Chapter One Hundred Ninety Nine: Goodbye To Everything

Clarissa is lying on her bed while staring at the ticket for NO Border's concert tomorrow.

Part of her brain is telling her not to go so that she can forget about Jason, but her heart is telling her a different thing. Her heart is telling her to go to the concert, and see Jason one last time.

She wearily sighed. Looks like she won't be able to sleep tonight...


The night of the concert came.

Clarissa is sitting in one of the many chairs inside the Grand Dome. She's happy to see that the place is packed with people, and she is so proud for NO Borders.

She's 100% sure that the concert will be successful.

Clarissa snaps out from her reverie when when the lights suddenly went out, and the concert is about to start.

After a few seconds all of the members of NO Borders appeared onstage...

Her heart is overwhelmed with so much e
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