Chapter Seven: January 12, 2010

"Well, there may be a temporary disorientation upon arrival in 2010 and upon return to the present time. That's why it's extremely crucial to follow the instructions provided and rely what you learned on your training to navigate these transitions." Dr. Mythos instructed.

"I will to my utmost best." Kai made a promise.

"I have every confidence in your ablities, Washington. You have proven yourself to be resourceful and dedicated. Remember, our nation's future depends on the success of this mission. I trust that you will carry out your duty with care and determination." Dr. Mythos gave Kai a piece of advice.

After a few moments, he is now surrounded by the team of scientists, including Dr. Apollo Mythos and experts who had prepared the special cocktail for Kai's journey back in time. The small glass, containing a vibrant blue liquid, sat before him, it's significance weighing heavily on his mind. He took a deep breath, steadying himself for what lays ahead.

"Washington, the special concoction you see before you will allow your consciousness to travel back to the year 2010. It's crucial that you drink it all to ensure successfully transition." one of the scientists informs Kai.

Kai nodded, his gaze fixed on the glass. He understood the importance of this moment and the immense responsibility that rested upon him.

"I am more than ready, doctor." he responded, in a determined manner.

"Remember, once you consume the liquid, your consciousness will begin its journey back in time. Stay focused and trust the process. We're here to support you in every step of the way." Dr. Apollo Mythos gave Kai last-minute instructions.

With renewed determination, Kai reached for the glass, his hand steady despite the heavy weigh of the moment. He brought the glass to his lips, and without hesitation, drank the vibrant blue liquid.

As the liquid flowed down his throat, Kai felt a surge of energy, Colors suddenly blurred, and his surroundings seemed to fade away. He closed his eyes, embracing the sensation of his consciousness being transported back in time.

"What... what is happening? I can't see anything. It's all... dark." he asked, trying not to panic.

"Kai, you're moving through a temporal shift. Your consciousness is traversing the fabric of time. Embrace the darkness and trust the process." Dr. Mythos tries to calm Kai.

Time seemed to bend and warp as Kai's journey began. Memories and emotions flooded his mind, as he traveled through the temporal realm, inching closer to the year 2010.

In the depths of his being, Kai new that the fate of humanity rested on his success. He would so everything in his power to protect Dr. Apollo Akasi, retrieve the vital vaccine, and ensure a safer future for all.

As Kai floated in the void, time seemed to lose all meaning. He had no sense of direction or awareness of his surroundings. It was as if he had been detached from the limitations of time and space...

Minutes, hours, or perhaps even days passed in this timeless state. Kai's consciousness drifted. Finally, a glimmer of light pierced through the darkness. Kai's consciousness began to emerge from the depths of the dark tunnel, slowly regaining clarity. As the light grew brighter, he felt the surge of energy, and his surroundings materialized before him.

Kai slowly opened his eyes, his vision still a bit blurry as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. As his focus sharpened, he realized he was standing in the middle of a bustling city road, surrounded by a sea of people crossing the streets. The sounds of car horns and chatter filled the air, creating a noisy background and confusion on Kai.

Kai's eyes darted around, taking in the sights and sounds of the unfamiliar city. His confusion turned to shock when he glanced up at the towering electronic billboard, which displayed a flashing news report.

It was a breaking news report about the 7.01 earthquake that happened in Haiti. Kai's gaze locked onto the images displayed on the screens, showcasing the devastating aftermath of the 7.01 magnitude earthquake, the footage of the affected people, the wreckage, the reports of casualties and survivors.

Kai is still unable to believe that he had truly traveled back in time to the year 2010 at first, but when he saw the date and time flashing on the screen, he is starting to believe that his time jump has been successful.

"It's January 12, 2010 today... It means that I've really traveled back ten years!" he exclaimed.

Kai suddenly snaps out from his reverie when he heard the honking sounds of passing vehicles. He quickly gathered his wits and started crossing the bustling streets, his senses heightened by the urgency of the situation. Finally reaching to the other side of the street, he took a moment to catch his breath and regain his composure.

Just as he was about to continue his journey, a faint sound caught his attention. Startled, he realized that the sound was coming from his bagpack. He swiftly unzipped it, searching for the source of ringing.

"Where is that sound coming from" he muttered to himself.

His hand brushed against the phone, buried amidst the contents of his bag. With a sigh of relief, he retrieved the device and answered the call.


"Washington, it's President Redford, also known as The Eagle Eye. I am calling to inform you that we need to adjust our plans for "Operation Nosoi." 

Kai's heart raced at the sound of the President's voice. He knew that this call held crucial information, possibly altering the course of his mission.

"What's the update, Eagle Eye?" he politely inquired.

"We received a new intelligence, and it revealed a heightened threat level. The spies pursuing Dr. Apollo Akasi have become more aggressive. We need to expedite the extraction process and ensure the safety of the doctor and the vaccine." Eagle Eye gave Kai the latest update.

"Copy that, Eagle Eye." Kai responded in return.

"I will give you further instructions in a few days. For now, check your phone message, and there is a residential address where you'll be staying during your stay there. Good work for traveling back in time successfully, Washington."

And before Kai could say anything else, the call abruptly ended.

Kai quickly noted down the residential address and the additional instructions. Afterwards, he started walking to go to his temporary home...

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