Chapter Five: Operation: "Nosoi."

"I will do everything in my power to protect this information, Mr. President. I understand that there are risks involved and the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of our conversation. I will not falter, and I am honored to serve and protect our country. You can count on me to carry out my duties with utmost integrity and dicretion." Kai firmly stated his loyalty to the President and to the country of South Marquina.

"Very well, then. I want you to listen carefully, Washington... Since I took over the Begonia office as the President of South Marquina many years ago, I selected loyal and capable government officials and scientist to form a covert operation known as "Operation Nosoi." This operation is a highly classified initiative that involves sending an agent back in time, depending on the specific time line we need to address. But to give you a background, Nosoi is derived from a Greek mythology, refers to the spirits of plague, diseases and illnesses. It is reminiscent of Pandora, the first woman on Earth. Pandora was given a box by the gods, which contained all the evils in the world. When Pandora opened the box, these evils were released, causing suffering and hardship. Operation Nosoi aims to prevent or mitigate the consequences of specific events in history that have led to catastrophic outcomes or the spread of diseases." relayed President Redford, in a discreet and careful manner.

Kai's eyes widened in surprise and intrigue. The story behind Project Nosoi really fascinates him, and this top secret operation piqued his security.

"That means that Operation Nosoi involves altering historical events to prevent minimize the impact of diseases or other calamaties? What should I need to do to participate in Operation Nosoi?" he curiously inquired.

"Yes, that's one of the things Operation Nosoi can do. By sending an agent back in time, we have the opportunity to identify critical moments where interventions can be made to alter the course of history. Just like what I said before, this operation will prevent the spread of diseases, averting pandemics, or addressing the root causes of global crises." President Redford explains further.

"It's a remarkable and ambitious undertaking, Mr. President. This project can potentially save countless of lives. I can see the immense responsibility that comes with Operation Nosoi." Kai nodded in agreement.

"Indeed. The weight of this operation cannot be underestimated. It requires individuals with exceptional skills, unwavering dedication and the utmost discretion. The consequences of any misstep or breach of confidentiality could be catastrophic. And I have full confidence in you. What I'm about to tell you next is the step by step of what you are going to do in this mission."  The President's voice is filled with urgency and determination.

"I'm listening, Mr. President." Kai encourages the President to speak.

"Washington, your mission is of utmost importance. We need you to travel back in time to the year 2010. There, I want you to look for Mr. Jason Akasi, a brilliant scientist who successfully created a vaccine for CO-20 Virus. He escaped from the year 2020 to hide in the year 2010, as spies from various countries are after him for his round breaking discovery." President Redford finally revealed one of his agent's real mission.

At the same time, Kai's eyes widened in astonishment. The weight of the task ahead settled upon him, but he knew the importance of this mission.

"And how can I go back in time, specifically in the year 2010, Sir?" he asked again, after he regains his composure.

"We have developed an advanced technology that will facilitate your journey to 2010 and back to your real timeline, which is 2020. Our team will provide you with necessary equipment and guidance. Once you locate Dr. Akasi, it is crucial to keep him and the vaccine safe and protected. Your mission is to bring them back in the year 2020, where we can manufacture the vaccine and distribute it to the infected patients, ultimately stopping the pandemic." enunciated the President.

"This is an immense responsibility, Mr. President. I will do everything in my power to locate Dr. Jason Akasi, protect him, and ensure the safe return of the vaccine. The fate of countless lives depends on the success of this mission." Kai reassures the President, with so much conviction and determination.

As their conversation concluded, Kai left the President's office with a mix of determination and trepidation. The weight of the mission settled upon him, but he knew that the fate of humanity rested in his hands. Kai needs to prepare himself, mentally, emotionally and physically for the unconventional and dangerous journey that lays ahead...


Kai stood outside his sister Krystal's hospital room, his gaze fixed on her as she ay in coma, hooked up to a breathing machine. The glass windows separated them, a barrier which made him feel frustrated. He longed to be by his sister's side, to hold her hand, and offer words of encouragement, but the risk of infection was too great.

The doctor had just informed him that Krystal's condition had stabilized, but her body was still fighting the virus. They had decided to induce a coma and use a breathing machine to support her lungs and prevent them from overworking. It was a difficult decision. But one that offered the best chance for her recovery.

Kai's heart ached with worry, but he trusted the expertise of the medical team. He knew they were doing everything they could to help his sister.

"Hang in there, Krystal. You're strong, and you'll get through this. I'll be waiting for you to wake up." he whispered, while making a promise to his younger sister.

As he continued to watch over his sister, the doctor who's taking care of Krystal suddenly approached him.

"I know that you're still worried about your sister. But I can assure you that we're doing everything we can to continue to stabilize her. As her body is still fighting the virus, we've decided to delay the kidney transplant operation until she full recovers from the infection. It's a precautionary measure to ensure her safety." the kind doctor explained Krystal's current condition.

"If this is for the better, then so be it, doctor. Krystal's health is the priority right now. We'll wait until she's strong enough for the transplant." Kai nodded in agreement.

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