The Zillionaire's wrath

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The Zillionaire's wrath

By: Maxwell Dave OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 11 views: 125

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After being humiliated and rejected by his girlfriend and foster family. Kyle Lincoln is back, this time not as a beggar but as a Zillionaire. He is on a mission to find out what happened to his parents the night of their helicopter crash and to make all his oppressors feel his wrath.

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11 chapters
Chapter one
I can't believe this."Kyle Lincoln, you have got to see this."David's voice was laced with urgency as he dragged Kyle out of his chair and straight to the school Cafeteria."Dude, what the hell!""Quit pulling me around as if I'm some horse!"Kyle immediately shunned his friend."Kyle, if you know how serious this issue is you would leave me and run down to the cafeteria yourself."David's voice was barely above whispers as he bent down to catch his breath as he had ran all the way down to Kyle's lecture room.Leaving his friend, Kyle immediately raced down to the school Cafeteria.On reaching there, students were gathered and taking pictures of two people."What is going on here?" Kyle asked one of the students who started laughing at him and took a picture of him, the flash light of her iPhone almost blinding him.Pushing his way through the crowd, he finally found his way to the front of the crowd.What Kyle saw almost made him faint."Chloe!""What are you doing?"Kyle immediate
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Chapter two
"Get into the car!"The man in the Armani suite said as he opened the door of a military grade armored Escalade."But my bike!"Kyle immediately screamed pointing to the direction of the garage."Forget your bike.""Lord Lincoln, your life is more important to me…get in now!"Immediately Kyle got in, the man immediately drove off.Moments later, Kyle is staring at the man driving the Escalade."Sorry, who are you again?" Kyle immediately asked as they were far off from the Silicon Mountain university view.The man remained silent, he was putting on dark shades that made it really hard to see his face in a way."I asked a question and I demand answers immediately."Kyle immediately yelled as he was now getting uncomfortable with the whole situation.Staring behind him he immediately noticed that they were already on their way outside of Silicon Mountain.He immediately swallowed a heavy lump as he stared at the man who was still focused on the road."Help me!!!"Kyle yelled as they spe
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Chapter Three
"I would love you to keep your cool and lay low at the Webs until we figure out what actually happened to your dad's helicopter and more importantly why it happened."Carlos Alfred said, his voice was laced with reason.Kyle stared at him as he pondered on what he just told him."You are definitely right, if my father's helicopter crash was a coverup news that means that I might be a possible next target."Kyle added, his face now etched with a mixture of trepidation and anxiety."Lord Lincoln, I'm pretty sure no one is aware of your existence.""Your dad did a great job hiding your birth from the world and I believe it was for a purpose.""Right now, like I said, lay low at your foster home and together we will figure out what happened to your father's helicopter that night."Carlos Alfred's voice was laced with a hint of assurance and security.Kyle only stared back and forth at Carlos Alfred and his mom's ATM card that had access to trillions of dollars.***************************
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Chapter 4
The next day Kyle was awoken by the loud sound of his ring tone.Jumping up immediately, he stretched his body and picked up his phone.His gaze fell on the screen of his phone, the number was secured."Who they heck could this be?" Kyle asked as he immediately picked up the call."Hello…Carlos Alfred is that you?... How did you even get my number?"Kyle asked as he plopped into his bed."Lord Lincoln, meet me at your university Cafeteria in 30 minutes and come alone."The voice of Carlos Alfred was a bit vehement and laced with urgency."Okay I will be there…how did you get my number, I don't recall giving it to you."Kyle asked, as he awaited a response."Is that really a question?""You are talking to the personal guard of the most influential man on the continent, I have got my own ways of doing things and so many things you are yet to know about me."Carlos Alfred immediately said, his voice was barely above whispers."Lord Lincoln, remember don't come to the cafeteria with your
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Chapter 5
Kyle immediately ran over to where Carlos Alfred was squatting and going through the files.Gazing at his hand, Carlos Alfred immediately dropped a box he found in the safe on the table."What's in the safe?"Kyle asked as his face was laced with eagerness to find out what's inside this box."We are about to find out soon enough."Carlos Alfred said as he opened the box.Dipping his hand inside the box he pulled out another Premium card."This must belong to your dad, add it to your mom's ATM card, who knows it might come in handy soon enough."Carlos Alfred said as he handed the gold plated card to Kyle who took it immediately."That card was issued to your dad by the bank of the world, the Switzer bank…you can't even imagine the amount of money that is already logged onto that single card."Carlos Alfred continued as Kyle still admired the gold plated fortune."Here are some of your dad's dairy, notes and joter.""Keep them on that table over there we will go through them to see if
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Chapter 6
"Alright Lord Lincoln it is done.""In the next few minutes I will be sending out the information to the other directors for immediate execution."Mr Chang immediately said, his voice was barely above whispers but laced with assurance."I will be expecting an update."Kyle said as he immediately hung up the call.45 seconds later, Kyle and Carlos Alfred got the notifications on their phones."That was fast." Carlos Alfred said as he stared at his phone."This should teach the Hunters and the Martin's who's the boss around here."Kyle said as he and Carlos Alfred laughed out loud."Those girls are animals, I really still can't believe they made that horrible video of you."Kyle stared at Carlos Alfred and smiled, "I have had worse experiences especially from Mr Stephen and Martha Webs."His voice was barely above whispers.Picking up his phone he stared at it in shock."Wait a minute!""The moment we pulled off the Platinum Guard Investors support from the Hunters and Martin's family b
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Chapter 7
The situation was intense as Carlos Alfred searched through but safe house for Kyle.Pushing open a door frantically, his gaze fell on Kyle who was backing him."Lord Lincoln, what are you doing here?"Carlos Alfred asked, his voice barely above whispers as he approached Kyle."Carlos Alfred, you have got to check out this book that I just saw."Kyle immediately said as he turned to face Carlos Alfred.Carlos Alfred immediately took a heavy breath of relief."Lord Lincoln, you really got me frightened back there.""How did you access this part of the safe room?"Carlos Alfred asked, his voice was barely above whispers as he stared at the weird book in his hand."My palm…it seems to be the key to practically everything in this room."Kyle said as he stared too at the book in his hand."Carlos Alfred what do you make of this book that has a biometric lock?"Kyle asked as he examined the book."Careful with that Lord Lincoln!"Carlos Alfred immediately screamed.Kyle immediately smiled g
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Chapter 8
"Mr Carlos Alfred.""It appears your secret code ain't any secret code."Jake immediately broke the shocking revelation to Kyle and Carlos Alfred who stared at the phone in bewilderment."What do you mean by that?""We found that code in a secured vault…there is no way it's not a secret code."Carlos Alfred immediately said, his voice was ortund.Jake kept silent for a while and then gave out a silent giggle."Jake!" Kyle immediately screamed."Okay you got me… it's a secret code and it belongs to Mr Douglas Lincoln."Jake said laughing out loud."It appears to be the code of 1 of his 32184 depository boxes at Vortex Vaults, the world's most secure vault system."Jake added now losing his playfully demeanor and putting on a serious look."Nice work Jake…nice work."Kyle immediately said, his voice was laced with respect for the young boy's expertise."I heard you run my dad's cyber security company?""Yes Lord Lincoln… I do."Jake replied, smiling gleefully from his seat in the Lincol
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Chapter 9
The situation was intense and palpable as Kyle paced around and began."It all began the day I was adopted into the Webs family…My foster mom, Martha Webs saw the key stuff on my neck and she took it.""She was like…I will keep it for you whenever you need it, you can come get it.""I trusted her and let her keep it…I didn't even know what it was, all I can remember is that I have always had it from the orphanage."Kyle Immediately cleared his throat and continued, "Since then I have tried asking her and she keeps saying it's lost.""It wasn't until last week I saw the star key on Sophia's neck.""I had earlier overheard Mrs Martha telling Sophia to keep the stuff which she gave her safe.""Immediately I saw the star key on the neck of Sophia, I immediately realized that it might be what her mom was talking about.""I didn't think it was that important so I hadn't confronted Sophia over the star key."As Kyle narrated, Carlos Alfred just stared at him, nodding his head slowly."This i
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Chapter 10
"Lord Lincoln, I would never lie to you." "Your grandmother, Lady Isabella Lincoln, is perfectly okay… what matters now is finding that star key." "We need to know what your dad has inside of those depository boxes." Carlos Alfred said, his voice was barely above whispers yet laced with assurance. Kyle stared at him, nodded and ran off to the Web's mansion. ************************************************ Now inside the Web's mansion, Kyle enters the ante room and turns, immediately he bumped into Juliet, the maid at the Web's mansion. "What the heck!... don't you watch where you are going?" Kyle immediately screamed as he held Juliet from falling to the ground. "I'm really sorry I didn't see you there." Juliet said as she immediately broke herself off Kyle. "Where have you been Kyle…I have really missed you." Juliet's voice was mellifluous as she smiled at Kyle. "What are you talking about?" Kyle immediately asked as his demeanor changed from exhilaration to a mixture o
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