Chapter 2. New Beginning

"Damn!" Dennis exclaimed as he strolled under the slowly drenching rain.

The sky appeared to understand his emotions, so it poured to cleanse his wounds.

What a tragic existence; who knows what will unfold next?

Upon entering the city park, Dennis caught the attention of five hungry-looking thugs.

Aware that Dennis was a former football player at a renowned club, they assumed he had money to spare for food.

The thugs exchanged whispers to confirm their target. "Yes, it's him. Let's strike. No time to waste!"


One of the thugs abruptly kicked Dennis's injured leg, causing the unfortunate man to tumble to the ground.

"Ouch! What have you done?" Dennis exclaimed, bewildered.

A thug with a neck tattoo seized Dennis's collar and demanded, "Hand over your money!"

"I have no money! You've mistaken me for someone else if you're seeking money from me!" Dennis retorted.

The man retorted, "Stop the lies, loser! We know who you are, and you must have money."

While two thugs restrained Dennis, the one with the neck tattoo rummaged through his pockets. His disappointment was palpable when he found nothing. He proceeded to search Dennis's pants pockets one by one, but once again, found nothing.

"I already told you I have no money!" Dennis continued to resist, but the thugs persisted in searching for valuables.

Wearing a mocking smirk, the thug with the neck tattoo remarked, "Seems like this guy is empty-handed after all."

Then, in a sadistic tone, he continued, "We'll just finish him off!"

The thugs consented to eliminating Dennis, "If he reports us to the police, we could get into trouble. So, let's just finish him off."

Immediately after, mercilessly, the thugs beat Dennis.


Dennis screamed as loudly as possible, but his voice was lost in the loud rain. He could only hope for sudden help, unsure of its source.

"He's such a loser. No wonder he has nothing," the thief pitied Dennis before preparing to dispatch the man in his pitiful state.

Upon hearing those words, Dennis, refusing to accept the label of loser, tried to rise on his injured leg.

In a moment, his eyes filled with anger. "What did you say?" Dennis shouted and attempted to attack the two villains, but stumbled suddenly.


The brute struck Dennis in the face, causing him to collapse to the ground once more.


Dennis screamed loudly, yet he was completely powerless.

Hey! You!

A loud shout made the five thugs turn towards the sound.

A man with a black umbrella and dressed in all-black stood in front of the bodyguards and approached the thieves.

"Let him go!" shouted the old man's bodyguard, his face displaying a fierce expression.

The bodyguard's imposing figure intimidated the thugs, making them start to feel afraid.

Somewhat nervously, one thug asked, "Wh-who are you?" They began to worry about their safety.

The old man in a brown suit, with a cowboy hat covering his face, replied calmly, "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is you leave him alone!"

The intimidating presence of the man with the black umbrella was overwhelming, causing the thugs to whisper fearfully, "He seems to be..."

Even though there were five thugs with empty stomachs, they wouldn't stand a chance against this one old bodyguard.

The imposing bodyguard spoke as he flexed his fingers, "If you want to live, you better leave."

The sound of his joints cracking seemed like they could easily break bones. Without a word, the five thugs quickly scattered and ran away.


Their cries left Dennis feeling helpless.

"Young Master!"

The elderly man called out and then knelt down to check on the man he had rescued.

Days went by, and Dennis regained consciousness in a well-lit room. Slowly, he gathered his thoughts before attempting to sit up.

"Don't!" the old man shouted, pushing Dennis back down onto the bed.

"Where am I?" Dennis inquired, realizing he must be in the VIP section of a luxurious hospital. "Who are you?"

"You're awake," the old man replied with a light chuckle. "It's good that you're awake." He then moved his chair closer to Dennis's bedside.

"Tell me quickly," Dennis mumbled, massaging his throbbing head.

"I am your grandfather's attorney, here to bring you back, Young Master."

"Grandfather?" Dennis squinted his eyes.

The man in his middle age nodded. "Yes, you are the offspring of Diego Rolling, the late owner of Vanguard Fire Club. I've been sent to retrieve you because the club's affairs are too much for your grandfather to handle alone."

"What? Me?" Dennis swallowed hard, finding the man's words quite startling.

"Yes, you are the descendant of that remarkable man. Unfortunately, his life was filled with turmoil, leading many to believe it's karma for abandoning your mother and you as a baby."

Dennis nodded slowly, gazing up at the brightly illuminated ceiling of his room, mirroring the newfound brightness in his heart. "So I am now the owner of the club where I was deserted?"

The lawyer confirmed Dennis's realization, "Indeed, I am aware of your history, but I regret only coming now."

Sagely, the man continued, "You have the option to return as a player or take on the role of the club's owner. However, considering your lack of football talent, it might be best to assist your grandfather in managing it. What do you think?"

The elderly man reached out his hand, and Dennis hesitated briefly before finally shaking it warmly.

Feeling the overwhelming sadness from those around him, Dennis made the decision to say, "Yes, I will assist my unknown grandfather in managing his vast business."

After a moment of quiet, Dennis added, "But before that, may I ask you something?"

The attorney adjusted his slipping glasses before nodding slowly. "Tell me what you need, Young Master. Your grandfather can make anything happen."

In his quest for vengeance, Dennis was adamant about keeping his true identity a secret. "I need you to conceal my true identity."

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