Chapter 0005

“What’s all the commotion about?” Mr Langdon was puzzled by the situation of the two people who looked unhappy with Aaron’s presence.

“Oh, Mr. Langdon, it’s good to see you arrived here so quickly. This man doesn’t deserve to be in this place, even if he came because of someone else’s order he will definitely cheat that person after taking the money.” Deborah said her accusations and insults towards Aaron. Deborah- Marylin’s sister, always treated people she considered inferior to her lowly. Still, she was very good at being nice to people with higher status than her.

“Mr. Blake is a VIP guest of this place and I am not happy with your treatment and what you said about Mr. Blake just now.” Mr. Langdon stared at Deborah with a sharp gaze, and his words made Deborah startle and swallow dryly. Mr. Langdon was the one who knew this place best, and Deborah felt that she had insulted him.

On the other hand, Deborah didn’t believe what Mr. Langdon was saying. She knew who Aaron was, her sister’s poor loser husband.

“Mr. Langdon, you may have misjudged this person, I would be happy to have the security guards remove this man from here.” Deborah thought Mr. Langdon had misjudged someone, and she intended to ease Mr. Langdon’s work to get Aaron out of this place. At the same time, she seemed concerned about this place’s safety.

“No, Miss Deborah, don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do. I know Mr. Blake very well, but people like you who like to curry favor and insult people by their appearance alone should be removed from this place.” Mr. Langdon’s words made Deborah feel like the man slapped her hard.

The man called security to remove Deborah.

“Shall I repeat the rules of this place again? I have the right to decide who I can evict from this place. Since you have insulted the VIP guests of this place, you should get out of here.” Mr. Langdon’s order made Deborah swallow dryly in surprise, panic, and nervousness.

The security guard arrived, and Mr. Langdon immediately told him to get Deborah out of there. At first, the security guard was confused because his superior was friendly toward Aaron.

“Sir, shouldn’t this place be wary of people who look like this man?” The security guard tried to change Mr. Langdon’s attitude towards Aaron, but it only made Mr. Langdon more furious.

“I run this place and I know best. Just carry out my orders and get that woman out of here that way I won’t change my decision to fire you from here.” The security guard looked down in shame after hearing Mr. Langdon’s anger; he immediately pulled Deborah out of the place.

Thomas Holt, who was now trembling, could not utter a single word of condescension towards Aaron. He looked down as Mr. Langdon walked past him, with Aaron following him.

“Please forgive this rude treatment, Mr. Blake. We’d better go to my office to talk better about what you came here for.” Mr. Langdon led Aaron to join him. Still with confusion overcoming him, Aaron followed the wishes of the man about to enter middle age.

They arrived in a chic and cosy room. Mr Langdon invited Aaron to sit on the sofa opposite him.

“It’s been a long time since you came here, Mr. Blake. Is everything alright? How much do you need from us this time?” Mr. Langdon’s question confused Aaron even more, so he couldn’t resist asking.

“First, I’m not Mr. Blake; my name is Aaron. And secondly, I’m here at the behest of my boss at work. You must have thought I was someone else,” Aaron clarified himself. However, Mr. Langdon was surprised and half-disbelieved Aaron’s clarification.

“Do you still remember the incident in front of the Mansion a few years ago? Everyone who knows and tells me it was a tragic incident for you.” Mr Langdon brought up the incident again, which left Aaron confused. He didn’t understand where they were going with this.

“Mansion? I don’t have a car, even if it’s old. What are you trying to tell me?” Aaron wondered because he didn’t know the topic of conversation he was discussing with the most critical person in this place. He still couldn’t even believe that this man knew him.

“It seems that the accident that time made you lose your memory, sir.” Mr. Langdon’s conclusion took Aaron by surprise. He stared at the man with wide eyes in disbelief.

“That’s right, sir. Your current identity is not your true identity. Before the accident took your memory, your name was Blake Reinhard. Your family is one of our number one priority customers.” Now, that shocking fact left Aaron with nothing but shock.

Mr. Langdon looked at Aaron with concern as he exhaled loudly. All this time, he had also been wondering where the heir to the Reinhard family had gone after the tragic accident. Everyone thought that the young master Reinhard had died.

“I may have confused you, sir, but believe me, you need to get back to remembering your true identity immediately. I know it’s not easy for you.” Mr. Langdon sympathized with Aaron, who still looked shocked by what he had just said.

Aaron also considered proving Mr Langdon’s words that he had lost his memory and would discover his identity.

After finishing his business at the fancy bank, Aaron thanked and said goodbye to Mr. Langdon.

“Good luck, Mr. Blake, I look forward to hearing from you.” Mr. Langdon bowed respectfully after saying his farewells. Aaron found it strange that Mr. Langdon respected him so much that he was curious about his true identity.


After working a full day, Aaron’s mind still struggled with Mr. Langdon’s information about him: his lost memories and his unknown identity. Aaron sat on the edge of the bed in his room and began to think of ways to find out who he was.

“I’ll find out, but no one should know this, including the Goldmeyer family,” Aaron muttered, then rubbed his face roughly and adjusted his hair. He then lay down and stared at the ceiling of his room. He remembered not a single piece of his memory—only the day he woke up the first time. At that time, he was confused by his situation in the hospital.

“If recovering my memories can make me come back and avenge all the insults my family-in-law did to me, I will do whatever it takes to find out everything,” Aaron vowed to begin his quest to discover everything related to his true identity.


Aaron went to Mr. Goldmeyer’s house to see Marylin after he got home from working the hours at the bar. However, when he arrives, Larissa tells him to do something before allowing Aaron to see Marylin.

Reluctantly, Aaron did the work that was supposed to be a servant’s job in this house: cleaning the backyard. He had been treated like this many times. He was part of this family but was treated like a servant.

As Aaron was cleaning the yard, which was filled with dry leaves due to the fall season, he saw an unpleasant sight in the pool area close to the current location. Marylin, who was only wearing a bikini and in a soaking wet state, was in Eric’s arms. The two of them looked so intimate that the next second, they were kissing, which managed to make Aaron’s blood boil in his veins.

Aaron hurriedly approached Marylin and Eric and separated the two by roughly pulling his wife. Both of them were surprised by Aaron’s arrival.

“What the-“

“Don’t say a word.” Aaron cut Marylin off with a cold and sharp gaze. Eric, who saw Aaron’s anger, smiled scornfully.

“What are you angry for? Shouldn’t you and Marylin be divorced? So, now Marylin is free to choose any man she wants.” Eric stared at Aaron without fear.

Marylin jerked her wrist, which Aaron held at the moment, and moved to Eric’s side. She looked at Aaron with a contemptuous look and a smirk.

“This is all your fault, if you had signed the divorce papers you wouldn’t have to see this. But, if you continue to want to stick with this stupid marriage, you will get nothing but humiliation and abandonment from me.” Marylin brought her body closer to Eric, and they embraced each other intimately.

Aaron could only remain silent, sharply gazing at Marylin and Eric, who insulted him deeply, especially Marylin. He didn’t expect her to hate their marriage and him so much.

“Will you never regret this attitude of yours, Marylin?” Aaron asked, trying to gauge if she knew anything about him. Marylin snorted and thought Aaron’s question sounded ridiculous.

“What I regret is that I didn’t dare to defy my grandfather to refuse to marry you. You just made me into a miserable woman who has a useless husband and is not worthy of me.” Marylin’s words were like a dagger stabbing Aaron in the heart. Aaron even found it hard to breathe for a few seconds due to the pain of Marylin’s words to him.

“Sign the divorce papers, and we can live freely according to our own wishes. You don’t have to wait for my grandfather to ask his permission. I’ve already carried out his wishes by marrying you; now let me carry out my decision to end this marriage.” After saying that, Marylin moved from Eric’s side to put on the bathrobe lying on the lounge chair. After that, Marylin and Eric left Aaron stunned while clenching his hands at his sides.

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