Chapter 4

The next day Kyle was awoken by the loud sound of his ring tone.

Jumping up immediately, he stretched his body and picked up his phone.

His gaze fell on the screen of his phone, the number was secured.

"Who they heck could this be?" Kyle asked as he immediately picked up the call.

"Hello…Carlos Alfred is that you?... How did you even get my number?"

Kyle asked as he plopped into his bed.

"Lord Lincoln, meet me at your university Cafeteria in 30 minutes and come alone."

The voice of Carlos Alfred was a bit vehement and laced with urgency.

"Okay I will be there…how did you get my number, I don't recall giving it to you."

Kyle asked, as he awaited a response.

"Is that really a question?"

"You are talking to the personal guard of the most influential man on the continent, I have got my own ways of doing things and so many things you are yet to know about me."

Carlos Alfred immediately said, his voice was barely above whispers.

"Lord Lincoln, remember don't come to the cafeteria with your friend David."

Carlos Alfred immediately added, his voice was laced with caution.

"Okay I will do just that." Kyle said as he hung up the phone.

"This better be good news." Kyle said as he immediately ran off, did his normal duties and took this bath.

Tip-toeing to Mr Stephen and Martha Web's room, he gazed into the room and realized that they weren't back from the party they had gone to last night.

"That's really strange." Kyle muttered to himself as he ran off to the garage, getting onto his bicycle, he rode off to the Silicon Mountain university.

Moments later…

Kyle is walking through the dark abandoned cafeteria holding his backpack in his hand.

"Hello…Carlos Alfred!"

Kyle called out as his voice echoed through the empty hall.

Immediately the light flickered on causing Kyle to shudder backwards in trepidation. 

"Lord Lincoln, how could you allow those poor brats to humiliate you like this?"

Carlos Alfred asked as he walked closer to Kyle holding his tablet which was playing the video of the ladies embarrassing Kyle.

"I mean who the hell are they?"

"Do they even realize who you are?"

Carlos Alfred asked, his eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of anger and frustration.

"Carlos Alfred, I'm more infuriated on this than you can ever be."

Kyle said as he and Carlos Alfred walked deeper into the cafeteria.

"We need to teach all three of them an unforgettable lesson."

Carlos Alfred said as they got to the other end of the Cafeteria.

"What are we doing here exactly?"

Kyle asked, his eyebrows furrowed in bewilderment.

"Wait for it!"

Carlos Alfred said as he passed his smart watch and entered 4 digits code and a secret passage opened up at the end of the cafeteria.

"Quick Lord Lincoln get in." 

Carlos Alfred said as he and Kyle walked in the secret facility underground.

The secret facility and a elevator running down to the base.

"What the hell!"

"Has this always been here?"

Kyle asked as he gazed around the sophisticated facility in awe.

"Technically yes…your family, the Lincolns, as you already now know are the most influential family on the continent."

"Your dad had lots of this safe houses and nuclear bunker built across the country… incase of you know what."

"World war three."

Kyle immediately chirped in, his voice was barely above whispers.

"Exactly, World war three."

Carlos Alfred immediately added as he stared at Kyle who was still in awe of such luxury and sophisticated facility.

"Come with me at once Lord Lincoln, we are here to retrieve something very important."

Carlos Alfred said as both of them walked into another section of the secret facility.

"There, we need to open that door but only your dad's retina scan can access that safe."

"So I brought you down here hoping your retina scan would open it."

Carlos Alfred said, his voice was barely above whispers as he stared at Kyle.

"Are you sure my eye can access that safe?"

Kyle asked as he stared askance at Carlos Alfred.

"We will never know until we try."

Walking over, Kyle put his face into the scanner and to both him and Carlos Alfred surprise, the safe opened.

"Good morning Lord Lincoln!" The robotic voice AI came alive.

Walking over, Carlos Alfred immediately opened the safe and searched through the safe frantically.

"What exactly are you looking for?"

Kyle asked as he plopped into a luxury leather chair behind him.

"Documents, anything that can point us to anyone who might have a reason to blow up chopper 774, your dad's helicopter."

"I believe the way we can find out the whole truth is to start from going through your dad's stuff."

Carlos Alfred continued his frantic search throughout out the safe, going through documents, letters, old flash drives and other things.

His gaze fell on an old wedding card that had the names of the bride and groom torn away.

"Why would Mr Douglas Lincoln have a wedding card that has the names of the bride and groom ripped off?"

Carlos Alfred thought to himself as he p

laced back the card into the safe.

Carlos Alfred continued his search.

Moments later…

"Lord Lincoln!"

"I finally found something…"

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