The Billionaire's Secret Life

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The Billionaire's Secret Life

By: Kiruya Anme Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 44 views: 142

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Morel had tried to be a fantastic lover. But betrayal, insults, and curses were all he got. But unexpectedly, he met someone who knew about his true identity. He was the person he had been looking for and was indeed extraordinary. They must be sorry.

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44 chapters
Chapter 1
"Please clean this one," said a guest who came to the restaurant and pointed to a table that had just been empty and had not been cleaned.Morel, who was arranging the tableware at another table, immediately approached the table. "Okay, just a moment." He answered quickly and cleaned the table immediately.Morel wiped the table clean and then carried the dirty dishes on the tray he had brought. This was Morel's second job today after he had been a cashier at a small shop. Morel was eager to increase the number of part-time jobs he could do because he wanted to raise 8000 dollars as soon as possible.With the 8000 dollars he had accumulated from his work, he wanted to buy a ring with a sapphire stone.A few weeks ago, Morel saw the ring in a shop with Anna, a woman Morel had been in love with for three months. Anna was a beautiful, petite woman with a small face and a short haircut. Anna looked perfect to Morel.At that time, Anna said that she wanted the ring. Meanwhile, Morel felt th
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Chapter 2
"How could you do this to me, Anna?" Morel stared at the woman he had been in love with for the past three months in disbelief.The woman seemed to take off her clothes, they briefly kissed before entering the room, and Morel saw it. Morel was stunned for a while until he finally banged on their door.Anna looked a bit surprised for a moment, then afterward, she leaned closer to Robert, the stranger Morel didn't recognize, and then she deliberately kissed him on the cheek.Morel's eyes opened wide. He was not mistaken. Anna did cheat on him."Anna, what are you doing?" Morel tried to pull Anna's hand away, but she pushed him away.Anna looked at Morel with her eyebrows twitching in distaste. "Don't touch me." She gave Morel a strange look. "Of course, I can do it because I feel bored with you."Morel stared at the woman uncomprehendingly. What made Anna feel bored? For three months, their relationship was delicate. There was no problem, so suddenly Anna said she was bored. That didn't
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Chapter 3
"I am Doris, young master." Doris greeted him.Morel looked at Doris with a strange gaze. He noticed the man's appearance from top to bottom. From the clothes to the watch he was wearing, he looked luxurious. Young master, what? That man even looked better than him. Did he say that to insult him? Morel felt annoyed and walked past him."You don't need to call me, young master. Because I'm not your young master." Morel said without turning to Doris, he intended to leave there on his scooter."But you are, indeed, my young master. Mr. Morel," Doris said again.Morel lowered his hand about to put on his helmet, then turned to Doris with a cold gaze. All this time, he had lived a hard life, enduring various sufferings just to survive. Accepting the mistreatment of others even to the point of having to get used to being insulted by people just to keep the job he had, just to make a living.Then he comes and claims to be his servant. Is that possible?He looked poorer than him, so how could
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Chapter 4
"Come with me, sir." Doris led Morel to the deeper part of the room. Behind him, Morel followed Doris while looking at the antique and old-looking room.The room seemed to have not been visited for a long time, as the place was almost filled with items covered by white cloth. They then stopped in front of a wall covered by a large white cloth. Morel looked at the wall and then turned to Doris.Doris opened it, and a portrait of a young-looking woman appeared. The woman had beautiful and shady eyes. She smiled slightly as if looking at him and greeting him. Morel's face stared at the portrait of the woman in distress. His hand moved hesitantly to touch the picture of the woman. Then he felt his head suddenly throbbing. He remembered something vaguely after seeing the portrait.Morel touched the portrait with his hand, then rubbed the face with a deep look. "I seem to recognize this woman." Morel's voice sounded soft, his eyes looking intently at the portrait.Doris had a grim face. He
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Chapter 5
"I'm not a pervert." Morel came up to her and looked at the woman flatly.The woman snorted softly. "I saw you looking at my ass!" She exclaimed, her innocent little face without makeup making her demeanor look the opposite of her fierce cat-like appearance.The woman gave Morel a resentful look. She had just walked out of her house and was warming up before running, but as she did so, Morel's gaze at her ass made her stop.Morel stared at her expressionlessly. "I was just out." He gave a brief excuse. He had no intention of explaining himself at all."No way, you're looking at me." The woman named Marissa protested again.Morel averted his eyes with a gaze that looked utterly uninterested. "Then you expect me to walk blindfolded?" Her flat voice made her sarcasm very striking.Morel didn't care what the woman was doing there. Their eyes had only accidentally met, making him unlucky to be involved in this kind of thing in the morning.The woman with wavy brown hair tied in a ponytail
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Chapter 6
"I'm staying inside." Morel insisted calmly, getting out of his car as he realized the situation would not be resolved immediately.The officer who had guarded the entrance of the elite neighborhood for many years stared at Morel's face intently, trying hard to remember his face. "I don't recognize you as one of the people who live there." He was sure about that, his hand pointing towards the inside of the housing estate. "I recognize all the house residents in this place, and I've never seen you. "Even if you claim to be a guest, I'm sure it's not true because there's no confirmation from any of the residents that any of their guests are coming."He didn't want to risk his job, especially even though he was driving a luxury car, but Morel's appearance was very ordinary for someone who could live in that place. He doubted that what Morel said was the truth."Yes, I understand. It's only natural that you don't recognize me since I moved in yesterday afternoon." He explained to them.Th
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Chapter 7
"The company's situation is not good." Marrisa looked rather thoughtfully at the staff waiting for her.She had just come out of the meeting room. On the agenda for this meeting, there were reportedly some rather complicated issues, so she could not ignore them.Marrisa headed for her office, followed by several of her subordinate staff who used to take direct orders from her and divide the tasks among the others. She sat down at her desk, a pile of work waiting on the table for her to review.Marrisa raised her face to look at them seriously. "Regardless of the current state of the company, we must also prepare to welcome the new leader of the Spencer family. Be sure not to make mistakes and be disrespectful to her." She told them so sternly.They nodded immediately. "Yes, ma'am." After that, they left immediately.Marissa went back to what she was doing, but for a moment, she was silent. Her face suddenly reddened as she remembered her encounter with Morel. Even though it was only f
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Chapter 8
"Blackmailing you?" Bob, the manager of the place, frowned at Morel in astonishment. "What do you have, huh? You think you have something to blackmail?" they approached him and spoke in a challenging tone.Morel replied to the way they stared flatly. He knew they were not people to talk to, but he just wanted to finish what he had started. He didn't want to be considered irresponsible or suddenly disappear.But those arrogant people did not appreciate his goodwill to end their working relationship on good terms. "You should be grateful that I didn't report you to the police for theft," Bob exclaimed harshly at Morel.Morel tried to act calmly, even though their words made little sense. "I didn't steal anything." He asserted that calmly, he couldn't steal such a trivial item. It was hardly even valuable for him.Bob looked at him sarcastically. "Carrying things without permission means you're stealing. Are you so stupid that you don't know that?" he shouted in front of Morel, his gaze
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Chapter 9
Alan and Rick stood in the corner of the room, silently observing the increasingly tense situation. Their minds were whirling, trying to unravel the tangled threads of what their manager, Bob, might have done wrong. It never occurred to them that Morel, the seemingly calm man, was the one who had called Mr. Francis. To them, Mr. Francis' presence here was a mere coincidence.In the center of the room, Bob looked distraught. His face was pale, and sweat was pouring down his forehead, dripping down his neck. His hands trembled as he tried to display a calm demeanor that was far from how he felt at the moment. He swallowed, searching for the right words to explain the situation to Mr. Francis, who stood with an impatient expression."I'm here to settle things with this man, sir," Bob said in a trembling voice, pointing directly at Morel's face. "This man is a thief, sir. Take it easy. I will solve this problem. "Sir, there is no need to be afraid because there won't be any more trouble."
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Chapter 10
"How dare you falsely accuse me!"After that, Bob turned his face towards Mr. Francis. Instantly, the angry hue on his face turned into a hopeful expression. "That's not true, Mr. Francis. As you know, I have worked hard for this company, making this business flourish. Our customers often praise our performance. Don't believe in the words of that liar," Bob said with confidence, trying hard to strengthen his position.Meanwhile, Alan and Rick could only stand silently in the corner of the room, occasionally exchanging glances and nodding in agreement with what Bob said. As ordinary employees, they felt they had neither the courage nor the authority to speak directly to Mr. Francis. The shadow of tension and respect for the company owner made them reluctant to speak up. They have long trusted and depended on Bob, the manager. With hearts pounding, they hoped that Bob's words could convince Mr. Francis and save them all from the increasingly heated situation.Morel silently listened to Bo
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