Operation: Nosoi

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Operation: Nosoi

By: A.D. Lee Updated just nowMystery/Thriller

Language: English

Chapters: 195 views: 190

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Kai is a secret agent with a mission that transcends time. Tasked with a covert role in "Project Nosoi," he is sent back to the year 2010 to rescue Dr Jason Akari--- the brilliant scientist who created the the one and only vaccine for the CO-20 Virus. As the deadly pandemic ravages the world, dangerous spies relentlessly hunt Dr. Akasi, seeking to possess the groundbreaking discovery. Now, it is up to Kai to navigate the treacherous waters, protect the vaccine, and ensure Dr. Akasi's safe return to the future. With the world's future at stake, will Kai be able to fulfill his mission and halt the relentless spread of the virus? Or will he die in the middle of his mission?

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195 chapters
Chapter One: The Opening of Pandora's Box
Kai and Krystal sat side by side on the train, their tired expressions mirrored in each other's eyes. They are on their way home, after a very tiring day. Krystal had just finished her dialysissession, a routine that the siblings had become all familiar with. Krystal's chronic kidney diseases has taken a toll on both her physical and emotional well-being. But there was a hope on the horizon - a kidney transplant was schedule for next month.As the train sped through the next station, Kai's thoughts drifted back to their difficult past. They had lost their parent's at a very young age, leaving them orphaned and valuable. Their Aunt from their mother side had stepped in to care for Krystal, while Kai took on the role of a security officer in the Presidential Security Group, responsible for protecting the President of South Marquina.Kai's dedication to his work was fueled by the desire to provide a better life for his sister, and at the same time, he also knew the importance of keeping
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Chapter Two: Calling Agent Washington
Kai was deep in slumber when the piercing sound of his phone ringing broke the silence of his bedroom. Startled, he jolted awake, his heart pounding in his chest. He fumbled for his phone on the bedside table, squinting at the screen through sleepy eyes. The caller ID displayed "Begonia House," which is the official residence of the President of South Marquina.Instantly, his drowsiness dissipated as his mind snapped into alertness. He knew that a call from Begonia House meant something important. With a surge of adrenaline, he answered the call, his voice steady despite the lingering traces of sleep."Hello, this is Washington speaking." he said, using his work codename, his tone professional and focused.On the other end of the line, a voice spoke urgently, relaying instructions and observations that Kai absorbed with unwavering attention."Washington, we have an urgent and emergency meeting at the Begonia House. We need you here as soon as possible." "Understood. I'm on my way. Wh
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Chapter Three: A Secret Meeting Between Washington and the President
"As you may be aware, there is a virus spreading rapidly across the globe. It is known as C20 Virus, and it's impact has been devastating. In just one week, it has claimed numerous lives and caused widespread panic." President Redford finally revealed the truth.The room grew somber as the weight of the situation settled upon them. The President's words hung in the air, each person realizing the severity of the crisis they were faceing.President Redford turned to the Chief of the Department of Health, a figure known for their expertise and dedication."Dr. Hernandez, could you please provide us with the details of the C-20 Virus? How does it affect the body, and what are the factors that contribute to its fatality?" Dr. Hernandez stood up, projecting an air of professionalism and knowledge. He began explaining the nature of the virus, outlining it's symptoms, transmission methods, and the devastating impact it had on the human body."The C-20 Virus is a highly contagious respiratory
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Chapter Four: Washington's Loyalty
Kai sat in the hospital waiting room, his mind consumed with worry for his sister, Krystal. The past few hours had been a whirlwind of anxiety and fear. After rushing Krystal to the hospital, the doctors had taken her into their care, working tirelessly to stabilize her condition.As he waited, Kai's thoughts turned into his own health. He had undergone series of tests to determine if he had been infected by the C-20 Virus. The relief washed over him as he received the news that his tests came back negative. He was grateful that he had not contracted the virus, but his joy was overshadowed by the knowledge that Krystal was fighting the illness.His mind went back to the past, as he remembers his conversation with one of the doctors."Kai, I'm sorry to inform you that Krystal has tested positive for C-20 Virus. Her condition is critical, and she is currently in an induced coma." the doctor informs him.Kai's heart sank, and a wave of emotions washed over him. Fear, worry and sadness mi
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Chapter Five: Operation: "Nosoi."
"I will do everything in my power to protect this information, Mr. President. I understand that there are risks involved and the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of our conversation. I will not falter, and I am honored to serve and protect our country. You can count on me to carry out my duties with utmost integrity and dicretion." Kai firmly stated his loyalty to the President and to the country of South Marquina."Very well, then. I want you to listen carefully, Washington... Since I took over the Begonia office as the President of South Marquina many years ago, I selected loyal and capable government officials and scientist to form a covert operation known as "Operation Nosoi." This operation is a highly classified initiative that involves sending an agent back in time, depending on the specific time line we need to address. But to give you a background, Nosoi is derived from a Greek mythology, refers to the spirits of plague, diseases and illnesses. It is reminiscent
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Chapter Six: The Beginning of Operation: Nosoi
As the doctor left to attend to his other duties, Kai turned his attention back to his sister. He mustered all his strength and resolve, as he is going to embark on a top-secret mission that will not just save his family, but the whole world as well...=======================================================The next day.President Redford stood before the nation, his voice resolute as he announced the implementation of a total lock down in the whole country of South Marquina. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on his shiulders, knowing that it was a necessary measure to combat the devastating CO-20 Virus that had claimed countless lives all over the world."My fellow citizens, in light of the escalating threat posed by the CO-20 Virus, I hereby declare a total lock down across the entire country of South Marquina. Effective immediately, every citizen is required to stay home for the quarantine. This is a crucial step to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our nation from
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Chapter Seven: January 12, 2010
"Well, there may be a temporary disorientation upon arrival in 2010 and upon return to the present time. That's why it's extremely crucial to follow the instructions provided and rely what you learned on your training to navigate these transitions." Dr. Mythos instructed."I will to my utmost best." Kai made a promise."I have every confidence in your ablities, Washington. You have proven yourself to be resourceful and dedicated. Remember, our nation's future depends on the success of this mission. I trust that you will carry out your duty with care and determination." Dr. Mythos gave Kai a piece of advice.After a few moments, he is now surrounded by the team of scientists, including Dr. Apollo Mythos and experts who had prepared the special cocktail for Kai's journey back in time. The small glass, containing a vibrant blue liquid, sat before him, it's significance weighing heavily on his mind. He took a deep breath, steadying himself for what lays ahead."Washington, the special con
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Chapter Eight: The Life Of Artemus Elpis
Kai is now standing in front of an apartment unit, which listed on the text message. This is going to be his home while he is fulfilling his mission. He also looked at the text message which has the passcode to open the apartment's door. He triumphantly smiled when the door opens.He stepped inside, and roamed his eyes around the apartment. He whistled under his breath, while looking impressed at the full-furnished unit. He is determined to make himself feel at ease. The apartment was adorned with furnishings that seemed quaint compared to the technology he was accustomed to in 2020. But Kai knew that adapting to his new environment was crucial for the success of his mission.Taking a deep breath, Kai surveyed the room and began making small adjustments to create a sense of familiarity. He unpacked his belongings, placing cherished memento and personal items on a nearby table. He puts a small photo frame of his sister, Krystal, along with their Aunt. The sight of these familiar object
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Chapter Nine: That 1% Chance.
The moment his discovery became known, dangerous individuals began to invade his life, seeking to exploit his groundbreaking creation. Realizing an imminent threat, he made a life-changing decision. He chose to travel back in time, specifically to the year 2010, to hide from the spies who were determined to kill him and steal his vaccine. And that's the time he decided that he really needed to get away and forget about his old life.Embracing a new identity, he changed his name from Dr. Jason Akasi to Artemus Elpis. He also enrolled as a student at Marquina University, adopting the persona of a nerdy student to blend in with the crowd. He believed that enduring the bullying and hardships of a student life was a small price to pay compared to the alternative fate that awaited him in the year 2020.Artemus embraced his new life as a student, immersing himself in his studies and navigating the challenges of university life. He endured the taunts and bullying, knowing that it was a necess
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Chapter Ten: His Haunting Past
"Why now? It's been so long since I've had a dream like this. Why is it resurfacing now?" he wondered aloud.Artemus pondered the significance of the dream, searching for any underlying meaning or connection to his current circumstances. He knew that his decision to hide in the past had brought him relatively safe, but the fear and paranoia still lingered within him.Determined to find answers, Artemus reached for a notepad on his bedside table and began jotting down his thoughts and emotions. He hoped that by unraveling the layers of his subconscious, he could gain a better understanding of his fears and find a way to overcome them.================================================After a few hours.Artemus had spent hours delving into his past, analyzing the events that had led him to this point."The dream... it must be a manifestation of my lingering anxities, a reminder of the dangers I faced before. I must find a way to reconcile my past with the present." he thought aloud, whil
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