Chapter Three

"I would love you to keep your cool and lay low at the Webs until we figure out what actually happened to your dad's helicopter and more importantly why it happened."

Carlos Alfred said, his voice was laced with reason.

Kyle stared at him as he pondered on what he just told him.

"You are definitely right, if my father's helicopter crash was a coverup news that means that I might be a possible next target."

Kyle added, his face now etched with a mixture of trepidation and anxiety.

"Lord Lincoln, I'm pretty sure no one is aware of your existence."

"Your dad did a great job hiding your birth from the world and I believe it was for a purpose."

"Right now, like I said, lay low at your foster home and together we will figure out what happened to your father's helicopter that night."

Carlos Alfred's voice was laced with a hint of assurance and security.

Kyle only stared back and forth at Carlos Alfred and his mom's ATM card that had access to trillions of dollars.


Moments later, Kyle is getting off the Escalade just 5 poles from the Webs.

"Lord Lincoln, remember what I told you, you can get your bike from the back of the car."

"No problems Carlos Alfred, you know you should have allowed me to go back and pick up my bike instead of buying this brand new gold plated bike."

Kyle immediately said as he stared askance at Carlos Alfred.

"You know what, you are right, let's go back and get your rickety bike."

"What was I even thinking?" 

"A poor boy suddenly showing up to lectures on a gold plated bike would definitely draw attention to you."

Carlos Alfred's voice was laced with disappointment at his decision.

"You think!"

Kyle immediately asked sarcastically as Carlos Alfred pulled the car back and they went back to the Silicon Mountain university garage and got his bike.

"Please Lord Lincoln, whatever you do, don't draw attention to yourself…we have a lot of troubles on our hands already."

With that been said, Carlos Alfred speeds off leaving Kyle to continue his journey back to his foster home, a place where disdain had become a normal thing for him.

Getting inside the mansion, Kyle immediately realized that Stephen and Martha Webs, his foster parents, weren't around.

"Where could they be?"

He thought to himself as he walked slowly to his room, staring at his watch, it was already 7.30pm.

Getting inside his room, Kyle immediately locked his room and laid on his bed pondering on all that Carlos Alfred had told him and all that had happened today from the unexpected breakup from Chloe Walter to finding out today that he had been a trillionaire from birth.

As he laid on his bed trying to articulate his thoughts, a heavy knock came on his door causing him to shudder out of his thoughts.

"Who is there?"

"Come out you bloody peasant!"

The cold and detached voice of a lady immediately broke through.

"Shit, Sophia."

Kyle immediately muttered to himself as he walked towards the door and opened it.

Standing before him was three ladies staring at him in disgust.

"My friends and I are having a sleepover tonight, here, get this laundry ready in 12 minutes and get it delivered to my room."

Sophia's voice was laced with disgust and anger as Susan Hunter and Charlotte Martins poured the dirty laundry on Kyle and they pranced out laughing mockfully at Kyle.

"Remember Kyle, you have 11 minutes remaining, so get to work."

Kyle immediately shook his head in disappointment.

"If only she knows who I have become as of today."

Kyle immediately took the dirty laundry to the laundry room, as he was washing, he immediately noticed that the ladies had left their dirty underwear in the laundry.

Placing a peg on his nose, he packed the dirty underwear into the laundry bag and dried the washed clothes and went straight to deliver the clothes to the ladies.

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!

The silent knock on the door caused the ladies to reduce their loud music as they opened the door.

"Wow, that was fast."

"Sophia, your maid sure does know his job very well."

Charlotte Martins said as she stared at Kyle who was handing them their laundry and the laundry bag full of their dirty underwear.

"I'm not her maid, I'm a Trill…I meant the adopted child of her parents."

Kyle immediately came up with a coverup as he almost revealed his true identity just as Carlos Alfred had warned him not to.

"Well, there is clearly no difference between a family maid and an adopted son."

Susan Hunter added as they all laughed out loudly and scornfully.

"What is that in the laundry bag?" Sophia immediately asked, her face etched in bewilderment.

"Oh, it's your dirty underwear, you can't expect me to wash them right?"

Kyle immediately asked as he stared at them all in surprise.

"You can have…" Before Kyle could complete his statement, he was interrupted by a heavy slap from Susan that sent him off his feet and straight to the ground.

"Are you nuts?!"

"Why wouldn't you do the laundry?!"

Sophia yelled to his face on the floor bathing Kyle with spit.

Before Kyle could realize what was actually going on, Charlotte immediately emptied the bag of dirty underwear on Kyle.

Sophia pulled out her phone and made a mockery video of him as the ladies dumped the dirty underwear on him.

"Kyle I'm about to post this embarrassing video of you on I*******m, let's see if the world would love pantsman."

Sophia said as she and her friends continued laughing while Sophia prepared the video to be posted online.

"I love the title #Pantsman."

Susan Hunter said as she laughed out loud.

"Don't you dare post that video!"

Kyle yelled from the ground as he stood up from the ground staring at the ladies, his fist clenched in vexation.

"Or what?"

"Have you forgotten your place in this mansion all of a sudden?"

"Let me remind you, you are nothing but a poor brat who my mom picked from the orphanage."

Sophia said disdainfully as she immediately posted the video on I*******m.

Under 30 seconds the video went viral as everyone was now tagging Kyle #Pantsman.

To make matters worse, Chloe Walter saw the video too.

Kyle immediately bent his head and walked away from the room.

"You all will regret this…"

Kyle said as he pulled out his phone on his way to his room.

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