without hesitation, Ethan, alone at the ATM, slapped his own cheek. He blinked several times, trying to convince himself that what he saw was real, not a fantasy. "Ouch!" Ethan winced as he felt a twinge of pain in his cheek. "Is this really happening?! Did I just get 100 million?! Did I become wealthy without any hard work?!" Ethan cheered in delight. Naturally, without much further thought, Ethan immediately withdrew an amount of money to pay the landlady who had tossed his belongings out. Before long, a vibration began in the man's pants pocket. With a furrowed brow, Ethan quickly retrieved his vibrating, shabby cellphone. "The system has been activated! Whoever has made an agreement with the system, when that person is able to complete missions to help those around them, the system will automatically provide 100 million as a reward for each mission." Suddenly, Ethan's old, beaten-up cellphone rang uncontrollably. He tried various ways to silence it, but the phone
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Chapter 8
Ethan carried his backpack with both hands while holding another large messenger bag. The bag was filled with his clothes. If it weren't for being forced out of his boarding house by the landlady, he wouldn't have realized he had so many clothes.This time, there was no longer sadness on Ethan's face.The thought of being able to confidently pay off his rent to the disrespectful landlady brought a unique sense of happiness to Ethan."Thank you, God. I believe all of this is also fate's intervention. Somehow this whole system emerged, and I feel like I'm a character in a fantasy novel. One thing's for sure, I'm incredibly grateful."Ethan closed his eyes for quite a while, letting that positive energy continue to enter and influence him."It's true what people say, that gratitude only appears after a blessing arrives. If I hadn't been grateful and calm earlier, maybe a blessing like this wouldn't have been given by God. It might have been given to someone else instead."Ethan murmured
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Chapter 9
Part 9During the journey, Ethan kept reciting prayers he could read for his mother's safety.Ethan hoped for another chance to meet his mother. He longed to embrace her, care for her, and make her happy once again.He felt he hadn't fully made his mother happy yet."Here, sir!"Ethan then handed some bills to the motorcycle taxi driver. The driver seemed about to protest the extra money, but Ethan quickly signaled that he meant to give more.Ethan then hurried into the terminal and purchased his ticket.As predicted by Ethan's timetable, the train that would take him back to his hometown arrived shortly.Just like the others, Ethan also entered the train and took a standing position.He refrained from sitting since he noticed many elderly individuals who seemed to need the seats more.Thus, Ethan decided to stand. He didn't want those who needed the space more than him to end up standing."Well, what can I do. I'm fed up with that company. How can they accuse me of ruining their proj
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Chapter 10
"There's no way I lost my phone on the train." Ethan kept searching, even turning over the pillows and mattress in his room.Since his arrival in his hometown, and learning of his Mother's passing, Ethan hadn't had a chance to check his phone. He had been busy with the funeral arrangements and mourning his late Mother for several hours. And now, Ethan finally needed his device.There was a sense of anxiety weighing on him, even though he still had cash savings for living in the village. Regardless, the money in his phone account was more substantial."Where is my phone?" Ethan left the room.He immediately headed to the kitchen, living room, and even his late Mother's bedroom. Ethan tirelessly searched every corner of the house. He even emptied the contents of his backpack."I could be in trouble if that phone is lost," Ethan muttered.Tired of searching and wanting to clear his head, Ethan returned to his room. He sat on the edge of the bed with his hands covering his face. Perhaps d
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