Chapter 6

"Alright Lord Lincoln it is done."

"In the next few minutes I will be sending out the information to the other directors for immediate execution."

Mr Chang immediately said, his voice was barely above whispers but laced with assurance.

"I will be expecting an update."

Kyle said as he immediately hung up the call.

45 seconds later, Kyle and Carlos Alfred got the notifications on their phones.

"That was fast." Carlos Alfred said as he stared at his phone.

"This should teach the Hunters and the Martin's who's the boss around here."

Kyle said as he and Carlos Alfred laughed out loud.

"Those girls are animals, I really still can't believe they made that horrible video of you."

Kyle stared at Carlos Alfred and smiled, "I have had worse experiences especially from Mr Stephen and Martha Webs."

His voice was barely above whispers.

Picking up his phone he stared at it in shock.

"Wait a minute!"

"The moment we pulled off the Platinum Guard Investors support from the Hunters and Martin's family businesses, their business stock plunged to -92%."

"Plus all their investors are selling their stocks on a loss."

"Now they just declared bankruptcy some minutes ago."

Kyle said as he stared at Carlos Alfred.

"Carlos Alfred, this is almost too much power."

Kyle immediately added, as his voice was laced with exhilaration.

"You haven't seen anything yet, Lord Lincoln." 

Carlos Alfred immediately added as he laughed out.

Kyle immediately paced around the safe room slowly, "They deserve it, every bit of it is well deserving for them."

"Carlos Alfred, where have you been all this while that I have been suffering?"

Kyle immediately asked as he stared askance at Carlos Alfred.

Carlos Alfred stared back at him, his eyes widened in a mixture of disappointment and frustration.

"Lord Lincoln, I really searched for you, it's just that your dad really made sure you were hard to find."

"I only got to know of your existence some days ago."

Carlos Alfred explained as they continued searching through the safe.

"What I really don't understand is why your dad would keep your birth a secret."

"Seems to me that he knows something that you don't know."

As the search continued, they found hidden pictures of baby Kyle and his parents.

"When was this taken?" 

Kyle immediately asked, his eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment.

"I really don't know Lord Lincoln, at this point I'm as confused as you are."

"I could recall a press conference with the top business elite and your dad was asked if he had any plans for an heir and he said no and smiled gleefully."

"I'm just as surprised as you are to some of these findings."

Carlos Alfred said as he stared at the pictures, his eyes were focused on a gold frame in the background of the picture.

"What is it Carlos Alfred?" Kyle immediately asked as he noticed the unease look in his eyes.

"It's nothing."

"It's just that I don't recall this gold frame anywhere around Lincoln's mansion."

Carlos Alfred said as he gave Kyle the pictures.

"I really need to find out why your dad sent me off his helicopter the night of the crash."

"It all seems strange and confusing."

"But I know something is missing in this whole media story, although I actually saw the crash remains of the helicopter."

"But my question is why?"

"Why did the helicopter blow up that very night?"

"I mean I'm no pilot but I assisted Nathan Lewis the pilot of the helicopter that night to inspect the helicopter before take off and he confirmed we were ready to go."

"So what the hell went wrong?"

Carlos Alfred asked as he plopped into the luxury leather chair in the safe room.

"To make matters worse, the police are just acting all strange about the crash."

His voice was laced with disappointment.

"Don't worry Carlos Alfred, we will find out what really happened that night…we just need to be patient and keep digging deep."

Just then Kyle's phone rang and he immediately picked up the phone and stared at the screen.

"Who is that?" 

Carlos Alfred asked, his eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of anger and frustration.

Kyle stared at him immediately, "Oh, it's David…my friend."

"Don't answer it!"

Carlos Alfred yelled immediately, his voice was laced with a mixture of caution and anxiety.

Kyle immediately stared at him again, this time his gaze was laced with bewilderment and anxiety.

"Why not?" 

"David is my friend."

Kyle spoke out in the defense of his friend, his voice was barely above whispers.

"Your friend right?"

"What about Jefferson Edward, wasn't he your friend too, but he stabbed you in the back and took Chloe Walter from you."

Carlos Alfred said as he paced around the safe room.

"Lord Lincoln, I think it's time to lose this friend of yours."

"I mean for all we know that David you call a friend could be a spy or an enemy."

Kyle gasped and stared at Carlos Alfred in bewilderment.

"How could you be sure David is a spy?"

Kyle asked as he silenced the phone and stared askance at Carlos Alfred for an explanation.

Carlos Alfred stared at him and shook his head.

Standing up immediately he walked to Kyle and held his shoulders.

"Lord Lincoln, I was your father's personal guard and I don't want what happened to your parents to happen to you."

"You just have to be careful with all these people, David, the Webs and others."

"We have yet to know who our real enemy is yet."

Carlos Alfred said, his voice was barely above whispers and laced with reason as Kyle nodded.

"Can I take the call here?"

Kyle asked, his voice was barely above whispers.

"Nope until you get out of this secured facility."

"For security reasons."

Carlos Alfred immediately said as Kyle pocketed his phone.

"Let's keep looking for more clues."

Carlos Alfred said, his voice was barely above whispers.

The search was fast, just then Carlos Alfred noticed that Kyle wasn't searching anymore.

He immediately turned and to his shock, Kyle was no were to be found.

Carlos Alfred's heart raced vehemently, beads of sweat building up his face.

"Lord Lincoln…where are you?"

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