Chapter Six: The Beginning of Operation: Nosoi

As the doctor left to attend to his other duties, Kai turned his attention back to his sister. He mustered all his strength and resolve, as he is going to embark on a top-secret mission that will not just save his family, but the whole world as well...


The next day.

President Redford stood before the nation, his voice resolute as he announced the implementation of a total lock down in the whole country of South Marquina. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on his shiulders, knowing that it was a necessary measure to combat the devastating CO-20 Virus that had claimed countless lives all over the world.

"My fellow citizens, in light of the escalating threat posed by the CO-20 Virus, I hereby declare a total lock down across the entire country of South Marquina. Effective immediately, every citizen is required to stay home for the quarantine. This is a crucial step to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our nation from further harm..."

As the news spread, families across the country prepared for the challenging period of isolation. 

At the hospital cafeteria, Kai is also watching the latest developments regarding the CO-20 Virus pandemic. He is also absorbed with the gravity of the situation, as he watched the reports of millions of lives caused the virus. He knew it was time for him to step up and fulfill his mission for "Operation Nosoi," to save lives abd bring a end to the devastating crisis.

"It's time. I must start on my mission and do everything in my power to find Dr. Jason Akasi and the pandemic, and bring him back to the year 2020." he whispered to himself.

With utmost motivation and determination, Kai started making all the necessary preparations for his departure. He needs to ensure that his Aunt, who is now isolated and safe at home, has enough supplies to sustain herself during the lockdown. He knew that his absence will be difficult for his Aunt and Krystal, but he has to prioritize the mission at hand...


Kai is currently undergoing a secret training in an unclassified location. He is now talking to one of the scientists who is one of the creators of Operation Nosoi, Mr. Apollo Mythos.

"Washington, the technology we have developed is highly advanced and complex. It involves a combination of quantum physics, temporal mechanics, and advanced computing systems. Our group of scientists have created a device known as the Temporal Displacement Unit or what we call as TDU, which allows for controlled time travel."

Kai's eyes widened in fascination as he listened to the President's explanation. He leaned forward, eager to learn more about this secret project.

"That sounds incredible, Dr. Mythos. How does the Temporal Displacement Unit usually work? How does it ensure a safe journey back and forth through time?" he curiously inquired.

"The Temporal Displacement Unit operates by creating a localized temporal field around the user. It manipulates the fabric of spacetime, allowing for temporal displacement. The device is calibrated to specific temporal coordinates, ensuring precise travel to the desired time period." the old Dr. Mythos patiently explained.

"That's remarkable. But what about the risks involved? Are there any potential dangers or side effects of using this technology?" Kai started asking questions again.

"Time travel is not without risks, Washinton. The Temporal Displacement Unit is designed with multiple safety protocols to minimize potential side effects. However, it is crucial to follow the guidelines and protocols provided by our team to ensure a safe journey. Any deviation or misuse of the technology could have unforeseen circunstances." Dr. Mythos became more serious than ever.

Kai nodded, absorbing the information and recognizing the importance of adhering to the protocols.

"I understand, Dr. Mythos. I will closely follow the guidelines provided by the team to ensure a successful and secure journey back in time." he reassures the old scientist.

"We have every confidence in your ability to navigate this technology responsibly, Washington. Remember, our team of experts will be there to support you at every step of the way." added Dr. Mythos.

"You have my word. I will do everything in my power to fulfill this mission and protect the future of our nation."

As their training concluded, Kai left the training room with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The Temporal Displacement Unit technology that would facilitate his journey through made him realize that everything is not a joke, and he will be responsible for everything.

But with the support provided by the team, Kai prepares himself for the challenges that lays ahead, ready to embark on a journey that would shape the course of the history and the future...


Two weeks passed by just like a snap of a finger...

This is the important day where Kai is finally going to go to a journey that will make him travel back in time, specifically in the year of 2010. After Kai passed all the general check up and once the doctors made sure that he is mentally, emotionally and physically ready to start, he is sitting at a certain room, which looked like an hospital, and there were tubes hooked up in different parts of his body...

Dr. Apollo Mythos is now explaining the step by step process of his impending time travel.

"Washinton, for your journey back in 2010, you will consume a specially formulated cocktail. It will taste like an alcoholic drink, but it's unique mixture will induce a deep sleep, almost in a comatose state, allowing your consciousness to travel through time..."

"So, this cocktail will put me in a deep sleep and transport my consciousness to the year 2010?" Kai wanted to make sure that he understands everything.

"Precisely. It is a complex blend of substances that will temporarily suspend your physical body while your consciousness travels back in time. You will find yourself in the year 2010, where you will carry out your mission to locate Dr. Jason Akari." Dr. Mythos didn't leave any stone unturned.

"What about the return journey to the present day? How will I come back to the year 2020?" Kai asked another question.

"Once you have successfully located Dr. Akari, the two of you will consume a small amount of the special cocktail, which is in a metal container on your backpack. This will trigger your return to the present day, bringing you and Dr. Akari back to the year 2020." answered the old scientist.

"What are the potential risks or side effects of this process?" inquired Kai.

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