The Golem Mage

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The Golem Mage

By: Destiny Foromeh Updated just nowSystem

Language: English

Chapters: 559 views: 23.4K

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Alec found himself reincarnated into a world where magic reigned supreme. He was initially confused by the turn of events, but little did he know that this was just the beginning of a much more extraordinary journey. As fate would have it, he soon discovered that he was the illegitimate son of one of the most influential families in the capital, the Blaze Clan but His grandfather, taking on the responsibility, cared for him until he was old enough to embark on his path as a mage. Ironically, Alec never truly grasped the significance of his family's ancient secrets, dismissing them as trivial. However, everything changed when he awakened his dormant system and gain abilities that made him unique. From that moment on, he dedicated himself to becoming one of the world's most renowned mages, all while working towards fulfilling his grandfather's unfulfilled aspirations and carrying on the golem mages' legacy.

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  • Darkness Soldier


    Great novel cant get enough

    2024-05-17 17:12:59
  • Darkness Soldier


    Cannot wait for more chapters

    2024-04-17 02:44:58
  • Hilary


    Hey author I love your book. Can you please release at least 2-3 chapters a day. Thank you for always updating though..

    2023-12-06 03:50:06
  • Piyush Pandey


    this thing is epic man it's clearly the definition for people who wants other to do their work and just how can someone hate golems

    2024-06-02 16:33:33
  • i.z.ali


    release some chapters

    2023-09-07 11:07:17
  • i.z.ali


    ? no chapter uploaded

    2023-08-06 12:32:14
  • i.z.ali


    great novel. what's the update time

    2023-08-05 02:43:01
  • Terry Wong


    This book is a must read! I like how it is different from other Isekai/system novels. Keep up the good work!

    2023-06-29 03:09:43
Latest Chapter
559 chapters
Alec Gordon
It was another day at the Gordon's Clan compound, and my name is Alec, I'll give you a quick explanation: I was reincarnated after a nasty motor accident while trying to save an old lady. The gods granted me another chance by reincarnating me into another world about 14 years ago.Later, I discovered that I was the young master and the only remaining heir of the Gordon family, However, my bloodline actually comes from the prestigious Ancient Blaze Clan. Despite this, the Blaze Clan, one of the top families in the capital, never acknowledged me as part of their own, From what I heard, my father never officially married my mother, He was just a young master out for training who fell for my mother's beauty, used sweet words to win her over, and ended up impregnating her before returning to his family without informing her.When my mother discovered she was pregnant, it was too late as my father had already gone, She tried to reach out to him by sending messages to his family, but none o
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Day of Awakening
Finally, it is the day of Awakening again for the Gordon clan, Once every year, children who are 15 years old and above are allowed to use the Orb of Awakening to awaken their magic powers.Only after the awakening the mana joints in the body can they connect with the help of the Orb of Awakening, enabling anyone to dream of becoming a mage.Luckily for Alec , he just turned 15 a few days ago, right before the Gordon family Awakening day, If he had turned 15 after, he would have had to wait another year before being able to awaken the mana joints in his body.Very soon, noise was suddenly heard from the front of the crowd,The commotion was so intense that even Alec, who was hiding in one corner, could not help but notice it. He looked over and saw his grandfather, the Gordon family patriarch, and his brother, the grand elder of the Gordon family, coming down from where they sat in the high seat. The look of excitement and surprise was evident on their faces as they made their way to
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One of the Big 3
The moment he was called, Alec walked up to the platform where the Orb of Awakening was placed and looked straight at the orb. But the more he looked, the more he felt lost as he was mesmerized by the dazzling sight of the orb."Place your hand on the orb and concentrate on it, The orb will do the rest," the instructor standing there said.Alec followed the instructor's instructions and placed his hands on the Orb of Awakening. Before he knew it, he felt a cool flow of energy entering his body through his palm, It was at that moment he knew the awakening had begun. The energy spread to every spot, joint, and place in his body, cleansing him, He even felt a great desire to moan in satisfaction but managed to mumble out a groan instead.The effect of the energy made him feel as if he had used an elixir to cleanse all the impurities his body had accumulated over the years, The energy then traveled back to his palm and passed back into the Orb of Awakening.Immediately, the flow of energ
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Alec's Pov:"Show off," I said to the old man the moment the Golem put me down from his arms."Whatever," he replied, not wanting to be outdone by his grandkids, It was clear that he wasn't the least bit ashamed of the display he had put on at the Awakening Hall, the summoning of the Golem was just to show off."Well, you certainly surprised me, I never expected you to have a dual element, let alone both with such High affinities," he added."Is that supposed to be a big deal?" I asked."Well, in High Tier Clan, not really, but in a Mid-Tier Clans like ours, it definitely gives you the right to solidify your position as the young master of the Gordon family. From now on, they will all follow you, In this world, which seems to be losing it's heavenly laws, we are better off united than apart," my grandfather explained."I'm glad if it helps change their opinion of me, I was starting to think they hated me," I admitted."Nonsense! Well, aside from that, let bygones be bygones, after tod
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Double techniques
__Alec waited for 1 hour for the system to open and he was certainly not disappointed because after one hour later the system came back online showing a status panel with a picture of Alec at the side of it like all those games system he had always played in his past world[ Status Tab]Name: Alec Gordons"Race: Human"Level: 0"Tier: 0■ Exp till next level : 0.00%/100[ Attributes ]"Strength: 5+"Agility: 5+"Endurance: 4+"Mana: 0+Affinity: Earth (high)+, Fire(high)+available points : 5( bonus )System points: 0[ Shop ]"Weapons "Rare Materials"Crystal "Refinements[ The rest options are still locked based on user low level ]Alec quickly understand the system because of its game like features." Alec the grand elder asked for you to be called to the training Hall" Alec heard someone talking to him from outside his door." I will be right there very soon " he replied back to who ever has been sent to deliver the message.He could hear the footsteps of the boy retreating so he
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First golem
When Alec returned home, he settled himself into a meditative position, his eagerness palpable as he prepared to test the mana circulation technique he had just learned. The Grand Elder had emphasized the importance of accumulating mana quickly, as it would expedite their promotion to becoming tier 1 mages.[ spiral force – basic mana circulation activated lv1 ][ mini hole – basic mana circulation activated lv1 ]As Alec began utilizing the mana circulation techniques, he noticed two distinct colors swirling towards him. Curiosity getting the best of him, he couldn't resist reaching out and extending his hand towards the colors, The moment his hand made contact with the vibrant hues, a refreshing sensation washed over him.[ mana increased by 1 ][Exp increased by 1 ]A smile blossomed on Alex's face as he realized he was on the right path. However, the realization that he still had to accumulate 99 more experiences before reaching level 1 reminded him that he had only just begun hi
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The shock Alec brought to the younger generation
The next day, Alec woke up feeling incredibly refreshed, more than he had ever felt before.As he looked down, he was surprised to see himself still in a meditative position, He must have fallen asleep while practicing his double mana circulation techniques, and it seemed to have a positive effect on him.Stretching his body and letting out a big yawn, he noticed that the golem he had created the day before was still standing in a defensive position, ready to protect him from any potential danger.Alec admired the intelligence of his newly crafted golem, impressed by its ability to stay vigilant even without his command.With a nod of approval, he stood up and began making his way towards the Gordon family training ground.He had heard that all the younger generations of the family were going to be taught basic combat techniques, regardless of their interest in the Mage path they decided to follow.The Gordon clan believed in giving everyone a chance to protect themselves, especially w
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Combat training
After dismissing the other kids to continue their training, only Arthur remained by Alec's side. Curiously, Arthur asked, "So, what's this behemoth's name?" hoping for a cool and impressive answer.However, he could practically see question marks hovering over Alec's head, indicating his lack of a name for the golem.Arthur couldn't help but express his disbelief, saying, "Wait, don't tell me you haven't named this incredible golem yet, It's obvious that it holds a special significance since it's your very first one."Alec admitted with a sheepish smile, "Oh, I never really thought that far ahead." As he stared at the towering golem, he pondered what to call it.Suddenly, with a bright look on his face, Alec turned to Arthur and exclaimed, "What about 'fatty'?"Arthur's expression clearly reflected his confusion as if to say, "What on earth is wrong with your sense of naming?"Trying to offer an alternative, Arthur suggested,"How about 'Titan'? It perfectly suits its size and si
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horde attacks
Two weeks had passed since Alec's grandfather discovered his mage abilities, He was now hailed as the prodigy of the Gordon family, surpassing the other dual element kids who had taken a whole week to reach Tier 1 mage status. The younger generation of the family was showing promise, with numerous young mages emerging.While some of the new mages grew complacent, taking a break from their training, Alec remained diligent. Not a single day went by where he did not dedicate himself to his combat training during the day and honing his golem-making skills at night. To acknowledge his achievements, his grandfather bestowed upon him a space pouch as a gift, though Alec suspected it was just another indulgence from the old man.Alec's hard work and dedication during training paid off handsomely, His basic combat skills soared to level five, a remarkable accomplishment in such a short span of time.[Basic combat skills -lvl 5( 45/500)]He also improved his golem creation skill and was now a
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Titan's strength.
"Move to the south gate quickly," the Patriarch instructed as the clan members closed in on the central gate.The Gordons Clan members made a slight turn and hurried over, even Alec was surprised to see his grandfather waiting there for them.Up until now, Alec hadn't realized that he wasn't the one leading the charge when they left the family compound. But now, as he calmed down and thought about it, he realized that the old man must have been in a meeting with the City Lord and other powerful family leaders in the city, And It seems they must have agreed upon having the Gordon family protecting the weaker South gate.The Gordon family members arrived at the gate swiftly, climbing up and spreading around the walls to cover any gaps, ensuring that the zombies wouldn't exploit any openings.They allowed the younger generation of the Gordon family to stay behind, watching their backs as they fought off the zombies.The patriarch levitated in the air, observing, as some of the higher-r
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