Chapter Ten: His Haunting Past

"Why now? It's been so long since I've had a dream like this. Why is it resurfacing now?" he wondered aloud.

Artemus pondered the significance of the dream, searching for any underlying meaning or connection to his current circumstances. He knew that his decision to hide in the past had brought him relatively safe, but the fear and paranoia still lingered within him.

Determined to find answers, Artemus reached for a notepad on his bedside table and began jotting down his thoughts and emotions. He hoped that by unraveling the layers of his subconscious, he could gain a better understanding of his fears and find a way to overcome them.


After a few hours.

Artemus had spent hours delving into his past, analyzing the events that had led him to this point.

"The dream... it must be a manifestation of my lingering anxities, a reminder of the dangers I faced before. I must find a way to reconcile my past with the present." he thought aloud, while looking at some written information on his notepad.

As he continued his introspection, Artemus realized that he needed to confront his fears directly. He couldn't allow the nightmares to take control of his life. It was time to face the remnants of his past head-on and find peace within himself.

"I won't let the shadows of the past hold me back. I've come so far, and I will continue to move forward." he tries to give courage to himself.

With renewed determination, Artemus closed his notepad and set it aside. He knew that the road ahead would be challenging, but he is ready to overcome to lingering effects of his past. The nightmares might persist, but he is determined to continue living his life and find his purpose in this alternative timeline...


Kai sat in a dimly lit room, the glow of his customized secure phone casting a soft light on his face. He took a deep breath, preparing himself to the conversation with President Redford, also known as "Eagle Eye." The weight of his mission weighed heavily on his shoulders as he dialed the number and waited for the call to connect.

The phone rang a few times, before a familiar voice filled the room, exuding authority and determination.

"Washington, it's good to hear your voice. How are things progressing? Have you made an progress in locating Dr. Jason Akasi?" 

Kai hesitated for a moment, knowing the importance of honesty in this crucial mission.

"Eagle Eye, I have to be honest with you. It's been a week since I arrived in 2010, but I'm facing difficulties in finding Dr. Akasi. The situation is more complex than we anticipated. The doctor has gone great lengths to stay hidden, and the intelligence we have is limited." he relayed his report.

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line as President Redford absorbed Kai's words. The silence seemed to stretch on, filled with the realization of the challenges they faced.

"I understand, Washington. We knew this mission wouldn't be easy, but we must remain steadfast. The fate of millions rests on our success. We can't afford to lose hope now." Eagle Eye finally spoke.

"I haven't lost hope, Sir. I will continue to search for Dr. Akasi tirelessly. I won't rest until we find him and secure the vaccine. I just wanted to be transparent about the challenges we're facing." Kai relayed, with a sound of determination in his voice.

"Your honesty is commendable, Washingon. I have every confidence in your abilities. Remember, setbacks are a part of any mission, but it's how we overcome them that defines us. Stay focused, and keep me updated on any developments." the President have Kai last-minute instructions.

"Thank you, Eagle Eye. I won't let you down. I'll do whatever it takes to fulfill our mission and bring an end to this devastating pandemic." answered Kai, in a resolute manner. The President's advice gave him more courage and strength to continue with his mission.

With the conversation concluded, Kai hung up the phone, his mind filled with a mix of determination and concern. He knew that his mission would be twice or thrice harder compared to his time during his military training period, but he was resolved to persevere. The difficulties of finding Dr. Jason Akasi only fueled his determination to overcome the obstacles and secure the vaccine that held the key to saving countless lives...

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