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By: Waris Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 43 views: 145

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Michael West has always endured the torments from his mother in law and brother in law all for the love he has for his wife. After all his sacrifices three years into the marriage, his wife, Clara Robert , divorces him after making it to the top. Being a man with healing knowledge beyond all others, he strikes gold directly from the source and his wife realizes that he was the ultimate golden ticket she never deserved.

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  • Queenta4life


    I really like the storyline ... ...️ I shall follow till the end ......️...️

    2024-05-29 07:48:02
Latest Chapter
43 chapters
Michael tapped his feet repeatedly on the tiled floor as he sat impatiently in the CEO's office of Robert and co. He had been sitting there for hours after receiving a message from his wife's secretary to come in and see her. The cup of coffee sitting in his hand let out its final smoke that swirled into the air till it disappeared as he looked at the wristwatch on his hand to check the time for the twelfth time.The door finally pushed open and a young lady with curly blonde hair that bounced behind her as she swayed her hips walked in. A fitted blue mini suit skirt clung onto her body and a suit shirt to match fitted her perfectly. Michael let out a sigh as the word "finally" left his mouth. "Mr West, please come over to the table." She said nonchalantly. Michael frowned, she didn't even apologize for keeping him waiting for so long, heck she didn't even act like she acknowledged his presence. "I've been waiting here for hours, what took you so long?" "Me? Of course I had bette
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Michael felt like his heart was being weighed down by a heavy anvil as he left the building of Robert and co. He knew his marriage was over but he still found it hard to believe. Just like that? Had she never even loved him once? And all of those words she said to him, did she mean any of it?He always loved his wife, whatever assistant she needed, he was willing to do it for. His wife, being the one that worked, Michael decided to be more helpful around the house. He'd make dinner before she got home from work and made sure she always had clean laundry.Never for once did he complain about living like that. In fact, he loved it! As long as his wife was by his side. He didn't even realize that someone had been calling out to him until the man tapped his shoulder. "Mr West!" The man exclaimed one last time. "Huh?" Michael woke up from his thoughts at the touch of the man. "Mr Brian, what are you doing here?" He asked when he finally acknowledged the man. Mr Thom Brian was the CEO o
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Silence and a smooth ride down the road was enough to clear Michael's head and put him to sleep. Plus, the tiredness from staying awake all night to tend to his wife's laundry and other chores. A sudden vibration in his pocket yanked him out of dreamland and he sourced it out. It had been his phone ringing. An empty look took over his face as he stared at the name on the screen. My forever half. He ought to change it or probably delete her number even. "Hello?" He spoke calmly into the phone. "I can't believe how low you would go just to get back at me." Clara said icily. "Why would you do that to me?" She questioned angrily. "I don't understand what you're talking about." She gritted her teeth as anger boiled her blood like a pot of soup on a hot stove, causing it to bubble. "Are you with Mr Brian right now?" She managed the words as calmly as she could which was far from calm."I am." Her scoff sounded in his ear. "You really let me down, for a man who talked on about how he
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Michael took a step forward towards Isabella's bed and placed a hand on her forehead. Then he lifted his hand and placed it on her throat. "Hmm, it's hard for you to breathe isn't it?" She nodded her head."Can you swallow for me?" He asked with an arched brow. She tried to swallow her own saliva but choked. Her eyes fell shut for a second as the pain stung her."Inflammatory." He muttered to himself with a concerned look in his eyes. He turned to look at her father who stood worriedly a few feet away from him. "Her throat has been inflamed so she has a severe sore throat. All these side effects are ones you must have noted yourself while you take the tea." His eyes trailed back to Isabella."Nonsense!" Mia barked. She shoved Michael with all her might, sending him stumbling backwards. "This man is a con! If she's sick because of the tea then why am I as healthy as I am when I drink it too , even in larger quantities than she does?!" She growled at him. "You have a stronger immune
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"And how long do you plan on staring instead of treating her?" Mia spat out arrogantly. She had noticed how Michael had been taking peaks at Isabella's naked body and if it weren't for the fact that she was willing to remain calm until her friend was healed, she would have poked his eyes right out of their sockets. Michael let out a soft laughter. "Ms. Donald is remarkably beautiful, I apologize for staring but there was no way one could hold himself from taking as much as a glance at a beautiful flower." His words caught her by surprise. Why would he apologize for what he did when most men would out rightly deny ever doing it in the first place. A strange man he was, or so she found him. Even though he had proved to be a better fighter then she, she would never still respect him or show any sign of remorse for giving him a nosebleed unless he was truly able to cure Isabella. "Do you think... Acupuncture can heal me?" Isabella asked him. "I know it can. I'll have to mix up a con
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A Lamborghini Urus drove to the front of the Donald's apartment as Michael left the front door. The car stopped in front of them and that was when he noticed that Mia had left them for a moment. She came out of the car and opened the door. Michael turned around to look at Isabella who was standing next to him. She too had come to a stop as her eyes met with the confused look on his face. Her lips curved into a gentle smile. "I would like to show my gratitude in full if you would allow me." "And what exactly do you have in mind?" Michael raised a curious brow. "Allow Mia to drop you at your home. Where do you stay?" Michael felt a little ashamed to admit it but he didn't have any home in the whole of Beaumont city. With his divorce from his wife, he had nowhere to return to at the end of the day. "I don't... I don't have a place." "Oh..." She muttered. She gave him a gentle smile. "So where were you going?" "I was going to find a hotel nearby to stay for a while." "Then you're
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A disgusted look played on Isabella's face as she heard the words from Steven's mouth. The way his eyes looked her up and down gave her an eerie feeling as he licked his lower lips.A smile curved on Steven's face as he looked down at her. Judging from the mini skirt and shirt she had on, the only job he found befitting to her was room attendant. He needed no one to tell him how difficult it must be to get a job at sky castle hotel so he figured she must have laid down her body to get the job.He took out his wallet and forced a few hundred dollars into her hands. "Your time's not now baby girl, just wait and let me finish up with that bloody bastard." Isabella frowned. What the hell did he take her for? She threw his money back at him as rage filled her up. "What exactly do you think you are doing? Mr West is a good friend of mine and I advise you to withdraw before I ask you to be thrown out." Her tone was as cold and deadly as sharp icicles. Michael was completely silent still
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The drive from Michael's penthouse apartment down to the villa where old grandpa Robert lived was a shorter distance than he had predicted it to be. Michael got down from the taxi and paid the driver with both cash and a kind smile. As he strode down to the entrance, he was surprised to see Clara's mother, Diana, pacing about at the entrance. Her eyes sparked as she saw him, and she hurried to him with her high heels, calling attention as she walked towards him. The knee-length black dress she had on moved upward, revealing her thighs as she walked. The look on her face wasn't that of someone who was pleased. Michael stood with a plain expression on his face. His clothes were as simple as they had always been; he tucked his hand into the pocket of his jacket and held his head high. "Listen to me," Diana started with a deadly scowl. "I don't know why my father wants to see you, but you better compose yourself in there. Don't go talking like a retarded fool about things you shouldn
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With grandpa resting in his bedroom, Diana, Michael, Clara and Steven sat in the living room, eating part of the food grandpa had made.‘I can’t believe you would start seeing another woman already, when the ink on our divorce paper has not dried up yet.’Michael munched on the food that he was eating. He didn’t say anything‘Didn’t you hear what she said? Can’t you answer her question?’‘I didn’t hear a question there.’ Michael said. ‘It was only an accusation.’‘Oh, mister smart ass. You are now playing the semantics game with us, aren’t you.’Michael felt a surge of anger rise to his throat. He felt like expressing himself in front of them but kept his cool. They were on the dining table, sitting a little far off from him.‘I am not playing any games with you. I am only stating the obvious.’ Then he turned to Clara. ‘I gave you my all. I only wanted you to be comfortable but you ended things with us abruptly. I begged but you wouldn’t listen to my pleas. So why are you vexed that S
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Clara anxiously looked at the door. she was supposed to have dinner with her mother and brother but none of them had come. The dinner was supposed to have stared one hour ago. Had something happened to her mother and brother? Have they been into an altercation with any police officer? Clara stood up from her chair and walked the full length of her long dining room, slapping her hands on each other as she went. She looked at the time once again and just then, she heard a commotion at the door. it was her mother.Her mother came in a rage. She was speaking angrily to someone on the phone. ‘Mom what is wrong?’ her mother settled her bag on the table in the sitting room and walked to the water dispensing unit to get a drink of water. ‘It is your brother. He will never stop going to that hotel. You remember that the last time, he had an altercation with one of the top executives after he made a pass at his girlfriend. Please speak to your brother.’ Diana said her anger raging over.‘Mom y
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