The Grand Comeback Of Billionaire Heir
The Grand Comeback Of Billionaire Heir
Author: Carlota M
Chapter 0001

“What are you doing here? No one invited you to come to the party, you don’t belong here!” A woman stared with displeasure at a man who had just entered the living room of a luxurious villa filled with several people enjoying a festive meal.

It was the birthday party of the patriarch of the wealthy Goldmeyer family, one of the most influential families in the city. The woman approached the man, who was now staring at her with furrowed brows.

“I’m also part of this family.” The man, who was wearing a pale blue shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, made an excuse for coming to this party. He was the son-in-law of the Goldmeyer family.

“Oh, come on, Aaron, realize you’re just a burden on this family. You’re a man who has nothing to be proud of, you don’t belong here!” The woman’s loud voice attracted the attention of several people who were originally enjoying the party atmosphere and dishes. Some people were whispering to each other.

“Do you know who that man is? Is he a member of the Goldmeyer family?” One of the party guests asked the woman beside her.

“I think that man is also part of this family, I’ve heard that the family’s only granddaughter is married to a man of obscure origins. Maybe that man is the one.” The woman answered her friend’s question with an assumption. News of the marriage of the Goldmeyer family’s only granddaughter had reached some people’s ears. Still, the family managed to suppress the news.

Most Goldmeyer family members finally accepted Aaron’s marriage to Marylin, the wealthy family’s only granddaughter, because Mr. Goldmeyer himself asked Aaron to marry his granddaughter.

A man who was one of the grandchildren of the Goldmeyer family approached the woman who was about to turn mid-century.

“What is it, auntie? Why are you angry on such a happy day?” The man was the angry woman’s nephew, Derek, and the woman was Larissa, Goldmeyer’s daughter-in-law.

“Derek, get this pathetic man out of here. He’s just disturbing the scenery and atmosphere of this party.” Larissa looked at Aaron, her son-in-law, with obvious dislike. To Larissa, Aaron was a useless man and a burden on her family.

“Come on, Auntie, Aaron has worked hard to come here, he could do a lot of work here, serving us all for example. Or he could clean all the dirty glasses and plates in the kitchen. How, Aaron sounds good, doesn’t he?” Derek looked at Aaron with a contemptuous smile, but Aaron just showed his flat face and cold stare.

“Did you think you’d get something if you came here? Everyone knows you’re just a burden. You’ll never get anything from the Goldmeyer family, not even recognition. Know your place!” Larissa stared intently at Aaron. The woman looked like she was going to tear her son-in-law apart right now.

At the moment, Aaron could only remain silent and endure all the insults. He could not even say anything as the insults and curses hurt his heart and pride. In the midst of people and family, he received insults from his in-laws. However, Aaron chose not to retaliate and endure all the insults despite the slightest intention to retaliate against his mother-in-law’s cruel mouth.

“Go home, a loser guy like you doesn’t deserve to be in the middle of this family, even if you try you’re still a pathetic Aaron.” Derek gave Aaron’s shoulder a small push until the man backed away slightly.

Aaron had no reason to stay at the party. He left without looking back. When Aaron was behind the fence of this luxury villa, Aaron exhaled loudly. He looked down and tried to neutralize the sick feeling in his heart that made him uncomfortable.

Everything was clear now: He would not get anything from his wife’s family, only insults and humiliation. Aaron hurried back to his home. He didn’t even see his wife at the party. Upon arriving home, Aaron sat for a moment on his living room sofa. He rubbed his face roughly and reflected for a moment on what he had just experienced.

“It was a mistake coming to that party,” Aaron said to himself, more of a reminder. He adjusted his hair and then went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water, but he found the sink filled with dirty glasses and plates. Aaron put his drinking glass on the dining table, took the apron hanging near the refrigerator, and put it on.

His mother-in-law came in when Aaron finished washing all the dishes.

“I want you to divorce Marylin soon.” Larissa stood beside the dining table, staring at Aaron with mounting anger.

“No, I have no reason to divorce Marylin.” Aaron took off the apron he was wearing and dried his hands with a clean handkerchief he took from one of the kitchen cabinets. Without looking at Larissa, Aaron said it coldly.

“Huh, you still want to act like a great guy? You should know your place. Divorce Marylin, or I’ll make it happen as soon as possible.” Aaron responded to Larissa’s threat with the calmest gesture possible.

“Give me a reason why I should divorce your daughter.” Aaron didn’t want to give up so easily, even though the insults he had heard many times had made him almost immune to all the condescending treatment of his in-laws. However, he still didn’t want to give up.

“You can’t make my daughter happy. You are not equal to her in any way, not even your pride can match the status of this family.” Larissa never hesitated and never tired of removing her son-in-law from her family.

“That’s no excuse.” Aaron put the cloth he was using to dry his hands on the counter in the kitchen.

“How much longer are you going to make my daughter suffer through this kind of married life? All the family members make fun of her because her husband has nothing to brag about in front of his family.” Larissa forced her arguments, many of which sounded boring to Aaron. He regretted accepting the patriarch’s request to marry Marylin, the family’s only granddaughter.

Aaron had no idea what the patriarch’s reasons were for asking him to marry his only granddaughter, whom all his family members would oppose. Aaron was just an ordinary man who didn’t have the wealth of the Goldmeyer family. He also thought that the patriarch was sincere about his personality.

“So, it’s all about fame and money?” Aaron looked at Larissa sharply, his tone ice-cold. He married Marylin not because of the family name, but now, when his in-laws wanted him to divorce for material reasons, Aaron felt like a blunt object had hit him in his heart.

“Are you this naive? You’re a fool for being so naive. Fame and money are what raised the Goldmeyer family. And you brazenly walked into this family with none of that. Divorce Marylin soon, the whole family is waiting for that to happen, especially me.” Larissa tapped the dining table once hard as she stood up from her seat. Anger like it would make her body explode.

“If you want me to divorce Marylin, please get Mr. Goldmeyer’s approval first, since he asked me to marry Marylin.” Aaron showed his indifference and left Larissa after saying that in a cold tone, who was staring at him. Aaron prepared to leave for his part-time job

Although his work would not impact the judgment of his wife’s family, he did it because of his pride as a married man. He never begged anyone.

Aaron left the house carrying his backpack on one shoulder. Just as he turned around after closing his fence, a group of cars suddenly came and parked around him. Aaron furrowed his eyebrows for a moment and looked at the vehicles with a cold, wary gaze. Aaron flinched and just waited for what would happen next.

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