Chapter 0004

Aaron waited as he sat on the sofa in Mr. Goldmeyer’s living room. After Marylin gave him the divorce papers last night, she went to her grandfather’s house and stayed there as she pleased. Aaron was used to living alone in his house without his wife. Their marriage being on the verge of separation made him unable to sleep well that night.

The next morning, Aaron decided to go to Mr. Goldmeyer’s house and planned to complain to him. A maid in the luxurious house welcomed him and told him to come in and wait in the living room. In fact, when Aaron came to this house, he was greeted like a stranger. If it had been Mr. Goldmeyer who welcomed him, he would have been treated differently.

Aaron looked down at the paper in his hand with the divorce papers; he hadn’t put his signature on it before Mr. Goldmeyer himself wanted him to divorce Marylin. His heart was troubled, but he tried to remain calm about the situation.

“Did you come here to hand in your divorce papers?” Larissa came over with an enthusiastic tone of voice as she asked. She stood across from Aaron and looked at her son-in-law with a waiting gaze. She then sat on one of the sofas opposite Aaron.

Without saying anything, Aaron placed the divorce papers wrapped in a transparent plastic folder on the table.

“I will sign it in front of Mr. Goldmeyer.” Aaron looked at Larissa seriously without blinking. Larissa’s reaction was immediate scorn mixed with annoyance.

“I knew you’d do this. The owner of this house is away at a business meeting, it’s useless for you to wait for him since he’s out of town.” Larissa crossed her thighs and gave Aaron a disgusted look.

“Just sign the divorce papers, then we can be free to live our own lives. You can live a life of poverty and Marylin can remarry a man worthy of her.” Larissa’s words were like a blunt object that hit Aaron hard in the chest, but he tried to take the hurtful words in stride.

“I married Marylin on Mr. Goldmeyer’s terms, and if I have to divorce her, it will also be on Mr. Goldmeyer’s terms.” Aaron tried to defend his wishes. Larissa clucked and began to get annoyed with her son-in-law’s stubbornness, which had often given her a hard time.

“Do you think you’re so valuable that the owner of this house will keep you? Don’t even dream of that, you don’t even contribute anything to this family other than being a disgrace and a burden.” The cold intonation of Larissa’s voice pierced Aaron like a shard of ice through his skin.

Aaron stared at the divorce papers unblinkingly for a moment, then stood up from his seat.

“I will not sign the divorce papers until Mr. Goldmeyer himself wants me to. Maybe right now I can’t repay all of your insults and degrading treatment of me, but I will promise you one thing: All of that treatment will never be forgotten for a second, and I will make you all pay for that humiliation.” Aaron said with a cold and sharp gaze toward Larissa. For a moment, the woman was affected by Aaron’s threat.

For the first time, Larissa was daunted by her son-in-law’s demeanor. Even after Aaron was completely out of sight, Larissa stayed where she was, with her body tense. So taken was she with Aaron’s threat just now she was surprised when Marylin called out to her and snapped Larissa out of the fear and tension she was feeling.


To forget and subdue the anger that consumed him at the moment, Aaron left for work earlier than usual and worked earlier than his schedule. He needed a distraction to calm himself down. Luckily, being busy at the bar allowed him to subdue his anger.

However, when Steven arrived, Aaron felt restless again. He felt guilty for not being able to help Steven with his current predicament.

“Sorry for not being able to help you, Steven. I’ve tried, but the situation is difficult for me, too.” Aaron apologized to Steven, who was sitting on the bench and looking haggard.

“Thanks for trying to help me, man. I appreciate it.” Steven seemed to be trying to accept the bad news. Although he honestly hoped that Aaron could help him, he also didn’t want to force anything on the man. They had similar lives, both working hard to live.

“Aaron, deliver the drinks to one of the customers’ table.” The voice of their boss was heard as the man stood in the doorway of the bar’s employee locker room. Aaron and Steven left the locker room and went back to work.

When Aaron was delivering drinks to one of the customers’ tables, the man who was also sitting at the table began to provoke Aaron with mocking statements.

“Are you that guy? The one who dared to kick Eric Fillmore out of this place?! I thought you were special but you’re just a slumlord!” The man managed to stop Aaron’s steps, who had already moved two steps away from the man’s table.

Then, one of the three people sitting at the table spilled his drink on purpose on the floor.

“Oh, shit! The drink spilled, hey slumlord, clean up this area. I hate it when my shoes get wet.” David Hugo gave Aaron an order with his face showing a cheeky smile. Aaron exhaled loudly and then went to get a floor scrubber and a bucket filled with a little water. He returned to the table of the man who was the second-generation young master of a wealthy family — Hugo Family. Aaron began to clean up the spilled drinks on the floor.

After he finished his work, just as Aaron was about to leave, one of them returned to acting by deliberately spilling more drinks on the floor. As a result, Aaron returned to cleaning the place. Without Aaron realizing it, Drake Hugo—David Cousin’s told someone else to deliberately kick the bucket of water that Aaron brought to wash his mop so that more water splashed on the floor. The young masters laughed at the difficulty Aaron faced, and his work increased.

Aaron endured all the humiliation with a heavy heart. However, he couldn’t do anything about it because it would jeopardize his position as a part-time employee at this place. At the same time, Aaron needed money to support himself. Since his marriage to Marylin, she never asked for anything from him because she knew he couldn’t fulfill her stylish and luxurious needs.

The sound of laughter from the young masters echoed amidst the bustling atmosphere in the bar, where other activities were also taking place. However, some of the people in the bar’s attention was distracted by the young masters, who were enjoying their ignorant treatment of Aaron.

The Hugo family young masters were satisfied with their treatment of Aaron like their personal servants. Although anger wanted to explode inside him, Aaron held it in until the hell-like treatment ended.

His boss actually knows, but the man who owned the bar deliberately made Aaron serve the young masters as punishment for his treatment of Eric Fillmore the other day. Instead of firing Aaron, the bar owner chose to teach Aaron a lesson by humiliating him in front of the people and the wealthy young masters.

As Aaron was changing his clothes at the locker house, his boss came in and told him to do something.

“I need you to go to a bank and do some financial transactions for me.” The man, who looked like a typical nightspot boss, waited behind Aaron’s open locker door. After finishing wearing a t-shirt that was quite oversized for his size, Aaron closed the locker door, and his gaze immediately fell on a gold-colored classical-style lock that was quite large compared to a typical lock.

“Why me?” Aaron questioned an order that was actually less relevant to his work. His boss, who was smoking, exhaled the smoke upwards by blowing quite loudly.

“The others are busy, only you are free. Here’s my ID card, I’ll call one of the bank’s staff to inform them of your arrival under my orders.” His boss handed him a business card of the same color as the key he handed over a few seconds ago. The man walked away after the item he handed over was in Aaron’s hands.


After a few minutes of traveling to the bank Aaron was going to, the man finally arrived at the place that made him cringe in front of the steps. He knew this place, one of the banks that handled many customers from among the wealthy people with billions and even trillions of dollars in assets. Aaron exhaled loudly and thought for a moment about his shrinking confidence.

“I should have just refused the boss’s wish to have me come here,” Aaron muttered, but he was already here and had accepted the assignment. He tried to remain calm and climbed the stairs one by one to the main door of this magnificent building.

However, when he arrived at the main door and was about to step inside, a security guard prevented Aaron from doing so.

“What did you come here for? It is not the place to beg.” The security guard looked at Aaron appraisingly from toe to head with a condescending gaze. Aaron frowned, and for a moment, he examined his appearance, but he didn’t feel so bad that he should be said to be a beggar.

“I came here at the behest of my boss at work. That man told me to make a transaction for him.” Aaron said his purpose, but the security looked incredulous and doubted him.

“Really? Do you know what kind of people come to this place? You see for yourself, do any of those people look like you? I know how much the clothes you’re wearing cost and it makes me suspicious of you.” The security guard’s condescending statement made Aaron once again hold back his anger. He didn’t know why today his insult seemed to stick to him like a curse.

“Don’t trust someone’s appearance too much, they could all be frauds hiding behind expensive clothes.” Aaron couldn’t resist replying to the insulting security. However, Aaron actually got a slap from him.

“You should be ashamed of yourself. Without knowing anything, you judge someone.” The security looked furious, but Aaron just kept quiet. People started to notice the two because of the commotion they had caused.

Aaron thought that after entering this building, he would have no other difficulties, but he was wrong. Instead, he was again confronted by Eric’s gang, who also happened to be in the bank.

“Wow, look who came, our trash guy from the bar. Since you’re already here I want you to do a deal for me too.” One of them also wanted to take advantage of Aaron’s existence.

“You mind your own business, I don’t take orders from anyone other than the boss of the bar owner I work for. You’re just going to waste my time anyway.” Aaron said that with a cold tone and a serious-looking face.

Instead of leaving, Eric’s friend took offence and slapped Aaron for daring to reject him.

“That’s payback for you having dared me and Eric.” The man, angry and distasteful, looked at Aaron after slapping him. The commotion distracted people for a moment and even attracted the attention of the bank manager. When the bank manager saw Aaron’s figure, he was surprised and immediately ran to the man who was struggling with the treatment of the people around him.

“Young master, Blake! Can I help you take care of something? It’s been a long time since you visited this place.” The manager’s words made everyone around Aaron frown in surprise, including Aaron himself, who was now confused by his current situation.

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