Slap Them Back
Slap Them Back
Author: Sisi ryri
Chapter 1. Shitty Life

Wake up, weak! Hardhat!" The shout reverberated loudly in Dennis Brown's ears, who had just returned to the football field for training two days ago after a lengthy injury. He scanned the area, hoping for a friend to assist him, but found none.

Instead, all he encountered was an apathetic stare, viewing him as nothing more than a feeble 27-year-old man.

"OUCH! My Leg!" Dennis yelled as loudly as possible, feeling completely exhausted at that moment, unsure of what else to do.

"Weak!" Cory's voice echoed, despite being Dennis's childhood friend. Rather than offering a helping hand, Cory joined in laughter with his companions from the Backfire football club, seemingly unconcerned about the struggling man's situation. "Why is he still at this club?"

the coach exclaimed. "He should have been let go a long time ago, Cory."

Cory chuckled at the coach's words.

Dennis listened to all those hurtful words with a heavy heart. Words that were constantly echoed by everyone in the football club as if they held no significance. Throughout his career, Dennis Brown was branded as weak. His legs were deemed too rigid, his reflexes inadequate, and his endurance lacking, leading to mockery from his peers over the years.

Due to these limitations, Dennis was consistently considered unfit to participate by his peers, none of whom were willing to help him on that day.

After laying helpless on the field for an extended period, a doctor finally arrived to transport Dennis to the nearest hospital. However, once again, he received distressing news.

"You need to rest for an extended period, Dennis. Your injury is deteriorating," the doctor's words dealt a severe blow to Dennis.

"How long will it take to recover?" Denis asked with a heavy heart.

"Maybe half a season or more if you insist on playing for the team, unless you want to undergo expensive surgery soon," came the reply.

Denis fell silent; how could he afford surgery when his football career was ruined by the long-term injury he sustained?

"I think I'll have surgery next time. For now, I just want to go home," Denis said, bowing his head in acceptance of the harsh reality.

In truth, his wife, Cleo, had the means for the operation, but Denis hesitated to ask her, prolonging his recovery.

Observing Denis's despondent expression, the doctor inquired, "Do you want to go home alone or shall I call your wife?"

Denis declined immediately. "No, I'll just take a taxi home. My wife is busy. Besides, I don't want to inconvenience her."

With crutches in hand, the doctor allowed Denis to leave the treatment room.

Limping, Denis made his way home. Despite his shattered spirit, he endeavored to remain resilient, recalling the support he received from those around him.

During the taxi ride, he clung to hope for a way out of his predicament, determined to rise above the adversity and regain his standing.

"Look at him!" Dennis's neighbor exclaimed, initiating gossip about his failed football career.

Whispers followed, "He's lost his dignity, despite his wife being a renowned and wealthy model. It's unbelievable she married such a worthless man."

With a heavy heart, Denis entered his home, unperturbed by the disparaging remarks of his neighbors. His disappointment stemmed from his inability to provide for his wife as he desired.

"Honey, I'm home," Denis called out, noticing the unlocked door, but Cleo's silence greeted him. "Honey," he repeated, receiving no response.

"Perhaps she's asleep," Denis mused, making his way up the stairs.

As Dennis' footsteps approached his room, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Get ready, Cleo!"

"Oh, Corry!"

Dennis' eyes narrowed as he recognized the screams from his wife Cleo Smith's room. The image flashed in his mind, and instinctively, his left hand dropped all his belongings.


Dennis' head spun as he tried to guess what his supermodel wife, whom he married three years ago, was up to. "What is he doing?"

Dennis quickened his pace, turning the knob of his bedroom door swiftly to see what his wife and Cory were up to inside.

Stunned, Dennis watched Cory, his former teammate who had shouted at him on the field this afternoon, making love to his wife. "What the fuck!"

"Dennis!" Everyone fell silent momentarily until Dennis approached Cory and slapped Cory's left cheek until his friend fell to the floor.


Seeing her husband's anger, Cleo shouted, "Dennis, don't hurt Cory! He has a match tomorrow!" She bravely intervened to prevent Dennis from venting his anger on the man who had clearly damaged his self-esteem.

With teary eyes, Dennis asked Cleo, "What did you say, Cleo?"

Dennis angrily tried to grab his friend's shoulder, but Cleo pushed Dennis away from Cory. "You think I'm going to let you hurt Cory?"

Cleo's response made Dennis realize the truth of the situation.


Cleo grabbed a silk kimono to cover her body, which was covered in sweat after making love with her husband's friend.

Instead of answering Dennis' question, she turned towards the cupboard to retrieve a brown envelope and pen.

With a flat expression, Cleo then took out a piece of paper from the envelope and placed it on the table. Without hesitation, she stated, "You've seen it all. There's no longer any reason for us to stay together."

Dennis glanced at Cory, who was smiling and content seeing what Cleo had done to him.

With hesitant steps, Dennis approached the table where the letter lay. Just by reading the letterhead, he already knew what it said.

Without hesitation, Dennis signed as per Cleo's instructions. Despite not knowing his destination, Dennis departed without glancing back at Cory, who was grinning in anticipation of what he had long awaited.

Dennis then left with a heavy heart.

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