The System of Power is Money
The System of Power is Money
Author: Moana
Chapter 1

"Mr. Manager, I want to talk to you about a raise for me." Ethan mustered the courage to speak with one of the powerful people in his office. 

Working for almost 3 years at this renowned office made Ethan proud. However, the salary he received was not commensurate with his hard work during this time.

Richard, who was typing on the computer, looked up in disbelief at Ethan standing before him. 

Richard then leaned back in his big chair, sighing while looking dismissively at Ethan. "Did I not hear you correctly, Ethan? You want a raise?"

Ethan nodded, although hesitant he still had to express his desire. "Yes, Mr. Manager, I have considered this. I have been working here for almost 3 years, but until now, my salary has remained the same since I started working." Ethan paused for a moment, taking a long breath and releasing it slowly.

"Even some of my colleagues have been promoted, while I'm still stuck here. As a consideration, I want a raise," Ethan continued.

Richard smiled dismissively, the man stood up and walked closer towards Ethan. "Have you really considered this thoroughly?"

Richard raised one eyebrow, looking at Ethan who was now starting to sweat. Again, Ethan nodded his head. The man had considered it very thoroughly.

If his salary increased, then Ethan could marry his girlfriend, they had been together for 2 years. Ethan could also send more money to his mother in the village.

"Yes, Mr. Manager, I have considered this. It seems I deserve a raise after what I have done for this company for almost three years."

Richard nodded repeatedly, the man then returned to his seat, opened a drawer and took out a document from it. 

Richard then gave the document to Ethan. "Ethan, unfortunately you are first on the list for layoffs this month. Look over the letter carefully and sign it if there are no issues. The company will provide appropriate compensation for your performance."

The words he had just heard were truly unbelievable to the man.

How could it be that he would get a termination letter directly from his boss? Especially when Ethan remembered asking for a raise.

"What is the meaning of all this, Mr. Manager?" Ethan asked in disbelief.

"As the company representative here, I am forced to make the decision clearly stated in that letter."

Ethan shook his head. "I sincerely apologize, Sir. However, I cannot accept this letter at all. Shouldn't I get a more detailed explanation for why this termination letter has come to me? Is it because I wanted a raise?"

Richard seemed to pause, massaging his temples which seemed to throb more painfully after hearing Ethan's words demanding an explanation for everything.

A rather long and heavy sigh was faintly heard reaching Ethan's sense of hearing.

It was apparent how the man was expressing a demanding look to get clarification from his boss.

"The company has detected a loss of items and you were the person at the location, Ethan. Therefore, as the suspected party who committed the theft, the company has decided to suspend you. Until this case can be uncovered with the true facts, and this is not because you wanted a raise."

Ethan widened his eyes sharply. Wait a minute! What did his boss mean by saying that he was suspected of being the thief? 

Had someone already told the boss that Ethan should be the one responsible for the theft?

"What about Niko? Do you have some evidence that Ethan was the mastermind behind all this, right?"

Ethan was silent for a while. His mind immediately started loading, thinking about the name his boss had just called.

Ethan didn't feel the slightest bit unfamiliar with that name. The man then raised his face trying to see who had been summoned by the boss in order to make sure his memory was also not wrong in remembering someone.

"Ready, Mr. Manager. I am here as a witness to the incident. I saw Ethan leaving the room carrying items. But I couldn't be sure what those items were."

A man not much older than Ethan came with confident strides. Ethan's face immediately changed drastically upon seeing the face of the person called as the witness by the boss.


Ethan immediately walked closer towards Niko. His eyes now glared sharply at the man who had clearly accused him of wrongdoing.

"What do you mean, Niko?" Ethan wanted to hear the clarification from the man who was so close to him, how could that man accuse him just like that?

"Sorry, Ethan, but this is the reality. I even know that you have also embezzled company funds."

Ethan shook his head in disbelief, as he was about to respond to Niko, Richard spoke first. "Enough, Ethan! Get out quickly and pack your things, I don't want to hear any more explanations. There are more important things I have to do than listen to you."

Richard hurried away from there, while Ethan stood frozen in place with clenched fists.

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