Chapter 11


You are what, kyle? 

Blurted out Juliet as she stared askance at Kyle who was still looking furious and confused trying to find the perfect excuse to his reason for stepping into Sophia's room in her absence.

Sophia, realizing that she had sounded harsh to Kyle, turned down her tune and proceeded to ask him politely.

“You are in Sophia's room, I hope you know that, and why's that so”?

“You know how crazy she gets when I don't do her laundry or attend to her room”. Kyle's voice turned mellifluous.

So I decided to check if by chance she had any dirty laundry. If you don't believe me, here's my broom and dustpan.

Juliet said, her voice was barely above whispers and laced with a mixture of trepidation and anxiety.

“How is it that some minutes ago, you made mention of trying to find something and here you are… in Juliet's room”. 

“And what's that you just placed in your pocket as you are pretending to be working?”.

Kyle immediately swallowed a hard lump…

“It's nothing Juliet… It's nothing”.

Juliet said, her voice was barely above whispers.

“It's not nothing Kyle, I know something is going on with you, I can't just figure out what”

“Anyways, it's fine, not like it's any of my business”. 

“Your secret is safe with me… I'd keep my mouth shut”.

Kyle said, his voice was laced with every atom of seriousness.

“Thank you Juliet for not pressuring more, I promise I won't forget this day and hopefully soonest, I'd explain everything to you”.

Juliet said, her voice was barely above whispers.

“It's fine Kyle, I know you and you will tell me when it's right”.

“When what is right?”.

The cold and detached voice of Sophia broke through immediately causing both Kyle and Juliet to shudder in trepidation.

Kyle said, his voice was laced with fear as he thought of an excuse.

“Umm, she was supposed to tell me a story but she kept insisting it isn't the right time for that”.

Sophia immediately said as she stared askance at kyle.

“Of course it's not the right time, are you done with your chores”?.

“You wouldn't know when the time is right since you've never for once been serious with your life”.

“Get out of here and go find yourself something to do before I descend on you”.

Sophia said, her voice was barely above whispers as she faced Juliet.

“And for you, leave my sight and let this be the last time I find you guys together, talking about anything”.

Scrubbing his eyes, Kyle walked slowly past Sophia as he headed to his room.

Sophia yelled at Kyle, her eyebrows now furrowed in anger.

“Come back here, ain't you forgetting something?”.

Kyle's voice was barely above whispers as he concurred to Sophie's question.

“Uh yeah, the dustpan, I'm so sorry about that”.

As Kyle bent down to pick up the pan, Sophia just stared at him, shaking her head slowly.

“Good for nothing boy, who can't even remember taking his dustpan along”.

“If only they know who I am and what's coming, they'd prefer to treat me nice… Kyle thought to himself as he walked out”.

Kyle stared at the key in his room as he pondered on what to do.

“What could possibly be locked in this depository box and how much would it contain”.

“I better reach out to Carlos so find that out immediately before Sophia realizes it's missing”.

Kyle picked up his phone and decided to give Carlos a call, but to his surprise, Carlos' line wasn't reachable.

Kyle murmured, his face now etched with a mixture of trepidation and anxiety.

“What could be wrong? Why's his line disconnected, he spoke as his voice was barely above whisper”.

He only stared back and forth at his phone, as he couldn't wait to tell Carlos how successful he was in retrieving the access key, which would give them access to the depository box.

Kyle was seated, his face laced with a mixture of confusion and anxiety when his phone rang.

“It's Carlos, thank goodness”.

Kyle picked up, his voice laced with exhilaration as he smiled gleefully.

“Hello, I've been trying to reach you, I've got the key”.

Carlos voice was ortund and laced with trepidation and urgency

“That's nice Kyle, but there's been an attack”. I'd come get you immediately.

Kyle Immediately cleared his throat as he shouted, with his voice above whispering.

“What do you mean an attack, to who and when?”.

Carlos voice was laced with seriousness 

“It's your grandmother, Lady Isabella Lincoln.”

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