Chapter 0002

Aaron stared intently at a burly man who had just exited one of the cars. The burly man’s dominant aura increased Aaron’s instinct to be more vigilant. The man approached him and surprised Aaron by kneeling in front of him when they were close enough.

Aaron’s eyebrows furrowed as his gaze didn’t leave the burly man.

“What’s going on? Who are you guys?” Aaron asked as he raised his gaze to stare at the cars parked before him and the man kneeling before him.

“ Young Master, please, come back with us to group.” The burly man said something that only confused Aaron about the situation.

“Are you kidding me? Listen, I don’t have time to deal with people who only think of others as toys.” Aaron said that in a repelling and cold tone. However, the burly man remained unmoved, not moving an inch from his spot.

“I’m not joking, Young Master, you are the only person we expect to lead the group and all of us, you're the Heirs” The burly man spoke again, dismissing Aaron’s words without making eye contact.

Then, several other people got out of the car, knelt with the burly man, and asked him to return to the organization. Aaron was again surprised by the attitude of these strange people whose identities he did not know.

“Young Master, we beg you to return to lead us and the group.” The burly man’s sentence was repeated several times by others, so it sounded like a request from a subordinate to his mighty master.

Aaron began to resent these people who suddenly came and wasted his time with the nonsense that he didn’t know about, their organizations, and their expectations of him. He also thought this man was the wrong person.

Aaron signaled with hand gestures for the people to stop asking him for things he didn’t know the purpose of, and the people complied. He was even momentarily amazed that he could control the people so quickly.

“You must be the wrong person. Get out of here. I have to go to work. You’re just wasting my time.” Aaron was about to leave, but someone else exited another car.

“Wait, you have to listen to the explanation first.” The middle-aged man who had just exited the car distracted Aaron to leave immediately. Aaron also waited for the man to approach him while observing the man. The middle-aged man was the leader of this group of people.

“What explanation should I listen to? I don’t even know who you guys are. Don’t bullshit me.” Aaron let out the annoyance beginning to rise at having to put up with these strange people.

“You should go back into the group and reclaim your position. We’ve all been waiting for that to happen as you hear, you're the Heirs.” The middle-aged man looked at Aaron with a severe face. Hearing that sentence again, Aaron chuckled.

“What exactly do you mean, guys? I don’t even know what group you guys are referring to? I’ve never been involved in any group, and The Heirs?!” Aaron chuckled and scoffed at the nonsense that these people had been throwing around.

“Listen, I don’t care what you want from me. I’m sure you’re going to the wrong people. I’m a nobody, okay?! I’ve had enough of you all playing games with me. I’ll leave now and please, get out of here before my mother-in-law kicks you out.” After saying that, Aaron moved away from the strange people.

“Group? Young Master? The Heirs? What kind of nonsense are they saying? Huh, I even dream of having a steady job but it’s so hard.” Aaron rambled to the nearest bus stop. He was also sure these people had come to the wrong person.

Nobody like him was the master of those classy and powerful-looking people. They even said he wanted to lead an organization. Aaron leaned against a traffic sign post with a picture of a bus near the bus stop. He exhaled loudly.

Meanwhile, the middle-aged man who led the horde of organizational people to pick up someone declared missing and wanted for three years also stared at Aaron’s departure with various questions.

“What happened to younh master? Shouldn’t he know all of us?” The burly man, who had now risen from kneeling, looked at the middle-aged man with a questioning gaze.

“Perhaps something has happened to young master. We should go home and report the incident to the great mistress.” The middle-aged man shifted his gaze towards Aaron’s house, which looked deserted and straightforward.

The man felt that he could never be wrong in judging someone. That one was his master, who had been missing for three years. However, seeing Aaron’s attitude of not recognizing him and the others, the middle-aged man suspected something had happened during these three years.

“What might have happened to young master?” The burly man turned the middle-aged man from staring at Aaron’s house to himself.

“I don’t know either. We’d better find out about it and report this immediately.” The middle-aged man replied, thinking of various assumptions about what had happened to Aaron over the past three years.

As they left, Larissa could see the luxury cars in front of her son-in-law’s house. She frowned as the cars stopped and left.

“Who are they? Is that loser guy dealing with loan sharks?” Larissa’s assumptions about Aaron couldn’t be far from negative. She believed Aaron might be involved in something troublesome and bring trouble to her family.

Not getting a convincing answer to her assumption, Larissa returned inside the house and intended to return to the party at the villa. She felt it was a waste of time to have come to see her useless son-in-law.

To this day, Larissa never knew why her daughter’s grandfather had married Marylin to a man who wasn’t compatible with their family. It was beyond her and the rest of the family’s expectations.

“Where have you been? Why don’t I see your son-in-law here?” Mr. Goldmeyer gave Larissa a questioning look as he cast his gaze around for the person he was questioning.

“I just came home to see Aaron and tell him about your birthday party, but he chose to go on a second job instead.” Larissa had done this many times before, lying to make Aaron look bad in the eyes of the man who had chosen Aaron as his son-in-law.

Mr. Goldmeyer exhaled and just nodded, his expression not caring. He didn’t even mind it.

“Aaron is a responsible man, enjoy the party, you don’t need to be angry with your son-in-law who can’t come here.” Mr. Goldmeyer left to greet an old friend who had just arrived.

Larissa rolled her eyes in annoyance; her attempts to make Aaron look bad in Mr. Goldmeyer’s eyes always failed.

“What did Aaron do that he could gain the sympathy of the head of this family so much?!” Larissa thought, and she looked at Mr. Goldmeyer with great curiosity. However, he did not have any answer to her question.


An old but well-groomed woman enjoyed a glass of wine in a luxurious mansion. The woman swirled the wine in her glass slowly as she gazed out the window at the golf course.

A bearded man, the butler of this lady’s luxurious residence, had just entered the room where the old lady always relaxed.

“I have some important news for you, Madam.” The butler bowed his head as a sign of respect to the old lady and stood not far from his employer’s chair.

“Important news?” The older woman needed to be more interested. Her gaze did not move from the golf course.

“That’s right, ma’am, about your grandson.” The butler looked at the older woman, hoping she would be interested in what he had to say.

Finally, The older woman turned to the man, who was waiting for her response.

“What’s the news?” The woman stared with an impatient glare. Although she was no longer young, the older woman’s authority still shone through. She is a powerful woman in the business world and is one of the major conglomerates that owns a business empire with assets worth trillions of dollars.

“We managed to find your grandson,” the butler said straightforwardly. The old lady looked surprised and placed her wine glass beside the small table.

“Really? Then, where is he? Why didn’t you bring him here?” The older woman looked at her butler with great enthusiasm. Her tone of voice when asking was impatient.

“We can’t bring him here yet, ma’am. It seems the young master is in serious trouble and needs help.” The butler’s information, this time, only slightly diminished the old lady’s enthusiasm.

The old lady clucked and returned to her original sitting position. She picked up her wine glass and took a sip. The news made her happy, but hearing that her grandson was in trouble worried her.

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