Chapter Three: A Secret Meeting Between Washington and the President

"As you may be aware, there is a virus spreading rapidly across the globe. It is known as C20 Virus, and it's impact has been devastating. In just one week, it has claimed numerous lives and caused widespread panic." President Redford finally revealed the truth.

The room grew somber as the weight of the situation settled upon them. The President's words hung in the air, each person realizing the severity of the crisis they were faceing.

President Redford turned to the Chief of the Department of Health, a figure known for their expertise and dedication.

"Dr. Hernandez, could you please provide us with the details of the C-20 Virus? How does it affect the body, and what are the factors that contribute to its fatality?" 

Dr. Hernandez stood up, projecting an air of professionalism and knowledge. He began explaining the nature of the virus, outlining it's symptoms, transmission methods, and the devastating impact it had on the human body.

"The C-20 Virus is a highly contagious respiratory illness. It primarily spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Once the virus enters the body, it attacks the respiratory system, causing severe inflammation and damage to the lungs. This can lead to respiratory failure, and ultimately, death."

The room listened intently, absorbing every word. The President and the attendees understood the urgency of situation and the need for immediate action to stop the spread of the virus.

President Redford thanked Dr. Hernandez for his comprehensive explanation and he started speaking again.

"The Global Health Organization is going to make a worldwide announcement that the C-20 Virus is now a pandemic. It is crucial that we take proactive measures to protect our citizens and prevent further loss of life. I will be working closely with the Department of Health and other relevant agencies to implement necessary protocols and guidelines. We must prioritize the health and well-being of our people above all else."

The room nodded in agreement, a sense of determination and unity prevailing in the face of C-20 Virus. The President's words resonated with each attendee, igniting a collective commitment to fight against the threat and safeguard the well being of the nation...


Kai sat on the train, his midn consumed with thoughts of the impending announcement and the responsibilities lay ahead. He is mentally, emotionally and physically preparing himself for what awaited him at home. The train rumbled along the tracks, bringing him closer to the top-secret plans he needed to set in motion.

As the train move steadily forward, Kai pulled out a small notebook from his bag, flipping through its pages. He made a mental note of the tasks that needed to be completed once he arrived home. The President's decision to announce a nationwide lock down after the Global Health Organization declares the C-20 Virus pandemic meant that time was of the essence.

First on the list was ensuring a one-month supply of groceries. Kai knew that stocking up on essential items would be crucial during the lock down period. He jotted down a list of items, making sure to include non-perishable food, a good supply of bottled water, and other necessities. He wanted to ensure that Aunt Cecile and Krystal would have everything they needed to sustain themselves during this chellenging time.

Next, Kai made a mental note to purchase all of Krystal's medications for her Chronic Kidney Disease. Her health condition required regular medication, and it is vital to have a month's supply on hand. He knew that securing her medication would be of utmost importance, as access to Healthcare might become limited during the lockdown.

Finally, Kai planned to prepare their apartment for the upcoming period of isolation. He made a mental checklist of tasks, including cleaning and organizing their living space, ensuring they had enough tolieltries and cleaning supplies.

As the train approached his stop, Kai closed his notebook amd looked at the window, with a mix of determination and concern in his eyes. He knew that the upcoming days would be challenging, but he needs to prepare everything, ensuring this safety and well-being of Aunt Cecile and his sister, Krystal...


Kai enters the apartment. He was about to call for his Aunt Cecile but the old woman quickly rushes towards him, her face filled with worry and panic.

"Kai, thank goodness you're home! Something's wrong with Krystal. She's running a high fever and she is having trouble breathing." Aunt Cecile immediately informs his nephew.

"What? Since when did she start feeling this way? Did she already take a medicine?" Kai asked, while looking alarmed.

"When she woke up this morning, she's been complaining about having a headache and she feels so weak. I already gave her some medicine after eating breakfast." the old woman relayed.

Kai rushes into Krystal's room and finds her lying on the bed, unconscious and burning with fever. He places a hand on her forehead and feels the intense heat.

"Krystal, wake up! Can you hear me?" 

Kai feels like his heart stopped beating for a moment because his sister didn't answer him. He started checking her wrist for her pulse, and he heaved a sigh of relief when he realized that Krystal's pulse is still beating. He didn't waste any more time. He quickly dials the emergency number on his phone. He paces back and forth, anxiety etched on his face.

"Hello, this is an emergency. My sister is unconscious and running a high fever. She has a chronic kidney disease and she's having difficulty breathing. Please send an ambulance right away!" 

After making that call to the emergency number, Kai returns to Krystal's side, holding her hand tightly.

"Hang in there, Krystal. Help is on the way. You're going to be okay." he speaks softly, while trying to comfort her.

After a few minutes, the sound of sirens grows louder as the ambulance approaches. Kai opens the door, his heart pounding in fear for his sister.

Once they are inside the ambulance vehicle, Kai is sitting beside Krystal, holding her hand tightly. The paramedics work swiftly to stabilize her condition.

"Please, do whatever it takes to save my sister. She's all I have." Kai pleaded to the paramedics.

"We're doing everything we can, sir. We'll get her to the hospital as quickly as possible." one of the paramedics reassures him.

Kai takes a deep breath, his worry far from over. He nods, grateful for the paramedics efforts. He is silently praying and hoping that Krystal will be saved...

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