Chapter 5

Kyle immediately ran over to where Carlos Alfred was squatting and going through the files.

Gazing at his hand, Carlos Alfred immediately dropped a box he found in the safe on the table.

"What's in the safe?"

Kyle asked as his face was laced with eagerness to find out what's inside this box.

"We are about to find out soon enough."

Carlos Alfred said as he opened the box.

Dipping his hand inside the box he pulled out another Premium card.

"This must belong to your dad, add it to your mom's ATM card, who knows it might come in handy soon enough."

Carlos Alfred said as he handed the gold plated card to Kyle who took it immediately.

"That card was issued to your dad by the bank of the world, the Switzer bank…you can't even imagine the amount of money that is already logged onto that single card."

Carlos Alfred continued as Kyle still admired the gold plated fortune.

"Here are some of your dad's dairy, notes and joter."

"Keep them on that table over there we will go through them to see if there we can find any clue or anything that will point us towards finding what caused or who caused that helicopter crash."

Carlos Alfred's voice was barely above whispers.

Suddenly Carlos Alfred stopped and pinned his ear against the wall, his face was etched with a mixture of confusion and anxiety.

"What is it Carlos Alfred?"

Kyle immediately asked as he kept the books on the table.


"I thought I heard someone."

Carlos Alfred said as his voice was laced with a mixture of trepidation and anxiety.

Walking over to the other side he immediately turned on the light and gazed around.

"Lord Lincoln it's nothing… I totally forgot, there is no way someone can get in here without the passcode."

Kyle immediately gazed at Carlos Alfred as he took a breath of relief.

Walking back to the box, Carlos Alfred found Mr Douglas Lincoln's smartphone and handed it to Kyle.

"This smartphone belongs to your dad, replace yours with his and put yours into the box."

Carlos Alfred said as he stared at Kyle.

"Why would I want to do that?"

"Can't I just keep mine and his?"

Kyle immediately questioned, his face was etched with confusion.

"For security reasons Lord Lincoln, just keep your toy phone inside the safe box."

"Plus your dad's phone is way more sophisticated than this stuff you call a phone."

Carlos Alfred said as he picked the phone from Kyle and dumped it into the safe box trying very hard not to be sarcastic.

"Your dad's smartphone is custom made military grade tech made by Lockheed Martin and it has access to all top world Presidents and officials."

Carlos Alfred added as he stared at the phone in Kyle's hand.

"Any call placed from this smartphone is secured and concerned a matter of priority."

"In there is the only working line of Mr Chang, the Director of Platinum guard investors."

"Your dad is the head of the Platinum guard investors, the world's most respected, feared and influential organization of investors."

"It's a sad thing he had to go, since then Mr Chang, his director, had been in charge of the organization."

Gazing around, Carlos Alfred immediately stopped and gazed at Kyle.

"That reminds me, we have a payback to deliver to the family of the Hunters and Martin's."

"Those two brats shouldn't have humiliated you and made an embarrassing video of you."

Carlos Alfred said, his fist clenched in anger as he paced around.

Kyle only stared at him, wondering how they would actually get back at Susan Hunter and Charlotte Martins for their disdainful attitude towards him.

"So how are we going to make them pay dearly for their actions?"

Kyle asked as he walked towards Carlos Alfred who was still pacing around the safe house in vexation.

"Again you keep adding my foster sister, Sophia Webs to this payback plan…why?"

Kyle asked, his eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of bewilderment and confusion.

"Kyle don't worry about the Sophia Webs for now, they all will get what's coming for them soon enough."

"Everyone who has disdained you will definitely get a full dose of their own medicine sooner than they expect."

"First let's focus on taking out the Hunters and the Martin's."

Carlos Alfred immediately added as he stopped pacing around and stared at the hand of Kyle Lincoln.

"So how are we going to do that…you know the payback?"

Kyle asked, still confused with the whole payback plan.

As he stared at Carlos Alfred, he immediately noticed that he had his gaze fixated on his hand.

"What are you looking at?"

Kyle immediately asked, his voice was barely above whispers.

"You, Lord Lincoln, are the key to this payback."


Kyle asked almost immediately as he stared askance at Carlos Alfred who was now smiling gleefully at him.

Moments later, Kyle Lincoln is placing a call to Mr Chang at the Platinum Guard Investors complex.

"Remember if he asks you who you are just say Lord Lincoln junior…but I doubt he will even bother asking you that question."

Carlos Alfred said as he sat down while Kyle held up the phone as it rang.

"Master Lincoln, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting."

"I had been expecting your call since your dad's unexpected demise."

"What can I do for you?"

The phone was on loudspeaker as the voice of Mr Chang blared across the room.

Kyle stared at Carlos Alfred who immediately nodded his head.

"Mr Chang I would like to pull off the Platinum Guard Investors seal of support from the Hunters empire and the Martin's Global enterprise."

Kyle's voice was laced with authority as he spoke.

Mr Chang immediately gasped as he heard what Kyle was requesting for.

"Lord Lincoln, is something wrong?"

"Why are you calling in this crucial move?"

Mr Chang asked, as his jaw dropped in shock.

"Mr Chang, just do it, no questions asked."

Kyle said, his voice was ortund.

"Lord Lincoln, you realize that there's no going back to this?"

Mr Chang's voice was laced with trepidation.

"I realize that…"

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