Chapter 7

The situation was intense as Carlos Alfred searched through but safe house for Kyle.

Pushing open a door frantically, his gaze fell on Kyle who was backing him.

"Lord Lincoln, what are you doing here?"

Carlos Alfred asked, his voice barely above whispers as he approached Kyle.

"Carlos Alfred, you have got to check out this book that I just saw."

Kyle immediately said as he turned to face Carlos Alfred.

Carlos Alfred immediately took a heavy breath of relief.

"Lord Lincoln, you really got me frightened back there."

"How did you access this part of the safe room?"

Carlos Alfred asked, his voice was barely above whispers as he stared at the weird book in his hand.

"My palm…it seems to be the key to practically everything in this room."

Kyle said as he stared too at the book in his hand.

"Carlos Alfred what do you make of this book that has a biometric lock?"

Kyle asked as he examined the book.

"Careful with that Lord Lincoln!"

Carlos Alfred immediately screamed.

Kyle immediately smiled gleefully and turned the book around and it was boldly written,

Top secret, property of the Lincoln's.

Kyle and Carlos Alfred stared at the book in bewilderment.

"What kind of book is this?" Carlos Alfred immediately asked, his voice was barely above whispers but laced with trepidation.

"The kind that has a biometric scanner."

Kyle replied sarcastically all in a bid to ease the tension that was building up in the safe room.

 "Let me have a look at that thing Lord Lincoln."

Kyle immediately threw the book at him, which Carlos Alfred immediately caught.

"What the heck!"

Carlos Alfred immediately yelled as he caught the book.

Kyle only laughed out loud exposing his great dentition.

Carlos Alfred stared at him in bewilderment as he tried his left and right palm and it didn't work.

"Lord Lincoln, I think this is for you."

Carlos Alfred immediately said as he beckoned on Kyle to come over and try his palm.

Kyle immediately tried his left palm and it didn't work, trying his right palm the book flipped open.

As they stared into the book, it was just an empty heavy book cover.

"What sorcery is this?"

"Why would my dad put a biometric scanner on an empty book cover?"

"This is just weird." 

Kyle said as he paced around the safe room with the bookcase in his hand.

"Lord Lincoln, I know your dad, he was never a fan of doing something for fun or for nothing."

"Can I see that bookcase once again?"

Carlos Alfred asked, his voice was laced with assurance and hope.

"Here you go and I hope you are right."

Kyle said as he slid the book on the table towards Carlos Alfred.

Opening the book Carlos Alfred gazed into it but this time he used a blue light from his ultra smart watch.

"Lord Lincoln!"

"You have got to see this immediately!"

Carlos Alfred called out, his voice was barely above whispers and laced with exhilaration.

Inside the empty bookcase glowed 5 numbers.


Kyle and Carlos Alfred stared at the code in bewilderment, trepidation immediately reeking all over them.

"What code is that?" Kyle immediately asked, his eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of confusion and anxiety.

Carlos Alfred stared at Kyle, his mouth was agape.

"I really don't know."

"I bet your dad has a lot of secrets and even though he is dead, he is still speaking to us."

"Possibly leading us to clues about his death."

Leaving the bookcase in the hands of Carlos Alfred, Kyle paced around the safe house, tugging his hair in frustration.

"Lord Lincoln, I'm faxing this code to Jake back at your mansion."

"I hope he is able to crack it and tell us what it's all about."

Carlos Alfred said as he immediately faxed the code to Jake and called him immediately.

"Where are you son!"

"Pick up the damn phone!"

Carlos Alfred yelled as the continuous unanswered ringing of the phone only added more tension to the situation at hand.

Just then Jake immediately picked his phone.

"Hello…I'm really sorry I had to fix myself something to eat."

Jake's face was laced with remorse as he apologized.

"Enough of your apologies son!"

"I just faxed a secret code to you and I want it de-encrypted in the next 6 minutes."


"What…6 minutes…are you kidding m…"

Before Jake could finish his argument, Carlos Alfred immediately dropped the call on him.

"He will de-encrypt it."

Carlos Alfred said, his voice was barely above whispers but laced with assurance as he stared at Kyle.

"Are you certain he will?"

"He didn't sound like that's even possible."

Kyle added his voice was barely above whispers and laced with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

"Don't worry Lord Lincoln, Jake is the best tech support guy in the world…that's why your dad pays him $100,000,000 a week."


"$100,000,000 a week?"

"Plus other allowances and benefits."

Carlos Alfred added as he stared at his watch.

"Well, How old is Jake?"

Kyle asked, his voice laced with curiosity to know more about this Jake guy that probably earns more than the president in a week.

"He is barely 22 years and he basically does nothing but sleep all day and manages your dad's cyber security company."

"Wait, my dad owns a cyber security company?"

Kyle asked, his eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of bewilderment and confusion.

"Yes, like I said Lord Lincoln, there is a lot you don't know about your dad."

"He is the sitting president of Techguard, the world's leading cyber security company."


Immediately Carlos Alfred was interrupted by a call.

"Who is that?"

Kyle immediately asked, his voice was laced with exhilaration.

"It's a secured line."

"I hope it's good news."


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