Chapter Eleven: An Undercover University Student

Days stretches into weeks, and Kai is still in his covert mission to locate Dr. Jason Akasi. He is now doing an undercover mission, pretending to be a normal and a regular student at Marquina University. He is trying to blend in with the other students, and so far, he is actually doing a good job at it...

Kai woke up early in the morning. He pulled the bedrooms curtains and he let's out a small smile when he saw the bright light which is fully illuminating his whole room. The view of the beautiful, clear blue sky made him feel so much better.

"I hope I can finally find Dr. Jason Akasi today." Kai whispered to himself.

After having a cup of coffee and toasted bread, he quickly went inside the bathroom for a quick shower. After ten minutes, he steps out from the bathroom, and went straight to his closet to pick some clothes to wear for school today.

He checked himself in front of the mirror, and he smiled I satisfaction when he saw his reflection. Everything looks good...

And once he made sure that he didn't forget anything, he closes and locks his apartment door behind him, and rode unto his bicycle.

After a few minutes, he is now making his way at Marquina University, to start another day of searching for Dr. Jason Akasi.


After cycling for fifteen minutes, Kai finally reached the campus grounds of Marquin University. He can't help himself but to marvel on how huge the University is, while also thinking that he should search for any corner of the campus to find Dr. Akasi.

He saw some students who are studying at the nearby benches, while looking so serious. 

Marquin University is known for its high-quality education, and the school curriculum is based on the European syllabus.

Kai stopped at the bicycle parking, and as usual, he decided to park his bike there. After making sure that he surely locked his bicycle, he started walking his way to Audio-Visual Room A, where his first class is going to be held.

He passed by the open basketball court, and he saw a group of varsity players doing their basketball practice there. He suddenly noticed the ball flying outside from the court, and it landed straight into another student's face!

Kai suddenly stopped on his tracks when he saw a guy kneeling at the middle of the road. The man looks like he is in extreme pain. He hurriedly approaches him to check up on him.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

The guy looked up at him, and he saw his nose bleeding, and there were also blood in his hands. And he can also clearly remember that this was the very same guy he helped few days back, while he was being bullied by the other students...

Anyway, looks like he really needs some help right at this moment.

"Okay, just calm down and don't panic. Come with me and I'll take you to the clinic." Kai quickly offers his help.


At the same time.

Artemus is glad that someone is willing to help him. But he also noticed that this man is a bit familiar to him because he was the one who helped him against the bullies few days ago...

"T-Thank you. My nose was hit by a ball and I really need to go to the clinic." he tried his best to speak, amidst the excruciating pain that he is feeling on his nose.

They suddenly heard some footsteps coming their way. And it was none other than the basketball team, which is led by the team captain, Steven, his constant bully, along with his other minions.

"Oh, I'm sorry, four eyes. The ball slipped from my hand, and I didn't know it would hit you." Steven said, but there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. 

Artemus also noticed that all of his minions are grinning from ear to ear.

"Don't treat me like a fool, Steven. I knew you intentionally hit me with the ball." he said to himself, as he is trying to control his anger.

"I'm going to take him to the clinic now. Just be careful next time, okay?" Kai spoke.

And before Artemus could say anything else, the man helped him stand up, and escorted him to go to the the University clinic.

He doesn't have the energy to talk because of the extreme pain that he is feeling right now. The most important thing right now is he needs to be treated, and he badly needs to take in some painkiller tablets...

"Just be patient. We're almost there." the good Samaritan tries to calm him.

After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the clinic. The resident doctor quickly approaches them to assist them.

"What happened?" the doctor asked.

Kai helped the guy lie down on the clinic bed, the he started explaining everything to the doctor.

"His nose was hit by a basketball, and it won't stop bleeding." he calmly relayed to the doctor.

"Alright, don't worry. We'll make your friend feel better as soon as possible." the doctor gave them an assurance.

Artemus bit his lip when the doctor started checking his nose. He knows that the doctor is only doing his job but the pain is so unbearable, and he tightly closed his eyes and bit his lip.

"Just relax. Everything will be okay." the man who helped him tried to make him feel relaxed and calm.

A few minutes later, the doctor finally finished treating his nose.

"Everything is fine now. You are still lucky because your nose is not broken or anything. You will have bruises, and you will still be in pain, that's why I am going to give you some painkillers to reduce the pain and the swelling. Your nose will finally heal after two weeks." the doctor explained, in a clear manner.

Artemus let's out a relieved breath after hearing the doctor's diagnosis. At least there's nothing broken, and he doesn't need any surgery or anything.

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