Slap Them Back

10 ratings

Slap Them Back

By: Sisi ryri Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 37 views: 647

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Dennis Brown never resisted any derogatory insults from everyone in his life, but he immediately left when he found out that his wife Cleo had cheated. When he left, Dennis finally knew that he was an honorable man and decided to return to his bitter old life to slap everyone who had looked down on him all this time in an elegant way.

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    Up Thor nice story

    2024-06-01 14:30:25
  • Dalla Modalla


    thanks for the good story

    2024-06-01 07:01:18
  • Nanq


    good story

    2024-06-01 07:00:15


    nice story

    2024-05-30 23:44:42
  • Mey Dong Ming


    seru ceritanya klo bisa bikin lebih kejam lagi

    2024-05-30 19:41:42
  • Yoko Satriawan


    gass kak seru banget harusnya Dennis lebih galak

    2024-05-30 19:32:51
  • Azka Kasnara


    good story

    2024-05-29 13:40:01
  • Ernando


    up more thor

    2024-06-01 23:29:27
  • Mey Dong Ming


    lanjut kak Thor

    2024-06-01 21:47:44
  • Sisi Shaka


    seru ceritanya kak

    2024-05-30 19:31:26
Latest Chapter
37 chapters
Chapter 1. Shitty Life
Wake up, weak! Hardhat!" The shout reverberated loudly in Dennis Brown's ears, who had just returned to the football field for training two days ago after a lengthy injury. He scanned the area, hoping for a friend to assist him, but found none.Instead, all he encountered was an apathetic stare, viewing him as nothing more than a feeble 27-year-old man."OUCH! My Leg!" Dennis yelled as loudly as possible, feeling completely exhausted at that moment, unsure of what else to do."Weak!" Cory's voice echoed, despite being Dennis's childhood friend. Rather than offering a helping hand, Cory joined in laughter with his companions from the Backfire football club, seemingly unconcerned about the struggling man's situation. "Why is he still at this club?"the coach exclaimed. "He should have been let go a long time ago, Cory."Cory chuckled at the coach's words.Dennis listened to all those hurtful words with a heavy heart. Words that were constantly echoed by everyone in the football club as i
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Chapter 2. New Beginning
"Damn!" Dennis exclaimed as he strolled under the slowly drenching rain.The sky appeared to understand his emotions, so it poured to cleanse his wounds.What a tragic existence; who knows what will unfold next?Upon entering the city park, Dennis caught the attention of five hungry-looking thugs.Aware that Dennis was a former football player at a renowned club, they assumed he had money to spare for food.The thugs exchanged whispers to confirm their target. "Yes, it's him. Let's strike. No time to waste!"Splash!One of the thugs abruptly kicked Dennis's injured leg, causing the unfortunate man to tumble to the ground."Ouch! What have you done?" Dennis exclaimed, bewildered.A thug with a neck tattoo seized Dennis's collar and demanded, "Hand over your money!""I have no money! You've mistaken me for someone else if you're seeking money from me!" Dennis retorted.The man retorted, "Stop the lies, loser! We know who you are, and you must have money."While two thugs restrained Denni
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Chapter 3. Vague Requests
The lawyer promptly agreed to fulfill Dennis's request. "Oh, that. Sure, I will grant your wish."Dennis continued, "Since my leg injury, it seems like there are no friendly people in this country anymore. Can you cover my surgery expenses so I can stand tall again in front of those who always look at me cynically?""Absolutely!" the old man replied promptly.A week later, Dennis recovered from the leg surgery he had undergone.Confidently, he drove into the Vanguard Fire Club grounds in a sleek black sedan. He intentionally parked next to Cory's car, which appeared to have just arrived for practice.Dennis rolled down his car window and faced the vehicle carrying his former friend and his wife's lover."Who's that?" Cleo asked, astonished as the luxury car pulled up beside her.The model scrutinized the man in the car. "Dennis?"Both of Cleo's eyebrows shot up simultaneously, still uncertain if the handsome and affluent man she saw was her ex-husband whom she had divorced so bitterly
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Chapter 4. Come Back Stronger
Romaria seemed to start pressing many buttons on Dennis's phone and was ready to copy it as ordered. This kind of task was relatively easy for Romaria because, since working with the Rolin family, she had often been assigned espionage tasks like this.As the evening approached, Dennis, who was still in the president's chair, welcomed Romaria. He glanced at the handbag behind his assistant's shoulder, guessing it was a flash drive containing CCTV recordings from Cleo's house that he needed. "You're fast,""Thank you, Sir. I'm used to doing secret tasks like this. You need to know that I had to play the recording first to make sure this cassette contains what you asked for."Dennis nodded happily. It turned out to be very easy for him to get back at Cleo. "Oh, so you've confirmed the flash disk?"Romaria immediately placed a small white cassette on Dennis's desk. "Yes, this is the right cassette. So what do you want me to do with this flash disk?"Dennis cleared his throat and glanced a
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Chapter 5. Unexpected Revenge
The journalists continued to barrage Cleo with questions that made Cleo feel low. "So, Cleo divorced because of an affair with Dennis's teammate?"Cleo ran back into the house, covering her face with her bag. "Get out of here!"Cory, who was still on the sofa, then approached Cleo to see what was happening outside the house."What's going on?"Cleo snorted and walked away with an empty gaze. "It's too late. I thought I could fix it, but they all know now, and I'm helpless because of it."Cleo's phone rang, and her slender hand quickly grabbed it. "Hello,"Cleo fell silent for a long time, and her angry eyes looked despondent upon hearing the words from the other end of the line. "Fine!"Cory nudged Cleo's stiff shoulder beside him. "Who was that?"Cleo leaned her back against the sofa and looked at her accomplice with teary eyes. "He's ruined my career.Now I'm no longer the face of famous products, Cory!"Cory closed his eyes upon hearing Cleo's words. "This is scary!"As Cleo and Co
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Chapter 6. Don't Stop Me Now
"No! It has nothing to do with you. Just calm down."Of course, Cory didn't believe it so quickly; he immediately grabbed Cleo's phone roughly. "I need to know everything about you, Darling. Don't make me wonder."Cleo, who was not pleased, immediately grabbed her phone again, although eventually, the device fell onto the sofa, and Cory managed to see it. "Give it to me!"Cory's angry face was visible once Cleo realized who was being watched. Cory's face began to turn red as he couldn't contain his anger. "What? You're still keeping an eye on the man you divorced?What's wrong with you, Cleo? Am I not enough for you?"Feeling like this argument was futile, Cleo then stood up from her seat while holding her phone. "I think it's time for me to meet that man; he has to forgive me, and I'm sure he can put me back in my rightful place."Cory firmly grabbed Cleo's hand, trying to stop this beautiful woman's crazy intention. "No! You're mine now. Don't you dare approach that man again. Enoug
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Chapter 7. Complicated Problem
Unable to tolerate Cleo's behavior, Dennis's threat was heard immediately. "Get out, Cleo, or I'll make your career even more ruined!"Cleo was shocked to hear Dennis's words and finally just surrendered when the security guards dragged her hands to Dennis's luxurious house's gate. "What?"Cleo finally left Dennis's house after being escorted by the security guards to her car. During the journey, her eyes continued to be teary, feeling foolish for her behavior in front of Dennis, who was angry with her.As the car she was driving almost arrived in front of her house, suddenly, many text messages came in, and her eyes immediately glanced at the screen."[Your contacts have been canceled. Sorry Cleo, but you're boycotted because of your affair, Cleo]."Cleo became even more aware of her mistakes and regretted ever hurting Dennis so much with her affair."He's even more ruthless than I imagined."Cleo's weary legs then stepped into the house, and she sat on the sofa with her head bowed.
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Chapter 8. Cory's Life Changes
Rob sighed heavily and leaned close to Cory's ear. "Meet me after training."Those words suddenly made Cory feel strange hearing them from his coach. Usually, Rob only does something like this for players who have problems on the field during matches.That feeling made Cory continue to wonder about Rob's reasons during training. "It can't be that I have a problem. I never make mistakes on the field."Despite being frustrated, Cory remembered Owen's words assuring his position on the team. Cory continued to train because he knew he had to perform impressively in the upcoming match to maintain his position as a star player for the rest of the season.The training session ended, and it was time for Cory to meet Rob. He walked slowly down the hallway to the locker room where Rob usually talked with players.Cory approached Rob immediately to ask. "Coach, I'm here. What do you want to talk about?"Rob looked around and then glanced toward the coach's room, which was still dark. "I think it
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Chapter 9. No Regrets Yet
Cory, who didn't get a response from Dennis, then walked towards his car and drove towards Cleo's house. During the journey, he kept grumbling as if preparing sharp words to vent his anger at Cleo.When he parked his car in front of Cleo's house, Cory immediately entered the house and found Cleo crying uncontrollably in front of the screen, which had been playing and replaying news of their affair.Cory, without any pity, immediately grabbed Cleo's hand, who didn't realize his presence. "Do you know what happened to me this morning?"Cleo looked at Cory's newly arrived face and asked. "What happened to you?"Cory, who had prepared his words, immediately shouted. "My career is ruined, Cleo. I'm just going to sit on the bench indefinitely!"Cleo shook her head, realizing that Cory was also ruined because Dennis was spreading the video. "Dennis is truly evil!"Cory pushed Cleo's body onto the sofa. "Dennis? This is your fault, Cleo. If it weren't for you tempting me. I wouldn't be like t
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Chapter 10. Enjoy Revenge
Dennis remembered the name David Smith, which was not unfamiliar to him. Dennis then whispered, "He seems familiar to me. He's the cousin of that annoying guy."The Lawyer nodded. "You mean Cory Anderson's cousin?"Dennis smiled, and an idea filled his mind. "Let me see his partnership with the company."The Lawyer opened a folder containing copies of agreements made ten years ago. "David is the sole supplier of jerseys at the club's official store. David decides the colors and quantities of jerseys we sell there."Hearing the Lawyer's explanation, Dennis frowned. "Decides?"The Lawyer nodded. "Yes, Sir."Dennis grabbed the document and slowly read the agreement made by his father, then found one by one the cooperation clauses that Dennis considered outdated. "I think it's no longer the time for monopolies to exist. This will make him overpowered."The company lawyer approached to caution Dennis, but before the Lawyer could speak, Dennis shook his head. "We need to make a new agreemen
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