Chapter One Hundred Ninety Eight: The Closure

Jason eyes immediately searched for Clarissa as soon as he steps onstage. He anxiously looks for her and he couldn't see her from the crowd of dancers...

"Alright, guys! Gather up! I have a very important and serious announcement to make." their choreographer suddenly called for their attention.

As soon as everyone has gathered, Jun spoke again.

"As you all know, the NO Borders' concert will start tomorrow, and this will be our last rehearsals. For the passed few days we had a problem and because of that our Big Boss decided to --- permanently remove ai Clarissa as one of the back-up dancers.That's why we decided that for Jason's partner for his solo performance, she will be replaced by Victoria." he pronounced.

Everyone was obviously shocked after they heard the announcement.

"Is it because of the scandal?" Edward bravely asked Jun.

Somehow, he was still worried about Clarissa.

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