"And how long do you plan on staring instead of treating her?" Mia spat out arrogantly. 

She had noticed how Michael had been taking peaks at Isabella's naked body and if it weren't for the fact that she was willing to remain calm until her friend was healed, she would have poked his eyes right out of their sockets. 

Michael let out a soft laughter. "Ms. Donald is remarkably beautiful, I apologize for staring but there was no way one could hold himself from taking as much as a glance at a beautiful flower." 

His words caught her by surprise. Why would he apologize for what he did when most men would out rightly deny ever doing it in the first place. 

A strange man he was, or so she found him. Even though he had proved to be a better fighter then she, she would never still respect him or show any sign of remorse for giving him a nosebleed unless he was truly able to cure Isabella. 

"Do you think... Acupuncture can heal me?" Isabella asked him. 

"I know it can. I'll have to mix up a concoction to cleanse whatever bad energy will be left inside you after the acupuncture needles do their work though." Michael replied. 

He walked towards the bed where she laid and trailed his hands softly down her hand. He needed to find the perfect spot to place the needle to open up her insides and allow good energy flow in her once more. 

Picking up the first needle, his hand trailed across her shoulder, sending a sweet sensation through her body but she gasped as the needle suddenly pierced into her collar. 

Continuing down her body, he inserted another needle above her abdomen and she let out another gasp. 

Her hands grasped the sheet of the bed as she closed her eyes tightly to keep out the pain.

At a point in time, a thought came to his mind. With the three years of marriage to his ex wife, they never slept in the same bedroom, talk less of sharing an intimate moment together. 

Being a man in his prime, he couldn't help but to think shady thoughts with a naked woman lying in front of him. 

He allowed himself a moment of air as he inhaled to clear his head and the thoughts did disappear as he exhaled. 

He was able to focus on his work again. 

He didn't want to think of his wife at all now, looking back at the way she treated him, it would only bring back bad memories. 

Every single time the needle pierced into her skin, Isabella would let out a wince from the pain and sometimes bit down on her lips. 

But there was something else she noticed, as every needle was inserted into her skin, the pain would elude and become a feeling of simple pleasure after a moment or two. 

With about forty needles already inserted into her skin, she let out a soft groan as she realized he was still not done. 

"Are you okay, Isabella?" Mia asked. 

Worry flashed through her eyes as she stared down at Isabella's needled body on the bed. Her hands clenched into fists at her side as she gulped heavily. 

Isabella only responded with a nod of her head and a weak smile on her face. 

"When will you be done?" The words came out of Isabella's mouth with more ease now as she spoke. 

"Only two more to go." He responded without taking his eyes off of what he was doing. 

With the second to the last inserted below her abdomen, the last needed to be placed a little further down.  

Her eyes widened as she noticed his hands were trailing down to her sensitive part. "Uh excuse me? Where do you need to place the last needle?" Her cheeks were starting to flush red as she asked.

She already knew where, judging from his hand movements but still she felt the need to ask. 

Michael swallowed gently. Nothing about what he was about to do should phase him, he wouldn't even let it. It was only his job he was doing and nothing more. 

"A few inches down from your abdomen." He said in a firm tone. 

"How few?" 

He didn't say anything more. As his hand got to her crotch, her body shuddered from his touch and she didn't even realize when the needle went in as the only feeling she was getting at the moment was embarrassment. 

Even though she sternly convinced her father that he allowed her to be stripped for the treatment, she still felt a little shy. After all, he was still a man. 

But she told herself not to think much of it but now he had touched her sensitive part and her face was burning red. 

"That few." He responded after inserting the last needle. He let out a soft sigh as he straightened his back and stood upright. "That's the last of it. How are you feeling?" 

She raised her hand slowly and to her amusement, it didn't feel like a boulder was weighing her down. She let out a soft chuckle. "This is amazing! I feel amazing." 

"That's because you are." Michael said with a smile. 

"You are truly the best healer in the whole of Beaumont city, I have to give you that." 

"And you are the best at endurance, I have to give you that."

She let out another chuckle. Her cheeks flushed red. "Uh, not to be rude but, can you leave now?" 


There was no reason for him to be there again, she was still naked as well. "In a few minutes, you'll be all better. As carefully as you can, take out the needles and dress her up." He said to Mia who gave him a respectful bow. He turned around and left the room. 

As he climbed down the stairs, he met with Mr Donald who stared at him with optimism as he showered him with questions. 

"I promise you, she is already feeling better as we speak, allow me a moment to prepare the concoction." 

He excused himself and took to preparing the needed concoction. As he returned to the living room, he saw Isabella climbing down the stairs with the assistance of Mia and her father rushed to her with teary eyes. 

"Oh my daughter!" He exclaimed as he hugged her tightly. "How are you feeling?" 

"I'm fine dad, thanks to Mr West." Isabella smiled. 

"Mr West, you kept your word as it is a must I do mine as well. The herb is being shipped in and will arrive in three days. You can have as much as you must." Mr Donald said. 

Michael shot Mr Brian with a confused look. "Three days?" 

"The herb is not here but in his other garden out of the country. If he says three days then I can assure you you will get it by then." Mr Brian assured him.

Michael nodded his head. "Since he has vouched for you, I'll be taking my leave now." 

What a remarkable man he was, Isabella thought to herself. A powerful healer and a good fighter, surely she would be foolish to lose a man like him. "Wait, Mr West, allow me to see you off and thank you properly." She chased after him with Mia in tow. 

Mr Brian's lips curved into a grin. "So, my dear friend, what do you think of a man like Mr West?" 

"He is really as talented as you claimed!" Mr Donald remarked. 

"A rare gem he is and a great suitor he will be as well! Most women don't deserve him, but perhaps your daughter is off that list." 

Mr Donald gave Mr Brian a glance. "Are you perhaps suggesting that I have Isabella married to him?" 

"He is a good, fine man and he would definitely be the best choice for a wonderful daughter like yours." Mr Brian confidently praised. 

"I see. Ah yes! What are you doing in Beaumont city these days? I know you work abroad but you have been around lately and I also wonder where you came across a man like Mr West." Mr Donald questioned. 

Michael was a man with no connection or power and even with his healing skills, it would mean nothing to the Donald's. 

A strategic marriage ought to be set between two important families. 

Even Mr Brian didn't know why he routed for Michael so much. He let out a chuckle. "I'm afraid I have no answer to that. I must be on my way now but I would like you to give my words a thought." 

Mr Donald was left cogitating over Mr Brian's words as he immediately called in his secretary to do a background check on Michael.

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