The Grand Comeback Of Billionaire Heir

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The Grand Comeback Of Billionaire Heir

By: Carlota M Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 9 views: 58

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A tragic accident in front of the mansion three years ago caused Blake Reinhard to lose his memory. He needed to remember who he was and who his family was. After surviving the accident, Blake was given a new identity as Aaron by Mr. Goldmeyer, someone who saved him from the accident. Mr. Goldmeyer asks Aaron to marry his granddaughter, Marylin. However, the Goldmeyer family members do not like Aaron, who is now a commoner and has nothing, so he is treated like a servant in his in-laws' family. No one knows what happened to Aaron until one day, some people in luxury cars come to see him and claim him as the heir to a wealthy family and the head of an extraordinary organization. Then, someone from his past remembers him as Blake Reinhard. This triggers Aaron to want to know his true identity and restore his memory while avenging the actions of his family-in-law, who have always insulted and humiliated him.

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9 chapters
Chapter 0001
“What are you doing here? No one invited you to come to the party, you don’t belong here!” A woman stared with displeasure at a man who had just entered the living room of a luxurious villa filled with several people enjoying a festive meal. It was the birthday party of the patriarch of the wealthy Goldmeyer family, one of the most influential families in the city. The woman approached the man, who was now staring at her with furrowed brows.“I’m also part of this family.” The man, who was wearing a pale blue shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, made an excuse for coming to this party. He was the son-in-law of the Goldmeyer family. “Oh, come on, Aaron, realize you’re just a burden on this family. You’re a man who has nothing to be proud of, you don’t belong here!” The woman’s loud voice attracted the attention of several people who were originally enjoying the party atmosphere and dishes. Some people were whispering to each other. “Do you know who that man is? Is he a me
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Chapter 0002
Aaron stared intently at a burly man who had just exited one of the cars. The burly man’s dominant aura increased Aaron’s instinct to be more vigilant. The man approached him and surprised Aaron by kneeling in front of him when they were close enough. Aaron’s eyebrows furrowed as his gaze didn’t leave the burly man. “What’s going on? Who are you guys?” Aaron asked as he raised his gaze to stare at the cars parked before him and the man kneeling before him. “ Young Master, please, come back with us to group.” The burly man said something that only confused Aaron about the situation. “Are you kidding me? Listen, I don’t have time to deal with people who only think of others as toys.” Aaron said that in a repelling and cold tone. However, the burly man remained unmoved, not moving an inch from his spot. “I’m not joking, Young Master, you are the only person we expect to lead the group and all of us, you're the Heirs” The burly man spoke again, dismissing Aaron’s words without making
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Chapter 0003
The elegant old lady put down her empty wine glass, stood up from her seat, and looked at her butler with a severe and sharp gaze. “Bring back my grandson immediately at any cost. Prepare all the escorts you need to bring him back to this house.” The woman’s order went unchallenged; just before she left, a young woman approached her and handed her a cell phone because a business colleague had called to discuss business matters. “One more thing, bring back my grandson alive, not otherwise.” The older woman added the crucial details of her order to the butler, who obediently complied. For the woman, her grandson’s whereabouts, were successfully discovered at the moment, which was encouraging news. She wanted the effort in bringing her grandson back home to this house to go smoothly.The butler looked at his great mistress with a thoughtful gaze. He wanted to convey in detail the situation he had gotten about the true heir of this extraordinary family. Still, the lady had ordered to br
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Chapter 0004
Aaron waited as he sat on the sofa in Mr. Goldmeyer’s living room. After Marylin gave him the divorce papers last night, she went to her grandfather’s house and stayed there as she pleased. Aaron was used to living alone in his house without his wife. Their marriage being on the verge of separation made him unable to sleep well that night. The next morning, Aaron decided to go to Mr. Goldmeyer’s house and planned to complain to him. A maid in the luxurious house welcomed him and told him to come in and wait in the living room. In fact, when Aaron came to this house, he was greeted like a stranger. If it had been Mr. Goldmeyer who welcomed him, he would have been treated differently. Aaron looked down at the paper in his hand with the divorce papers; he hadn’t put his signature on it before Mr. Goldmeyer himself wanted him to divorce Marylin. His heart was troubled, but he tried to remain calm about the situation. “Did you come here to hand in your divorce papers?” Larissa came over
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Chapter 0005
“What’s all the commotion about?” Mr Langdon was puzzled by the situation of the two people who looked unhappy with Aaron’s presence. “Oh, Mr. Langdon, it’s good to see you arrived here so quickly. This man doesn’t deserve to be in this place, even if he came because of someone else’s order he will definitely cheat that person after taking the money.” Deborah said her accusations and insults towards Aaron. Deborah- Marylin’s sister, always treated people she considered inferior to her lowly. Still, she was very good at being nice to people with higher status than her. “Mr. Blake is a VIP guest of this place and I am not happy with your treatment and what you said about Mr. Blake just now.” Mr. Langdon stared at Deborah with a sharp gaze, and his words made Deborah startle and swallow dryly. Mr. Langdon was the one who knew this place best, and Deborah felt that she had insulted him. On the other hand, Deborah didn’t believe what Mr. Langdon was saying. She knew who Aaron was, her s
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Chapter 0006
Aaron went outside without finishing his work in the backyard to relieve his anger. The humiliation he had received from his in-laws had made him the most despicable and lowly man on earth. His pride had been trampled on like a doormat, and he vowed to get even with them one day. Aaron walked away from the Goldmeyer family home and stopped 500 meters from the mansion. Under a tree on the sidewalk by the roadside, he sat down, took out a cigarette and a lighter from his pants pocket, and lit the cigarette. Aaron took a deep drag on the cigarette and exhaled the smoke into the air as he let out the anger he had been holding back. He looked around with his mind full; luckily, it was quiet, so he felt calmer to calm himself down. After almost finishing a cigarette, Aaron left to go home. He felt tired and angry if he returned to his in-laws’ house. Aaron was surprised by the luxury car waiting in front of his house. Someone wearing a black suit got out of the vehicle as he approached.
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Chapter 0007
His memories of his natural life were regained, and he realized that he had been the missing family member after the accident. He is the heir to a multi-billion dollar family – the Reinhard family, whose influence spanned the entire country. Blake was still where he was sitting at the moment, replaying all of his newly acquired lost memories. The accident in front of the mansion bothered him the most. "Mr. Blake, are you alright?” Doctor Richard asked again when he saw that Blake was silent and his gaze was glued to the ceiling of his room. “Yes, I’m fine. Thank you for helping me regain my lost memories.” Blake said that without turning to Doctor Richard. The doctor smiled, and Blake took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He also tried to calm his mind, which had been shocked by the impact of his memories of the accident, which came like a wave. After calming down, Blake opened his eyes, slowly moved from his current position, and sat with both feet on the side of the lounge chai
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Chapter 0008
Blake just stared at Calista, as cold as arctic ice. He intended to say something, but Walter came and distracted them from the man's presence. "Sir, the meeting is about to start." Walter stared at Blake unblinkingly and waited for the man's reaction. He occasionally glanced at Calista. The woman frowned, looked at Blake and Walter in turn, and then snorted. "You have a meeting here? Or did you follow your employer here for the meeting? Huh, I believe that you must have done that." Calista folded her arms in front of her chest and mocked Blake with her expression. "Sir," Walter called out, which made Blake walk away, but Calista took offence and stopped Blake by blocking the man's steps. "You really are a disrespectful man. Don't you realize who you're talking to right now? I'm a member of the Goldmeyer family and you shouldn't try to be annoying to me. Show me some respect like you should to our family." Calista's face was haughty with her piercing gaze and boastful gestures. B
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Chapter 0009
Blake had just come out of his room and closed the door when the butler met him. The man saluted by bowing his head before Blake, saying, “Madam is waiting for you to have breakfast with her at the golf course.” Blake looked fresh and striking with his casual appearance. His aura of a dominant, calm, and wealthy adult man began to shine through as he realized that his real life was not a man to be humiliated. The man rushed to meet his grandmother at the golf course. Blake saw the older woman ready to hit the golf ball with her club. Blake sat in one of the empty chairs in front of the round table that served breakfast. A female server poured orange juice into Blake’s glass, and he drank it and turned his attention to his grandmother, who was hitting the golf ball hard and well enough that it soared high and far. “Oh, no, that was close.” Madam Elena complained and was a little disappointed with her shot. She turned to Blake. “Do you want to try it, Son? Come on, you used to be a
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