Chapter Two Hundred One: After A Long Time

Clarissa is currently doing the new choreography for her job. She was contracted by a famous male pop singer to choreograph dance moves for the artist's latest music video.

"Clarissa, we got some mails!" her Manager, Jessica suddenly appeared at the practice room. She laid the letters on the nearby table.

Thanks, Jessie." Clarissa thanked her.

She decided to take a break for a few minutes because she has been dancing for three hours. She looked at the letters one by one.

Some of them are from her fans, and some of them are from her students and her co-workers.

One particular letter suddenly caught her attention.

It was sent from Tokyo, Japan. She quickly opened the letter to read it.

"Clarissa, are you alright?" Jessica asked her.

Clarissa was in utter shock after she read the letter. She wasn't able to speak for a few minutes. But once she recovers from her
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